Una & Ray

A Benedict Andrews film.  In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

A young woman arri­ves unex­pec­ted­ly at an older man’s work­place loo­king for ans­wers as to their shared past in an abu­si­ve sexu­al relationship.
Una & Ray is based upon on the play Blackbird by David Harrower, who also wro­te the fil­m’s screenplay.

OT: Una
GB 2016, 94 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Benedict Andrews
Drehbuch: David Harrower
Kamera: Thimios Bakatakis
Schnitt: Nick Fenton
mit: Rooney Mara, Ben Mendelsohn, Tara Fitzgerald, Riz Ahmed, Tobias Menzies

UNA by Benedict Andrews – CLIP

I Am Not Your Negro

A film by Raoul Peck. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

In June 1979 renow­ned US wri­ter James Baldwin began work on his last, unfi­nis­hed text ‘Remember this House’. His per­so­nal memo­ries of his three mur­de­red civil rights fri­ends Malcolm X, Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King and his reflec­tions on his own pain­ful expe­ri­en­ces as a black American ser­ve to re-wri­te American history.
Raoul Peck has tur­ned the­se thir­ty hither­to unpu­blished pages into a powerful col­la­ge of archi­ve pho­to­graphs, excerp­ts from films and news­re­el foo­ta­ge: the boy­cotts and the resis­tance against racial segre­ga­ti­on in the 1950s and 1960s, the invi­si­bi­li­ty of black Americans in Hollywood’s legen­da­ry works, the Afro-American pro­tests against white poli­ce bru­ta­li­ty that con­ti­nue to take place even today, Baldwin’s com­plex rela­ti­onship with the Black Power Movement and one FBI report’s para­no­id view of Baldwin’s homo­se­xua­li­ty. A tren­chant and dis­tur­bing essay about the rea­li­ty of the lives of African Americans – lives that are still lar­ge­ly igno­red by America’s main­stream. Samuel L Jackson’s voice lends Baldwin’s poe­tic, medi­ta­ti­ve lan­guage sui­ta­ble expression.

Frankreich / USA / Belgien / Schweiz 2016, 93 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Raoul Peck
Buch: James Baldwin, Raoul Peck
Kamera: Henry Adebonojo, Bill Ross, Turner Ross
Schnitt: Alexandra Strauss
James Baldwin
Samuel L. Jackson (Erzähler)
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King Jr.
Medgar Evers
Lorraine Hansberry

I Am Not Your Negro – Featurette

Mit Siebzehn

A film by André Téchiné. Starts 16.3. at the fsk. In french with ger­man subtitles.

Damien and Thomas attend the same grammar school class. They can­not stand each other and when­ever ver­bal insults fail to do enough dama­ge they take a swing at each other. Yet they could just as easi­ly be fri­ends. Damien’s mother Marianne is a coun­try doc­tor and his father a mili­ta­ry pilot on a tour of duty abroad. Thomas is of Maghrebi des­cent and is the adopted son of a far­ming fami­ly living on a remo­te farm in the moun­ta­ins. After seve­ral mis­car­ri­a­ges the farmer’s wife is expec­ting again and, sin­ce her pregnan­cy pro­mi­ses to be a dif­fi­cult one, Marianne invi­tes the with­drawn boy to come and stay with them for a while. Damien and Thomas find them­sel­ves having to live under the same roof …
André Techiné has alre­a­dy taken part in the Berlinale Competition seve­ral times with films such as Les temps qui chan­gent (2005) and Les témo­ins (2007). In Quand on a 17 ans he explo­res what it is like to grow up in dif­fe­rent social envi­ron­ments in this por­trait of two con­fu­sed youths try­ing to govern their emo­ti­ons. A rug­ged vil­la­ge in the moun­ta­ins of south-wes­tern France as the sea­sons pass beco­mes the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal land­scape of the rela­ti­onship bet­ween two young men which vacil­la­tes bet­ween dis­da­in and attraction.

Quand on a 17 ans
Frankreich 2016, 116 Min., fr OmU
Regie: André Téchiné
Buch André Téchiné, Céline Sciamma
Kamera Julien Hirsch
Schnitt Albertine Lastera
Darsteller: Corentin Fila, Sandrine Kiberlain, Kacey Mottet Klein, Alexis Loret, Jean Fornerod

QUAND ON A 17 ANS – Trailer F/d
Alles Gut

Alles gut

For eight-year-old Djaner, his first day at school in Hamburg seems like won­der­land. It’s class­ma­te Lena’s bir­th­day; she gets pres­ents and the who­le class sings for her. Djaner, a Roma from Macedonia, has only known school as a place to fear a bea­ting and he’s speechl­ess. The trau­ma­tis­ed young boy has migra­ted to Hamburg with his brot­her and mother; the fami­ly hopes to final­ly live in peace. Meanwhile, 11-year-old Ghofran just wants to go home at first. She lis­tens to Arabic rap and, in her head, she still lives in Syria, while her father Adel is busy fight­ing for them to be able to stay in Hamburg. At the school whe­re she’s lear­ning German, Ghofran meets other girls who are allo­wed to do ever­y­thing – wear make-up, swim … it’s a com­ple­te­ly new expe­ri­ence and initi­al­ly, she rejects it out of hand. With each day that pas­ses, Ghofran beco­mes more and more con­fi­dent and secu­re, while Djaner strug­gles with his pent-up rage.

D 2016, 95 Min.
Buch, Regie, Kamera und Ton: Pia Lenz
Montage: Stephan Haase
Musik: The Notwist


A film by Michael Koch. 

Michael Koch’s keen­ly obser­ved and beau­tiful­ly acted milieu stu­dy has the ruc­tious and vul­nerable Marija at the epi­cen­ter, who­se dream of owning her own hair salon beco­mes a distant pro­s­pect when she loses her job as a hotel clea­ning woman.


D, CH 2016, 101 Min. 
Regie: Michael Koch 
Kamera: Bernhard Keller 
Schnitt: Florian Riegel 
Mit: Margarita Breitkreiz, Georg Friedrich, Olga Dinnikova, Sahin Eryilmaz u.a.

MARIJA – Offizieller Trailer

Little Men

An Ira Sachs film. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

13 year old Jake moves to his par­ents in Brooklyn after his grandfather’s dies and befri­ends Tony

I have a strong fee­ling that eco­no­mics plays an enorm­ous part in the crea­ti­on of cha­rac­ter and dra­ma, It defi­nes so much of who we are and how we expe­ri­ence our day, and the chal­lenges we face. There’s no way to sepa­ra­te some of tho­se ques­ti­ons from the stories”
Ira Sachs

USA 2016, 85 Min., engl. OmU

Regie & Buch: Ira Sachs
Kamera: Óscar Durán
Schnitt: Mollie Goldstein, Aonso Gonçalves

Theo Taplitz
Michael Barbieri
Greg Kinnear
Jennifer Ehle

Little Men Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]

Certain Women

A Film by Kelly Reichardt. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.


CERTAIN WOMEN is tra­cing three sto­ries that have very simp­le plots. Laura, a lawy­er tri­es to sepa­ra­te hers­elf from a pes­ky male cli­ent, a cou­ple attempt to con­vin­ce an old man to give them a pile of rocks in order to build their home, and the final sto­ry is a sub­ver­si­on of the for­mer two, whe­re the prot­ago­nist is the out­si­der secluded on a lonely farm, try­ing to con­nect with the adult edu­ca­ti­on tea­cher Beth. The cha­rac­ters are inten­tio­nal­ly dis­con­nec­ted, but beats from each sto­ry rely on the emo­tio­nal reve­la­ti­ons in the ones pri­or. CERTAIN WOMEN works along the lines of Ozu Yasujiro’s films. If the intan­gi­ble fee­lings, rhyth­ms, and pace of could be cru­de­ly decoded, demys­ti­fy­ing the power of the film’s enig­ma­tic images, igno­ring the ele­ment of the film that moves us wit­hout being able to pin­point exact­ly why, I could say the film is about rea­li­zing the exis­tence of the world around us. I’ve never seen a film quite like it. (Josh Cabrita)

USA 2016, 105 Min., engl. OmU
Director, Editor: Kelly Reichardt
Camera: Christopher Blauvelt
Cast:  Laura Dern, Michelle Williams, Kristen Stewart, Lily Gladstone, James LeGros u.a.

frei­ge­ge­ben ohne Altersbeschränkung (pdf)

Trailer „Certain Women” OmU from Peripher Filmverleih on Vimeo.


Ein Film von Stefan Hayn. Am 4.2. und 5.2. im fsk. Am 4.2. mit anschlie­ßen­dem Filmgespräch.

Ein son­ni­ger Herbsttag in Berlin. Im Süden Neuköllns ver­sam­meln sich die Besucher*innen des Dahlienfeuers, einer jähr­li­chen Gartenausstellung im Britzer Garten. Sie bewun­dern die bun­te Blütenpracht, machen einen Familienausflug und suchen nach Ruhe, schö­nen Stunden oder dem nächs­ten Motiv für ihre Fotosammlung. Zwischen ihnen bewegt sich der Filmemacher. Sein Interesse gilt weni­ger den Pflanzen, mögen sie auch noch so anspre­chend in 4:3 kadriert sein. Vielmehr rich­tet er den Blick auf den Menschen und das, was ihn umtreibt.  Mit höf­li­chen, fast naiv anmu­ten­den Fragen nähert sich Hayn einem Lebensgefühl an, einem Moment, das an die­sem Tag, an die­sem Ort, in und an der Luft liegt. Ein klei­ner Ausschnitt, der einen gro­ßen Einblick erlaubt – in die Köpfe der Protagonist*innen, die Lage einer Nation und die Fotokalender für das nächs­te Weihnachtsfest. Denn immer wie­der geht es auch um den Akt es Aufnehmens, des Einfangens – und vor allem um die Frage, wel­che Beobachtungen für uns Bedeutung erlangen.

D 2016, 67 Min.,
Regie: Stefan Hayn
Kamera: Bernadette Paaßen



A film by Paul Verhoeven. In french with ger­man subtitles.

Isabel Huppert is Michèle, tough boss of game deve­lo­ping com­pa­ny. When she is raped in her house by a man in a mask she exch­an­ges the locks and buys pep­per spray. But some­thing in that expe­ri­ence also turns her on and she starts to play with her aggressor.

France 2016, 130 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Paul Verhoeven
Buch: David Birke, nach dem Roman von Philippe Dijan
Kamera: Stéphane Fontaine
Schnitt: Job ter Burg
Darsteller: Isabelle Huppert, Laurent Lafitte, Anne Consigny, Charles Berling, Virginie Efira, Judith Magre, Christian Berkel, Jonas Bloquet


Ein Film von Jules Herrmann. Ab 26.1. im fsk. Am 31.1. mit anschlie­ßen­dem Filmgespräch mit Jules Herrmann.

Der Lehrer Antek Liebmann („Liebmann“ = „amour” und „hom­me”, erklärt er ein­mal)  lässt sein Leben in Deutschland hin­ter sich und mie­tet sich im som­mer­li­chen Nordfrankreich ein. Als er von sei­nem Vermieter erfährt, dass in den umlie­gen­den Wäldern ein Mörder sein Continue rea­ding