The Quiet Girl

A film by Colm Bairéad. In Gaelic and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

There are no secrets in this house. Do you hear me? … If the­re are secrets in a house, the­re is shame in that house.”

Four siblings, a mother torn bet­ween care and hel­p­less­ness, a cur­sing father and a wet mat­tress every mor­ning: the­se are the things that make up quiet young Cáit’s life. Her par­ents deci­de it’s best if she spends the sum­mer at the farm of two rela­ti­ves she has never met. Lush green trees flank the road lea­ding up to their pro­per­ty, a respectful silence per­va­ding their bright, clean house. Here, ten­der­ly loo­ked after by Eibhlín, Cáit final­ly feels loved and safe. Initial aloof­ness like­wi­se starts giving way to a deeper bond bet­ween her and Seán, with whom she feeds the cal­ves. The mat­tress stays dry. And yet, in the midst of the scrag­gly beau­ty of the Irish coun­try­si­de, cer­tain secrets seem to lin­ger, which Cáit beg­ins to face with new­found cou­ra­ge and confidence.


An Cailín Ciúin
IR 2022, 95 Min., gälisch, eng­li­sche OmU
Regie: Colm Bairéad
Kamera: Kate McCullough
Schnitt: John Murphy
mit: Carrie Crowley, Andrew Bennett, Catherine Clinch

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Monster im Kopf

A film by Christina Ebelt. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Sandra is impul­si­ve. Sandra is in jail. Sandra is also pregnant. A cine­ma­tic tour de force with a fan­ta­sti­cal­ly ira­te protagonist.

Far along in her pregnan­cy, Sandra is ada­mant that her child remain with her after it is born, even though she is ser­ving a pri­son sen­tence. The social worker and the youth wel­fa­re office are skep­ti­cal about whe­ther she in a con­di­ti­on to rai­se the child. They fear that if Sandra is sub­jec­ted to stress, she will revert to her old pat­tern of beha­vi­or and lose her com­po­sure. Only through flash­backs cle­ver­ly woven into the nar­ra­ti­ve do we learn how ever­y­thing could have come to this.


DE 2023, 94 Min.
Regie: Christina Ebelt
Kamera: Bernhard Keller
Schnitt: Florian Riedel
mit Franziska Hartmann, Slavko Popadić, Martina Eitner-Acheampong

MONSTER IM KOPF – Offizieller Trailer
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A film by Lila Avilés. In Spanish with German and English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

In her second film after The Chambermaid in 2018, Lila Avilés lea­ves behind the cram­ped hotel rooms of her debut but con­ti­nues to work on the con­nec­tion bet­ween rela­ti­onships and inte­ri­or spaces. This time, the set­ting is a lar­ge house whe­re, over the cour­se of a long day, fami­ly and fri­ends meet for a dual ritu­al: it is the bir­th­day of young father and pain­ter Tona, but as it will likely be his last, it is also a fare­well cerem­o­ny. There is dua­li­ty in the film’s soul, too, with the fren­zy of pre­pa­ra­ti­ons and the spon­ta­n­ei­ty of the cele­bra­ti­on con­ce­al­ing the pro­found­ly archaic and spi­ri­tu­al dimen­si­on of the title. Tona’s wea­k­en­ed body is initi­al­ly invi­si­ble, pro­tec­ted in a room whe­re he tri­es to sum­mon up the strength requi­red for the huma­nist cerem­o­ny in which he will be show­e­red with all the love and affec­tion nee­ded to face his final jour­ney.
Like the cha­rac­ter of the bon­sai-loving patri­arch, Avilés takes meti­cu­lous care in sha­ping her own minia­tu­re, ben­ding tra­jec­to­ries and fee­lings, pru­ning all frills and excess. A film that pre­pa­res for loss, Tótem amas­ses signs and forms of life: ani­mals, insects, plants and a para­de of won­derful human beings who are stron­ger together.


MX DK FR 2023 95 Minuten
spa­ni­sche OmU (deut­sche und eng­li­sche Untertitel)
Regie, Buch: Lila Avilés
Kamera: Diego Tenorio
Schnitt: Omar Guzmán
mit: Naíma Sentíes
Monserrat Marañon
Marisol Gasé
Saori Gurza
Teresita Sánchez

TÓTEM – offi­zi­el­ler Kinotrailer – ab 09.11. im Kino
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Notes on a Summer

A Film by Diego Llorente.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Marta loves her new life in Madrid with boy­fri­end Leo, but when a trip home for the sum­mer rea­wa­kens an old romance, she beg­ins to ques­ti­on her choices.


ES 2023, 83 Min., span. OmU
Regie: Diego Llorente
Kamera: Adrián Hernandez
Schnitt: Diego Llorente
mit: Katia Borlado, Antonio Araque, Álvaro Quintana, Rocío Suáre

Notes on a Summer (Trailer in HD)
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Das Versprechen – Architekt BV Doshi

A film by Jan Schmidt-Garre.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Balkrishna Doshi (1927−2023) is one of India’s most influ­en­ti­al 20th cen­tu­ry archi­tects and reci­pi­ent of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Doshi and his prac­ti­ce Vastu-Shilpa has a port­fo­lio span­ning over 70 years, inclu­ding col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with both Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn. The film intro­du­ces view­ers to his famous buil­dings and offers an exclu­si­ve look into his work pro­cess. Doshi shares his sources of inspi­ra­ti­on and moti­va­ti­on and is also a bril­li­ant sto­rytel­ler. His pre­sence of mind, his humor and his wis­dom crea­te the image of a man from whom we can not only learn to build human­ly, but from whom we can learn – to be human.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres alt-Attribut; sein Dateiname ist Das-Versprechen-Architekt-BV-Doshi-Frontpage.jpg

Das Versprechen – Architekt BV Doshi
D 2023, 90 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Jan Schmidt-Garre
Kamera: Diethard Prengel
Schnitt: Sarah. J. Levine

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Anatomie eines Falls

A film by Justine Triet. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Sandra, Samuel and their visual­ly impai­red son Daniel have been living in a remo­te moun­tain loca­ti­on for the past year. When Samuel is found dead out­side the house, an inves­ti­ga­ti­on for death in sus­pi­cious cir­cum­s­tances is laun­ched. Amidst the uncer­tain­ty, Sandra is indic­ted: Was it sui­ci­de or homic­i­de ? A year later Daniel attends his mother’s tri­al, a veri­ta­ble dis­sec­tion of his par­ents’ relationship.

Cannes: Palme d’or 2023


Anatomie d’u­ne chu­te
FR 2023, 151 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Justine Triet
Kamera: Simon Beaufils
Schnitt: Laurent Sénéchal
mit: Sandra Hüller, Swann Arlaud, Milo Machado Graner, Antoine Reinartz, Samuel Theis, Jehnny Beth, Saadia Bentaïeb, Camille Rutherford

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Tori & Lokita

A film by Luc und Jean-Pierre Dardenne.
In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The out­stan­ding new film from acclai­med film­ma­kers the Dardenne brot­hers is an abso­lut­e­ly stun­ning pie­ce of work. Following a young boy (Tori) and a teenage girl (Lokita) who have left their home count­ries of Cameroon and Benin to make a new life in Belgium, we fol­low their jour­ney as they navi­ga­te a ran­ge of dif­fi­cult and chal­len­ging expe­ri­en­ces. Whether it be fin­ding jobs on the black mar­ket or working to send money back to their fami­lies, their fri­end­ship pro­vi­des an unbre­aka­ble bond that helps them sur­vi­ve. Hoping to get their papers to remain in the coun­try, they soon find that the­re are an array of forces sta­cked against them. They must fight for both their fri­end­ship and their lives as their world slow­ly beg­ins to crum­ble. Clinging to the hope of a bet­ter life, their strugg­le is a grip­ping tes­ta­ment to the power of the human spi­rit and the cou­ra­ge of their relationship.


BE/FR 2022, 88 Min., frz. OmU
Regie & Buch: Luc und Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Kamera: Benoît Dervaux
Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Dozo, Valène Leroy
mit: Pablo Schils, Joely Mbundu, Marc Zinga, Nadège Ouedraogo, Charlotte De Bruyne

TORI & LOKITA (2022) – Trailer 1
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Ingeborg Bachmann – Reise in die Wüste

A film by Margarethe von Trotta. In German, French and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

She is Austrian, he Swiss; she is a poet, he a play­w­right; she is a dare­de­vil yet vul­nerable, he is adven­tur­ous but a litt­le con­ser­va­ti­ve. When Ingeborg Bachmann and Max Frisch meet for the first time in Paris in the sum­mer of 1958, they are alre­a­dy inter­na­tio­nal cele­bri­ties of the lite­ra­ry world. In the four years that fol­low, they dabb­le in gre­at love and an open rela­ti­onship bet­ween his home­town of Zurich and her adopted Rome. Frisch envies her fame; Bachmann finds his type­wri­ter clat­ter and his jea­lou­sy annoy­ing. She is eman­ci­pa­ted, expe­ri­ments with a libe­ra­ted exis­tence, is mobi­le and pro­duc­ti­ve; in Berlin, she wri­tes the famous speech: “The Truth is Bearable for Humankind”. She only rea­li­ses after­wards that she is suf­fe­ring, and by how much – with Adolf Opel in the desert, and with Hans Werner Henze in Italy. Margarethe von Trotta inter­wea­ves the times befo­re and after the cata­stro­phe. Her direc­tion is frank, sober and ele­gant. Ronald Zehrfeld as the cor­pu­lent, pipe-smo­king Frisch and Vicky Krieps (in the role of ano­ther cult figu­re after Empress Sisi) are the per­fect match. This film is not about Bachmann’s fatal end, but about her hopes for love and respect, in lite­ra­tu­re, and in life.


Schweiz / Österreich / Deutschland / Luxemburg 2023
Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch OmU
Regie & Buch: Margarethe von Trotta
Kamera: Martin Gschlacht
Schnitt: Hansjörg Weißbrich
Mit: Vicky Krieps, Ronald Zehrfeld, Tobias Resch, Basil Eidenbenz, Luna Wedler, Marc Limpach, Roberto Carpentieri, Katharina Schmalenberg

INGEBORG BACHMANN | Trailer deutsch | Jetzt im Kino!
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baghdad messi

Kurdisches Filmfestival Berlin 2023

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Beim Kurdischen Filmfest, der größ­ten Veranstaltung zum kur­di­schen Film in Europa, zei­gen wir fol­gen­de Auswahl:
Samstag, 07.10. Kinderprogramm: 13:00
Das dop­pel­te Lottchen [Tickets], DE 2007, 82 Min., Regie: Michael Schaak Als Luise und Lotte sich begeg­nen, stel­len sie schnell fest, dass sie Zwillinge sind, die nach der Geburt getrennt wur­den. Sie tau­schen ihre Identitäten.
Samstag 15:00 Kurzfilm Programm: [Tickets] 4 pm (12 min), The Apple (15 min), Khokoushten ba Shewazi Nietdchze (18 min), Recasted (5 min), Hooves Beat (13 min), Nachir (12min), Small Room (14), Total Screening Time: 89 Min.
Samstag, 18:00 Baghdad Messi [Tickets], BE/NL/IR 2021, 87 Min., Regie: Sahim Omar Kalifa Hamoudi (11) lebt für Fußball und träumt davon, genau­so her­aus­ra­gend zu sein wie sein Fußballheld Messi. Eines Tages, als er unab­sicht­lich in einen Angriff ver­wi­ckelt wird, wacht er im Krankenhaus auf und hat nur noch ein Bein. Während sei­ne Eltern alles tun, um die Familie sicher zu hal­ten, kämpft Hamoudi trotz allem dar­um, sei­nen Traum zu ver­wirk­li­chen.
Sonntag, 08.10., Kinderfilmprogramm: 13:00 Oskars Kleid [Tickets], DE 2022, 102 min, Regie: Hüseyin Tabak Seit Ben in Trennung lebt, fern­ab von sei­ner Ex-Frau Mira und den gemein­sa­men Kindern Oskar und Erna, ist er nur noch ein Schatten sei­ner selbst. Als die hoch­schwan­ge­re Mira vor­zei­tig ins Krankenhaus muss, zie­hen sei­ne Kinder wie­der bei ihm ein. Diese Chance will er unbe­dingt nut­zen und allen zei­gen, dass auch er der per­fek­te Vater sein kann.
Sonnatg 15:00–16:20, Kurzfilmprogramm 2: [Tickets] Trivet (14 min) , Suitcase (15 min), Music Beyond Borders (8 min), Killing Bagheera (13 min) , Russian Vodka (18 min), Paths (11 min ), Baby Ant (15 min )
SONNTAG, 08.10., 20.00: The Land of Legend [Tickets] IR/DE 2008, 72 Min. Nach dem Untergang der ira­ki­schen Regierung ent­schei­den sich kur­di­sche Opfer des Irak-Iran-Krieges von 1980 recht­li­che Schritte gegen die Politiker zu unter­neh­men. Einer von ihnen, ein behin­der­ter jun­ger Mann, reist durch die gesam­te Grenzregion. Er lässt ande­re Opfer eine Petition unter­schrei­ben, die er per­sön­lich nach Bagdad brin­gen will. Während sei­ner Reise begeg­net er einer ira­ni­schen Frau, auch ein Opfer des Krieges. Zusammen ver­su­chen sie die Grenze zum Irak zu pas­sie­ren.
MONTAG, 09.10. 20:00 Le Pacha, ma mère et moi [Tickets] BE 2023, 83 Min., Regie: Nevine Gerits. Le Pacha, ma mère et moi por­trä­tiert eine Konfrontation zwi­schen Mutter und Tochter und fokus­siert sich auf die Frage der Übertragung: Welches kul­tu­rel­le Erbe tra­gen wir in uns? Wie kön­nen wir uns von die­sem Erbe befrei­en, gleich­zei­tig aber unse­ren Wurzeln Bedeutung ver­lei­hen und zukünf­ti­gen Generationen hel­fen, ihre Identität auf­zu­bau­en?
DIENSTAG 10.10. 20:00 Escape (Kurzfilm) 15 Min., Mutter (SPIELFILM) [Tickets] 33 Min., Deniz Deman ist eine kur­di­sche Sängerin, Filmemacherin und Autorin. In einer Doppelvorstellung zeigt das Kurdische Film Festival Berlin ihren Kurzfilm ESCAPE und ihr Spielfilm Debüt MUTTER. „Ich wur­de Mutter von Millionen Menschen“ Eine 85 jäh­ri­ge kur­di­sche Frau, die sich der Unterdrückung des Mannes, des Staates und der Gesellschaft wider­setzt, der sie ihr Leben lang aus­ge­setzt war und ihr gesam­tes Leben der Frauenbewegung wid­met.
MITTWOCH: 18:00 Holy Bread [Tickets] IR 2021, 54 Min., Regie: Rahim Zabihi Holy Bread por­trä­tiert das har­te Leben der­je­ni­gen, die gezwun­gen sind, ille­ga­le Ware zu schmug­geln, da sie nur so ihre Familien ver­sor­gen kön­nen. Sie sind gezwun­gen, beschwer­li­che Berge zu erklim­men und müs­sen dabei ihr Leben aufs Spiel set­zen.
DONNERSTAG: 20:00, Eren, [Tickets] Regie: Maria Binder 



A film by James Benning. No dialogue.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Without the title, it would be hard to place the first shots, asi­de from their posi­ti­on in the year. We start in January and end in December, with around five minu­tes dedi­ca­ted to each month. A lonely tree befo­re a win­ter sky, modern woo­den hou­ses and a plain brick hotel from the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, pas­sing trains heard befo­re seen: this could be any small American town, which it is and it isn’t; there’s enough time and space for con­tem­pla­ti­on of both. Founded in 1908, Allensworth was the first muni­ci­pa­li­ty in California to be gover­ned by African-Americans. As we pass through the year and around the sett­le­ment, ele­ments of this spe­ci­fic heri­ta­ge also begin to accu­mu­la­te: “Blackbird” by Nina Simone, “In the Pines” sung by Huddie Ledbetter, Lucille Clifton poems read out by a litt­le girl direct to came­ra. But the­se are just echo­es in a place that is now a muse­um, a space for reflec­tion that the film maps out, frag­ments and ampli­fies as only cine­ma can, a place to think about what was, like the gra­vey­ard shown in the final shot. But remem­be­ring the past is also remem­be­ring that not all pas­ts are equal, and that’s whe­re dura­ti­on comes into play. Time still needs to be taken.


US 2022, 65 Min., ohne Dialog

Regie: James Benning

ALLENSWORTH” | Trailer | Berlinale 2023
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