Tori & Lokita

A film by Luc und Jean-Pierre Dardenne.
In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The out­stan­ding new film from acclai­med film­ma­kers the Dardenne brot­hers is an abso­lut­e­ly stun­ning pie­ce of work. Following a young boy (Tori) and a teenage girl (Lokita) who have left their home count­ries of Cameroon and Benin to make a new life in Belgium, we fol­low their jour­ney as they navi­ga­te a ran­ge of dif­fi­cult and chal­len­ging expe­ri­en­ces. Whether it be fin­ding jobs on the black mar­ket or working to send money back to their fami­lies, their fri­end­ship pro­vi­des an unbre­aka­ble bond that helps them sur­vi­ve. Hoping to get their papers to remain in the coun­try, they soon find that the­re are an array of forces sta­cked against them. They must fight for both their fri­end­ship and their lives as their world slow­ly beg­ins to crum­ble. Clinging to the hope of a bet­ter life, their strugg­le is a grip­ping tes­ta­ment to the power of the human spi­rit and the cou­ra­ge of their relationship.


BE/FR 2022, 88 Min., frz. OmU
Regie & Buch: Luc und Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Kamera: Benoît Dervaux
Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Dozo, Valène Leroy
mit: Pablo Schils, Joely Mbundu, Marc Zinga, Nadège Ouedraogo, Charlotte De Bruyne

TORI & LOKITA (2022) – Trailer 1
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