fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg… more

now show­ing:

Ivo works as a pal­lia­ti­ve home-care nur­se. Every day, she visits fami­lies, cou­ples and sin­gle peo­p­le. They live in small flats and lar­ge hou­ses. They all have dif­fe­rent lives and deaths. They all have dif­fe­rent ways of deal­ing with the time that remains.
[Tickets & Termine]

Lacci - Was uns hält

Naples, ear­ly 1980s: Aldo and Vanda’s mar­ria­ge finds its­elf on the rocks when Aldo falls in love with the young Lidia.
Was uns hält
[Tickets & Termine]

A life in a for­eign sur­roun­ding. Chinese peo­p­le in Brazil.
Sleep with your eyes open
[Tickets & Termine]

War begets reven­ge; jus­ti­ce does not: War and Justice
[Tickets & Termine]

A new film by Nuri Bilge Ceylan: Auf tro­cke­nen Gräsern Cannes 2023: Best Actrice
[Tickets & Termine]