Mit Siebzehn

A film by André Téchiné. Starts 16.3. at the fsk. In french with ger­man subtitles.

Damien and Thomas attend the same grammar school class. They can­not stand each other and when­ever ver­bal insults fail to do enough dama­ge they take a swing at each other. Yet they could just as easi­ly be fri­ends. Damien’s mother Marianne is a coun­try doc­tor and his father a mili­ta­ry pilot on a tour of duty abroad. Thomas is of Maghrebi des­cent and is the adopted son of a far­ming fami­ly living on a remo­te farm in the moun­ta­ins. After seve­ral mis­car­ri­a­ges the farmer’s wife is expec­ting again and, sin­ce her pregnan­cy pro­mi­ses to be a dif­fi­cult one, Marianne invi­tes the with­drawn boy to come and stay with them for a while. Damien and Thomas find them­sel­ves having to live under the same roof …
André Techiné has alre­a­dy taken part in the Berlinale Competition seve­ral times with films such as Les temps qui chan­gent (2005) and Les témo­ins (2007). In Quand on a 17 ans he explo­res what it is like to grow up in dif­fe­rent social envi­ron­ments in this por­trait of two con­fu­sed youths try­ing to govern their emo­ti­ons. A rug­ged vil­la­ge in the moun­ta­ins of south-wes­tern France as the sea­sons pass beco­mes the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal land­scape of the rela­ti­onship bet­ween two young men which vacil­la­tes bet­ween dis­da­in and attraction.

Quand on a 17 ans
Frankreich 2016, 116 Min., fr OmU
Regie: André Téchiné
Buch André Téchiné, Céline Sciamma
Kamera Julien Hirsch
Schnitt Albertine Lastera
Darsteller: Corentin Fila, Sandrine Kiberlain, Kacey Mottet Klein, Alexis Loret, Jean Fornerod

QUAND ON A 17 ANS – Trailer F/d