Ingeborg Bachmann – Reise in die Wüste

A film by Margarethe von Trotta. In German, French and English with German subtitles.

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She is Austrian, he Swiss; she is a poet, he a play­w­right; she is a dare­de­vil yet vul­nerable, he is adven­tur­ous but a litt­le con­ser­va­ti­ve. When Ingeborg Bachmann and Max Frisch meet for the first time in Paris in the sum­mer of 1958, they are alre­a­dy inter­na­tio­nal cele­bri­ties of the lite­ra­ry world. In the four years that fol­low, they dabb­le in gre­at love and an open rela­ti­onship bet­ween his home­town of Zurich and her adopted Rome. Frisch envies her fame; Bachmann finds his type­wri­ter clat­ter and his jea­lou­sy annoy­ing. She is eman­ci­pa­ted, expe­ri­ments with a libe­ra­ted exis­tence, is mobi­le and pro­duc­ti­ve; in Berlin, she wri­tes the famous speech: “The Truth is Bearable for Humankind”. She only rea­li­ses after­wards that she is suf­fe­ring, and by how much – with Adolf Opel in the desert, and with Hans Werner Henze in Italy. Margarethe von Trotta inter­wea­ves the times befo­re and after the cata­stro­phe. Her direc­tion is frank, sober and ele­gant. Ronald Zehrfeld as the cor­pu­lent, pipe-smo­king Frisch and Vicky Krieps (in the role of ano­ther cult figu­re after Empress Sisi) are the per­fect match. This film is not about Bachmann’s fatal end, but about her hopes for love and respect, in lite­ra­tu­re, and in life.


Schweiz / Österreich / Deutschland / Luxemburg 2023
Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch OmU
Regie & Buch: Margarethe von Trotta
Kamera: Martin Gschlacht
Schnitt: Hansjörg Weißbrich
Mit: Vicky Krieps, Ronald Zehrfeld, Tobias Resch, Basil Eidenbenz, Luna Wedler, Marc Limpach, Roberto Carpentieri, Katharina Schmalenberg

INGEBORG BACHMANN | Trailer deutsch | Jetzt im Kino!
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