Ich war zuhause, aber …

A film by Angela Schanelec. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

After having dis­ap­peared for a week, Astrid’s 13-year-old son Phillip returns home one day wit­hout say­ing a word. Both his mother and tea­chers suspect that his dis­ap­pearance may be rela­ted to the loss of his father. Only gra­du­al­ly does ever­y­day life get back on track. Astrid now finds hers­elf con­fron­ted with ques­ti­ons that pro­vi­de a who­le new per­spec­ti­ve on her midd­le-class exis­tence and her care­er in Berlin’s cul­tu­ral sec­tor. Her ide­as about art also begin to chan­ge. At home, it beco­mes more and more dif­fi­cult for this sin­gle mother to accept that her son is lea­ding his own life. And then Phillip is admit­ted to hos­pi­tal with blood poi­so­ning. Astrid is a ner­vous wreck, wiped out by worry, guilt and her fee­lings of fail­ure. But Phillip and his litt­le sis­ter do not turn away from her. The fami­ly may be dis­in­te­gra­ting, but only to form its­elf anew.
The came­ra in this film remains at a dis­crete distance, pro­vi­ding mother and child­ren with the space and time they need to redis­co­ver and reapp­rai­se their fee­lings. These sce­nes are framed by others depic­ting school rehear­sals of Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’, the purcha­se of a bro­ken bicy­cle and other loo­se sto­ry­li­nes that all echo each other.


DE 2019, 105 Min., 
Regie, Schnitt & Buch: Angela Schanelec
Kamera: Ivan Marković
mit: Maren Eggert Jakob Lassalle, Clara Möller, Franz Rogowski, Lilith Stangenberg, Alan Williams, Jirka Zett


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 

Trailer (Ausschnitt):