Besondere Termine

God & Lunapark Warriors filmPOLSKA rel­oa­ded – God & Lunapark Warriors
Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch. Bóg i wojow­ni­cy luna­par­ków / God & Lunapark Warriors [Tickets] PL 2022R/B: Bartłomiej Żmuda77 min, OmeUK: Michał OpalaS: Rafał Stós & Agnieszka KowalczykM: Mikołaj Majkusiak Es knirscht gewal­tig zwi­schen dem Schriftsteller und Berufs-Provokateur Andrzej Rodan und sei­nem Sohn Paweł. Kein Wunder, schließlich…
& Lunapark Warriors”>mehr

Ein Traum von Revolution
A film by Petra Hoffmann. Film with QnA on Tuesday April 23rd 17:30 in Spanish with German sub­tit­les. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] On July 19, 1979, the Sandinista People’s Revolution in Nicaragua over­th­rew the bru­tal dic­ta­tor Somoza and made the world dream. The con­s­truc­tion of a new, more social…

Vom Ende eines Zeitalters … – mit Gästen
A film by Christoph Hübner and Gabriele Voss. In German. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] A film about the end of the coal mining era in the Ruhrgebiet area. Credits: DE 2023, 155 Min., DeutschRegie: Christoph Hübner und Gabriele VossKamera: Christoph HübnerSchnitt: Gabriele Voss Trailer: nach oben

Die Vision der Claudia Andujar Die Vision der Claudia Andujar – Preview mit Gästen
A film by Heidi Specogna. Starts May 9th at the fsk. In Portugese and French with German sub­tit­les. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] Claudia Andujar’s life has been shaped by num­e­rous dra­ma­tic events. From her escape from the Holocaust to her work in Brazil, whe­re she found her life’s mission:…