Author Archives: fsk

Global Family

A film by Andreas Köhler and Melanie Andernach, Starts June, 30th at the fsk.

Yasmin has lived an almost nor­mal life as a German ever sin­ce she was three years old. The fami­ly fled from Somalia during the civil war and now lives scat­te­red around the glo­be. When Yasmin’s grand­mo­ther no lon­ger wants to stay in her Ethiopian exi­le, a trans­na­tio­nal fami­ly dra­ma evol­ves, cir­cling around the essen­ti­al ques­ti­on: Where is Granny to live? And sud­den­ly, the fami­ly con­fronts their own aspi­ra­ti­ons: Have they actual­ly arri­ved whe­re they want to be? GLOBAL FAMILY is a twistful docu­men­ta­ry about a trans­na­tio­nal fami­ly dra­ma, in which four gene­ra­ti­ons of a refu­gee fami­ly each pur­sue their own dreams of fami­ly, home, and future.

Deutschland 2018,  91 Min., Dt., Som., Ital. mit dt. UT 
Regie: Andreas Köhler, Melanie Andernach
Kamera: Andreas Köhler
Schnitt: Nicole Kortlüke, Carina Mergens


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Trailer Global Family

Nordlichter 2018

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Die 4. Ausgabe des skan­di­na­vi­schen Filmfestivals bringt wie­der neue Filme aus Island, Dänemark, Schweden, Finnland und Norwegen.
Alle Filme im ori­gi­nal mit deut­schen Untertiteln.

Yarden / The Yard Der Journalist und allein­er­zie­hen­de Vater Anders ver­liert sei­ne Arbeit, nach­dem er eine Rezension sei­nes eige­nen Buches ver­öf­fent­licht hat. Um Arbeitslosigkeit zu ver­mei­den, nimmt er eine Stelle bei Yarden, der Verladestation für PKWs im Hafen von Malmö, an. Beim dem Job wird sei­ne Identität auf eine fünf­stel­li­ge Nummer redu­ziert. Und die Beziehung zu sei­nem puber­tä­ren Sohn wird durch den neu­en Job auch nicht einfacher.
Schweden/D 2016, 80 min, schwed. OmU, Regie: Måns Månsson

Yarden (Måns Månsson, 2016) – Officiell trailer

Fantasten Claus führt ein Doppelleben. Am Tag ver­kauft er erfolg­reich Autos in der Kopenhagener Innenstadt, gibt sich als smar­ter Geschäftsmann, in der Nacht wird er zum lei­den­schaft­li­chen Spieler am Poker- oder Roulette-Tisch. Als Claus in erheb­li­che Spielschulden gerät, hat sein 19-jäh­ri­ger Sohn Silas plötz­lich eine Gruppe kri­mi­nel­ler gewalt­tä­ti­ger Männer am Hals. Claus muß sein eige­nes Leben aufs Spiel zu set­zen, um sei­nen Sohn zu retten.
Dänemark 2017, 97 min., dän. OmU Regie: Christian Dyekjær

Fantasten – Hovedtrailer

Viraali / Virality Das gro­ße Spiel mit dem Bitcoin-Hype bringt vier Charaktere im moder­nen Helsinki auf unter­schied­lichs­te Weise zusam­men. Ein Polizist mit gro­ßem Interesse an einer auf­stre­ben­den Cellistin, ein intel­li­gen­ter Hacker, ein jun­ger erfolgs­süch­ti­ger Rapper und ein geschie­de­ner Bankkaufmann wer­den dabei Teil einer span­nungs­ge­la­de­nen Kriminalgeschichte.
Finnland 2017, 110 Min., finn. OmU, Regie: Thomas Laine

Viraali / Virality (2017) – Official Teaser Trailer 4K

Hoggeren / The Tree Feller Den 39-jäh­ri­gen Anders zieht es weg vom gewöhn­li­chen Großstadtleben – zurück auf Land, zurück zur Farm sei­ner ver­stor­be­nen Eltern. Sein ein­zi­ger Wunsch ist es, allein im Wald zu sein und sich beim ziel­lo­sen Baumfällen in der kör­per­li­chen Arbeit zu ver­lie­ren. Die Ruhe wird jedoch wie­der und wie­der durch sei­ne auf­dring­li­chen Verwandten gestört, mit ste­tig wich­ti­gen Hinweisen, was er und wie er Dinge zu tun hat.
Norwegen 2017, 82 min, norw. OmU, Regie: Jorunn Myklebust Syversen#

Hoggeren | Trailer | Mer Film

Blóðberg / Homecoming Gunnar, erfolg­rei­cher, den­noch frus­trier­ter Autor von Selbsthilfe-Büchern, hat eine ver­heim­lich­te Tochter aus einer frü­he­ren Affäre, die nun mit sei­nem Sohn David liiert ist. Während Gunnar ver­sucht, die jun­ge Beziehung zu sabo­tie­ren, wächst ein Lügenberg.
Island 2015, 100 min, isl. OmU, Regie: Björn Hlynur Haraldsson

BLODBERG (Homecoming)

Keep Frozen Der Job als Hafenarbeiter an den Kais von Reykjavik ist nur etwas für ech­te Kerle. In 16-Stunden-Schichten ent­la­den sie den tief­ge­kühl­ten Fang der rie­si­gen Hochseetrawler. Bei 30 Grad minus, tief im Bauch des Schiffes wuch­ten sie sto­isch 25 Kilo schwe­re Kartons umher, damit der Kran sie her­aus­hie­ven kann.
Island 2016, 68 Min., islän­di­sche OmU, Regie: Hulda Ros Gudnadottir
Am Montag, 11.6. mit anschlie­ßen­dem Filmgespräch mit Hulda Ros Gudnadottir.

Keep Frozen Trailer
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Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Ein Film von Arash und Arman T. Riahi.

Ein diver­ses Porträt von Kindheit, erzählt als klas­si­sche Held*innenreise.
Die fas­zi­nie­ren­de wie berüh­ren­de spiel­film­na­he Doku erzählt, wie Kindern und Jugendlichen aus pre­kä­ren Verhältnissen mit Musik gehol­fen wird, ihr Leben in den Griff zu krie­gen. Die Brüder Arash und Arman T. Riahi haben eini­ge von ihnen ein Jahr lang beim Musizieren beglei­tet. Als erfah­re­ne Regisseure hal­ten sich dabei stets im Hintergrund und las­sen lie­ber den klei­nen Stars den Vortritt – bei Proben, in Familienszenen oder wenn sie vor der Kamera unbe­fan­gen und selbst­re­flek­tie­rend von ihren Ängsten und Träumen erzählen.

Ö 2017, 95 Min., Buch und Regie: Arash und Arman T. Riahi, Kamera Mario Minichmayr, Riahi Brothers, Schnitt: David Arno Schwaiger

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A film by Stanislaw Mucha. In rus­si­an and ger­man with ger­man subtitles.

Goulash?,” the young woman loo­king out of the hatch of a com­bi­ned hot dog and piz­za stand on the side of the win­dy Kolyma rou­te asks again. No, Stanislaw Mucha did ask for “Gulag”. And he is asto­nis­hed to find that here, whe­re the Soviet penal and labour camp sys­tem shaped the natu­ral and living envi­ron­ment for deca­des, the term isn’t com­mon­ly used. Actually, for all intents and pur­po­ses, the filmmaker’s jour­ney seems to be more of a trip through word­scapes. It beg­ins in Magadan Bay, which ear­ned its nick­na­me “gate to hell” as the port of ent­ry for the forced labou­rers. It con­ti­nues along the “lon­gest gra­vey­ard in the world”, as the long distance road from the Sea of Okhotsk to Yakutsk is occa­sio­nal­ly cal­led. But it also cros­ses the paths of the living, tho­se who stay­ed here or were born here, who more often than not have bet­ter things to do than to revol­ve around that geni­us loci. Encounters as inspi­ring elec­tric dischar­ges on the hori­zon of expec­ta­ti­ons – like tho­se elec­tric pul­ses an ama­teur phy­si­ci­an picked up along the way wants to use to reju­ve­na­te his old father.

When the pre­sent over­wri­tes the past, when the Putin era super­im­po­ses the Soviet era, when the eter­nal peri­phery is allo­wed to actively par­ti­ci­pa­te in the snapshots made of it, the result are bone dry punch lines: for exam­p­le that slow moti­on pop music video Mucha tre­ats a girls’ dancing trou­pe to as he dri­ves by.

Sylvia Görke | DOK Leipzig

Deutschland 2017, 85 Min., rus­sisch, deut­sche OmU
Buch, Regie: Stanislaw Mucha
Kamera: Enno Endlicher
Schnitt: Stanislaw Mucha, Emil Rosenberger 


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Kolyma [Offizieller Trailer Deutsch HD German]

The Rider

A film by Chloé Zhao. Inn eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

A hor­se’s pur­po­se is to run in the prai­ries; a cow­boy­’s is to ride.” So, what does a cow­boy beco­me when he can no lon­ger ride? This is the ques­ti­on at the cent­re of Chloé Zhao’s The Rider, and the defi­ning con­flict for its prot­ago­nist, Brady Blackburn. A skil­led rodeo cow­boy and hor­se trai­ner, Brady suf­fers a near-fatal acci­dent that abrupt­ly halts his care­er and forces him to con­tem­p­la­te what a new life could look like.

The abili­ty to ride defi­nes a man’s worth in Brady’s world. Though riding and hor­ses are never far from his thoughts, Brady now spends his days working at the local super­mar­ket and his nights drin­king with his bud­dies. With his mother gone and with a bor­der­line alco­ho­lic father with a gambling pro­blem, Brady finds hims­elf respon­si­ble­for his 15-year-old sis­ter, Lilly. With his limi­t­ed edu­ca­ti­on, money and local fame may seem easie­st to come by in the world of rodeo, but so are inju­ry and even death.

Returning to the docu­dra­ma tech­ni­que that ear­ned her debut fea­ture, Songs My Brothers Taught Me, cri­ti­cal accla­im, Zhao inte­gra­tes the real lives of her actors into her sto­rytel­ling. Majestically cap­tu­red by Joshua James Richards‘ inti­ma­te pho­to­gra­phy, the dus­ty, expan­si­ve land­scapes pro­vi­de the can­vas for Zhao’s art. Stoic and fearless with a rare sen­se of authen­ti­ci­ty, she embraces the huma­ni­ty of its cha­rac­ters and explo­res defi­ni­ti­ons of mas­cu­li­ni­ty wit­hout glo­ri­fi­ca­ti­on or judgment. The Rider is less a wes­tern than a film about the real American west.

USA 2017, 104 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Chloé Zhao
Kamera: Joshua James Richards

Schnitt: Alex O’Flinn
Darsteller: Brady Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, Lily Jandreau, Lane Scott

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12 Tage

A film by Raymond Depardon.  In french with ger­man subtitles.

Every year in France, 92,000 peo­p­le are pla­ced under psych­ia­tric care wit­hout their con­sent. By law, the hos­pi­tal has 12 days to bring each pati­ent befo­re a judge. Based on medi­cal records and a doctor’s recom­men­da­ti­ons, a cru­cial decis­i­on has to be made – will the pati­ent stay or lea­ve? Granted access to the­se hea­rings for the first time, Raymond Depardon cap­tures the­se extra­or­di­na­ry encoun­ters bet­ween jus­ti­ce and psych­ia­try. “We film­ed 72 hea­rings and our enga­ge­ment was streng­the­ned by cont­act with trou­bled pati­ents who mana­ged to bear wit­ness with gre­at digni­ty and sen­si­ti­vi­ty. Above all the­se are peo­p­le who are suf­fe­ring; their words are valuable, nor mere­ly dis­tur­bed or ins­a­ne, but clear and stron­gand con­cer­ned with their future lives. 12 DAYS pres­ents ten of the­se pati­ents.” (Raymond Depardon)
70. Internationale Filmfestspiele von Cannes – Séances Spéciales


OT: 12 jours
F 2017, 87 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Raymond Depardon
Kamera: Raymond Depardon
Schnitt: Simon Jacquet


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Am Strand

A film by Dominik Cooke. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

In the ear­ly 1960s, a young cou­ple on their honey­moon strugg­le to phy­si­cal­ly con­nect in this sen­si­ti­ve adapt­a­ti­on of Ian McEwan’s acclai­med short novel.
As Florence (Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn) and Edward (Billy Howle, Dunkirk) sett­le down for their first din­ner as a mar­ried cou­ple, a ner­vous ener­gy fills the air. But while it might appear the fled­gling hus­band and wife are suf­fe­ring from wed­ding night jit­ters, it beco­mes appa­rent that some­thing else is crea­ting the divi­de as the ine­vi­ta­bi­li­ty of phy­si­cal inti­ma­cy looms ever closer.
Gorgeously len­sed by Sean Bobbitt (12 Years a Slave) and impec­ca­bly adapt­ed for the screen by McEwan hims­elf, Dominic Cooke’s quiet­ly heart­brea­king debut is a work of subt­le res­traint, cap­tu­ring the intri­ca­ci­es of the source mate­ri­al with grace and delicacy.
Ronan shi­nes as the hesi­tant young bri­de, ably sup­port­ed by rising star Howle, both of whom express so much, even when their cha­rac­ters strugg­le to find the words. For a film in which many emo­ti­ons remain uns­po­ken, this melan­cho­lic love sto­ry speaks pro­found­ly about the fra­gi­li­ty of human rela­ti­onships and the des­truc­ti­ve natu­re of silence.

On Chesil Beach
England 2017, 110 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Dominic Cooke
Kamera: Sean Bobitt
Schnitt: Nick Fenton
Darsteller: Saoirse Ronan, Billy Howle, Anne Marie-Duff, Adrian Scarborough, Emily Watson, Samuel West


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Meine Tochter – Figlia Mia

A film by Laura Bispuri. In ita­li­an with ger­man subtitles.

Ten-year-old Vittoria is gro­wing up in a Sardinian vil­la­ge untouch­ed by tou­rism. One day at a rodeo she meets the impe­tuous Angelica, who is com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent to her own caring mother Tina. Vittoria does not suspect that the two women are con­nec­ted by a secret. Tina has been visi­ting Angelica for a long time on the run-down farm whe­re Angelica lives a hap­py-go-lucky life with some old hor­ses and a faithful dog. Tina is not at all hap­py about Angelica and her daugh­ter Vittoria get­ting to know each other. In debt, Angelica deci­des to move to the main­land. Relieved, Tina offers her finan­cial sup­port, but she can­not pre­vent fur­ther encoun­ters bet­ween the two. Captivated by this fearless, inde­pen­dent woman, Vittoria beg­ins redis­co­ve­ring the island with her.
As in her direc­ting debut, Vergine giura­ta, Laura Bispuri once again fol­lows her prot­ago­nist as she encoun­ters, imi­ta­tes and ques­ti­ons seve­ral role models until she gra­du­al­ly dis­co­vers who she is. The warm light of a Sardinian sum­mer accom­pa­nies Vittoria on her tur­bu­lent journey.
Berlinale 2018: Compwetition

Italien / Deutschland / Schweiz 2018, 100 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Laura Bispuri
Buch: Francesca Manieri, Laura Bispuri
Kamera: Vladan Radovic
Schnitt: Carlotta Cristiani
Valeria Golino (Tina)
Alba Rohrwacher (Angelica)
Sara Casu (Vittoria)
Udo Kier (Bruno)
Michele Carboni (Umberto)

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Augenblicke: Gesichter einer Reise

A Film by Agnes Varda and JR.  In french with ger­man subtitles.

Agnes Varda and JR have things in com­mon: their pas­si­on for images in gene­ral and more par­ti­cu­lar­ly ques­ti­on­ning the places whe­re they are show­ed, how they are shared, exposed.
Agnès cho­se cinema.
JR cho­se to crea­te open-air pho­to­gra­phic galleries.
When Agnès and JR met in 2015, they imme­dia­te­ly wan­ted to work tog­e­ther, shoot a film in France, far from the cities.
Random encoun­ters or pre­pared pro­jects, they will go towards the others and get them to fol­low them on their trip with JR’s pho­to­gra­phic truck.
The film is also about their fri­end­ship that grows during the shoo­ting, bet­ween sur­pri­ses and mali­ce, laug­hing of their differences.

OT: Visages villages
Frankreich 2017, 89 Min., frz. OmU
Regie & Buch: JR, Agnès Varda
Kamera: Claire Duguet (Bonnieux, Reillanne, Usine), Nicolas Guicheteau (Paris, Usine, le Nord), Valentin Vignet (BnF, côte Normande), Romain Le Bonniec (Vexin, Le Havre, Pirou), Raphael Minnesota (Musée du Louvre), Roberto De Angelis (Cuisine, Suisse), Julia Fabr
Schnitt: Agnès Varda, Maxime Pozzi-Garcia
Musik: Matthieu Chedid aka ‑M-
Mitwirkende: JR, Agnès Varda, Jean-Paul Beaujon, Amaury Bossy, Yves Boulen, Jeannine Carpentier, Marie Douvet, Jean-Luc Godard


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AUGENBLICKE: Gesichter einer Reise | Offizieller Trailer Deutsch HD

The Cleaners (OmU)

A film by Hans Block & Moritz Riesewieck. 

Dive into a secret, third-world shadow indus­try of online con­tent mode­ra­ti­on. Here we meet five “digi­tal sca­ven­gers,” a handful of thou­sands of peo­p­le out­sour­ced from Silicon Valley who­se job is to dele­te “inap­pro­pria­te” con­tent off of the inter­net. In a par­al­lel strugg­le, we meet peo­p­le around the glo­be who­se lives are dra­ma­ti­cal­ly affec­ted by online cen­sor­ship. A typi­cal “clea­ner” must obser­ve and rate thou­sands of inten­se images every day, from war zone pho­to­gra­phy to por­no­gra­phy, lea­ding to las­ting psy­cho­lo­gi­cal impacts. Yet under­neath their work lies pro­found ques­ti­ons around what makes an image art or pro­pa­gan­da and what defi­nes journalism.

The Cleaners reve­als the bit­ter rea­li­ty that social media is as much a tool for expres­si­on as it is a plat­form for radi­cal­i­zed social and poli­ti­cal opi­ni­ons, the impacts of which are still unknown. Debut direc­tors Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck unpack an urgent con­ver­sa­ti­on sur­roun­ding Silicon Valley’s con­trol over our per­cep­ti­on of free speech that we must all grapp­le with as it threa­tens to unra­vel the fabric of our socie­ty: both online and IRL.

D 2018, 88 Min. engl. OmU
Regie: Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck
Kamera: Axel Schneppat, Max Preiss
Schnitt: Philipp Gromov, Hansjörg Weissbrich, Markus CM Schmidt
Musik: Paradox Paradise (John Gürtler, Jan Miserre, Lars Voges)

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The Cleaners – Offizieller Trailer HD