Category Archives: Uncategorized

In many imperfect ways: Anker der Liebe

A film by Marques-Marcet. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Eva and Kat’s hum­ble, yet care­free, life in their London canal boat is tur­ned upsi­de down when Eva gives Kat an ulti­ma­tum: she wants a child. Kat resists, kno­wing that it will end the bohe­mi­an life­style she’s always envi­sa­ged with Eva. When Kat’s best fri­end from Barcelona, Roger, stops by to par­ty with them, the three toy around with the idea of crea­ting a baby tog­e­ther. Feeling backed into a cor­ner, Kat cons­ents. Surprisingly, the unu­su­al do-it-yours­elf donor inse­mi­na­ti­on is suc­cessful. As Eva enjoys her pregnan­cy and Roger fan­ta­sizes about his role in the new fami­ly, Kat beg­ins to feel like a third wheel and starts to distance hers­elf. When Eva has an unex­pec­ted mis­car­ria­ge, ever­yo­ne’s true fee­lings are laid bare, lea­ding Eva and Kat to break up while Roger pre­pa­res to go back to Barcelona. The three soon rea­li­ze, howe­ver, that they can’t sur­vi­ve wit­hout each other, and a new jour­ney beg­ins to build a family.


Anchor and Hope
GB 2017, 112 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Carlos Marques-Marcet
Darsteller: Oona Chaplin, Natalie Tena, Geraldine Chaplin, David Verdaguer
Filmlänge: 112 Minuten


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ANKER DER LIEBE – Offizieller deut­scher Trailer

In many imperfect ways: Carmen y Lola

A film by Arantxa Echevarría. In Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Carmen lives in a gypsy com­mu­ni­ty in the sub­urbs of Madrid. Like every other woman she has ever met, she is desti­ned to live a life that is repea­ted gene­ra­ti­on after gene­ra­ti­on: get­ting mar­ried and rai­sing as many child­ren as pos­si­ble. But one day she meets Lola, an uncom­mon gypsy who dreams about going to uni­ver­si­ty, draws bird graf­fi­ti and likes girls. Carmen quick­ly deve­lo­ps a com­pli­ci­ty with Lola and they dis­co­ver a world that, ine­vi­ta­b­ly, leads them to be rejec­ted by their families.


Spanien 2018, 103 Min., span. OmU
Regie: Arantxa Echevarría
mit: Zaira Romero, Rosy Rodriguez, Moreno Borja, Rafela León, Carolina Yuste


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CARMEN & LOLA – Offizieller deut­scher Trailer



In many imperfect ways: Becks

A film by Elizabeth Rohrbaugh & Daniel Powell. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

After a crus­hing break­up with her girl­fri­end, a Brooklyn musi­ci­an moves back in with her Midwestern mother. As she navi­ga­tes her home­town, play­ing for tip money in an old fri­en­d’s bar, an unex­pec­ted rela­ti­onship beg­ins to take shape.


US 2017, 92 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Elizabeth Rohrbaugh & Daniel Powell
mit: Lena Hall, Mena Suvari, Christine Lahti u.a.


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Becks (Trailer) from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.



In many imperfect ways: Red Cow – Das Mädchen mit den roten Haaren

A film by Tsivia Barkai Yacov. In Hebrew with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Benny’s hair is as red as the fur of her devout father’s tre­asu­red calf – which he belie­ves will bring sal­va­ti­on. But the 17-year-old feels as lonely and trap­ped as the calf in its enclo­sure. Benny’s mother died giving birth to her, and she grew up alo­ne with her caring yet patri­ar­chal father. He is a figu­re of aut­ho­ri­ty and a men­tor for many peo­p­le in their Jerusalem reli­gious com­mu­ni­ty. Benny beco­mes incre­asing­ly cri­ti­cal of her father’s reli­gious, uto­pian natio­na­lism and then there’s Yael, the self-con­fi­dent young woman who has set off a whirl­wind of lon­ging and emo­ti­ons in her. Avigayil Koevary powerful­ly por­trays the defi­ance and desi­re of a young woman in Tsivia Barkai Yacov’s debut fea­ture film.


IL 2018, 90 min., hebräi­sche OF mit deut­schen UT
Regie: Tsivia Barkai Yacov
mit: Avigayil Koevary, Gal Toren, Moran Rosenblatt, Dana Sorin


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Das Mädchen mit den roten Haaren (Trailer) from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.



In many imperfect ways: Princess Cyd

A film by Stephen Cone. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

PRINCESS CYD fol­lows 16-year-old ath­le­te Cyd Loughlin (Jessie Pinnick) while visi­ting her nove­list aunt (Rebecca Spence) in Chicago over the sum­mer. Eager to escape life with her depres­si­ve sin­gle father, Cyd falls for a girl in the neigh­bor­hood, while she and her aunt gent­ly chall­enge each other in the realms of sex and spirit.


USA 2017,  96 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Stephen Cone
mit:  Rebecca Spence, Jessie Pinnick


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Princess Cyd (Trailer) from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.



In many imperfect ways: Nina

A film by Olga Chajdas. In Polish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

After twen­ty years, Nina’s mar­ria­ge to Wojtek is going nowhe­re, part­ly becau­se of their fai­led attempts to have child­ren. When they meet a young woman, Magda, they deci­de to pro­po­se that she beco­me a sur­ro­ga­te mother for their child. But things get more com­pli­ca­ted when Nina sud­den­ly feels attrac­ted to Magda.

This accom­plished debut paints a sen­si­ti­ve por­trait of a strong yet con­fu­sed woman trap­ped in her role as wife and daugh­ter. The ener­ge­tic, appar­ent­ly care­free Magda breaks open her world. The came­ra stays clo­se to the three prot­ago­nists, almost wit­hout the use of estab­li­shing shots, crea­ting a sen­so­ri­al, high­ly vibra­ting atmo­sphe­re. But the­re is one loca­ti­on that plays a cru­cial role: Natalia Bażowska’s art­work Birth Place, which repres­ents a womb you can lie in and ser­ves for the cha­rac­ters as their only shel­ter, whe­re their love, free­dom and iden­ti­ties are not bound by any conventions.



PL 2018, 129 Min., poln. OmU,
Regie: Olga Chajdas,
mit: Julia Kijowska, Eliza Rycembel


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Nina from Edition Salzgeber on Vimeo.

Fabrik Spot

Eine Ära geht zu Ende! Seit April 2003 läuft bei uns ein Film, täg­lich in 6 Vorstellungen, also schon ca 28000 mal, wir haben kei­ne Ahnung wer Regie geführt hat, wer die Schauspieler sind und auch nicht, von wem die Musik ist. Es ist der Werbespot für das Fabrik-Ho(s)tel. Den Film habe ich gewiss in mei­nem Leben am häu­figs­ten gese­hen und Ende März ist’s mit dem Einsatz defi­ni­tiv vorbei.

Hier gedenken sie gerade dem von Ihnen kaputtgeschossenen Schlauchboot.

Hier geden­ken sie gera­de dem von Ihnen kaputt­ge­schos­se­nen Schlauchboot.

Zwei Drucke von Apichatpong Weerasethakul

Für sei­nen aktu­el­len Film CEMETERY OF SPLENDOUR, hat der Regisseur Apichatpong Weerasethakul selbst zwei Drucke zum Film ent­wor­fen. Je ein Exemplar der limi­tier­ten Auflage haben wir nun, in der zu die­sem Zwecke umfunk­tio­nier­ten DVD Vitrine (wegen der Beleuchtung), ausgestellt: 

Zwei Drucke von Apichatpong Weerasethakuls

Zwei Drucke von Apichatpong Weerasethakul

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