Evil does not exist

A film by Ryusuke Hamaguchi. In Japaneses with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Urban ambi­ti­ons clash with natu­re in a quiet vil­la­ge clo­se to Tokyo

Takumi and his daugh­ter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, clo­se to Tokyo. Like gene­ra­ti­ons befo­re them, they live a mode­st life accor­ding to the cycles and order of natu­re. One day, the vil­la­ge inha­bi­tants beco­me awa­re of a plan to build a glam­ping site near Takumi’s house; offe­ring city resi­dents a com­for­ta­ble ‘escape’ to natu­re. When two com­pa­ny repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from Tokyo arri­ve in the vil­la­ge to hold a mee­ting, it beco­mes clear that the pro­ject will have a nega­ti­ve impact on the local water sup­p­ly, caus­ing unrest. The agency’s mis­mat­ched inten­ti­ons end­an­ger both the eco­lo­gi­cal balan­ce of the natu­re pla­teau and their way of life, with an after­math that affects Takumi’s life.


Aku wa Sonzai Shinai (悪は存在しない)
JP 2023, 106 Min., japan. OmU
Regie: Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Kamera: Yoshio Kitagawa
Schnitt: Ryūsuke Hamaguchi & Azusa Yamazaki
mit: Hitoshi Omika, Ryo Nishikawa, Ryūji Kosaka,
Ayaka Shibutani

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Helke Sander: Aufräumen

A film by Claudia Richarz. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The film sees Helke Sander, poli­ti­cal acti­vist and film-maker, having a clear-out, straigh­tening things out, remem­be­ring, and pre­sen­ting hers­elf and her artis­tic work in front of the came­ra. She remains a com­ba­ti­ve spi­rit who provokes—a thread that has run through her life and does so in this film too. When Willy Brandt spo­ke at the ope­ning of the German Film and Television Academy in 1966, Helke Sander was one of the first-year stu­dents to use films as a means of action and agi­ta­ti­on. Sander has been a pro­mi­nent figu­re in the public eye, at least sin­ce her »Tomato Speech« in 1968 in front of the Socialist German Student League (SDS) and has amas­sed a vast oeu­vre over the deca­des. Claudia Richarz is thus able to draw on a wealth of archi­ve mate­ri­al in her mon­ta­ge of the lega­cy of the second women’s movement.


GB 2023, 101 Min.,
Regie: Claudia Richarz
Kamera: Claudia Richarz, Martin Gressmann, Volker Sattel
Schnitt: Martin Kayser-Landwehr, Magdolna Rokob

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Squaring the Circle - The Story of Hipgnosis

Squaring the Circle: The Story of Hipgnosis

A film by Anton Corbijn. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Scourge of manage­ment, record com­pa­nies and album slee­ve prin­ters; Champion of bands, music, gre­at ide­as and high, infu­ria­tingly high stan­dards; Defender of the art over com­mer­ce at all times.” – Nick Mason, Pink Floyd on Hipgnosis

Celebrated pho­to­grapher, crea­ti­ve direc­tor and film­ma­ker Anton Corbijn’s first fea­ture docu­men­ta­ry SQUARING THE CIRCLE (THE STORY OF HIPGNOSIS) tells the sto­ry of Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey “Po” Powell, the crea­ti­ve geni­u­ses behind the ico­nic album art design stu­dio, Hipgnosis, respon­si­ble for some of the most reco­gnizable album covers of all time. They for­med Hipgnosis in Cambridge during the fer­ment of the six­ties and beca­me rock royal­ty during the boom time of the seven­ties. They con­ju­red into exis­tence sights that no one had pre­vious­ly thought pos­si­ble, pro­du­ced visu­als which popu­la­ri­zed music that had pre­vious­ly been con­side­red frin­ge, and were at the white-hot cen­ter of the mad­dest, fun­niest and most crea­ti­ve era in the histo­ry of popu­lar music.

During this peri­od, record com­pa­nies didn’t dic­ta­te to acts like Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Paul McCartney what their LP covers should look like – Storm and Po did. They made money; they lost money. They did gre­at things; they did sil­ly things. They fell out bit­ter­ly; they made up. They never play­ed a note, but they chan­ged music. The film fea­tures brand new inter­views with Roger Waters, David Gilmour & Nick Mason of Pink Floyd, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, Paul McCartney, Peter Gabriel, Graham Gouldman of 10cc, Noel Gallagher, and many more.


GB 2022, 101 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie: Anton Corbijn
Kamera: Stuart Luck, Martijn van Broekhuizen
Schnitt: Andrew Hulme
mit: Paul McCartney, Aubrey Powell, Jimmy Page, Noel Gallagher, Robert Plant, Roger Waters, u.a.

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Goodbye Julia

Goodbye Julia

A film by Mohamed Kordofani . Starts hop­eful­ly soon at the fsk.
In Arabic with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Wracked by guilt after cove­ring up a mur­der, Mona a nor­t­hern Sudanese reti­red sin­ger in a ten­se mar­ria­ge tri­es to make amends by taking in the deceased’s sou­thern Sudanese widow, Julia, and her son, Daniel, into her home. Unable to con­fess her trans­gres­si­ons to Julia, Mona deci­des to lea­ve the past behind and adjust to a new sta­tus quo, una­wa­re that the country’s turm­oil may find its way into her home and put her face to face with her sins.


SD/SE/DE/SA/FR/EG 2023, 120 Min., arab. OmU,
Regie: Mohamed Kordofani
Kamera: Pierre de Villiers
mit: Eiman Yousif, Siran Riak, Nazar Gomaa, Ger Duany 

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Wir waren Kumpel

Wir waren Kumpel

A film by Christian Johannes Koch & Jonas Matauschek.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Black dust, shrill metal­lic noi­ses, dark tun­nels, mus­cu­lar bodies – all that is the past. At the end of 2018, extra­c­tion of coal throug­hout Germany came to an end. That same year, the voices of the emer­ging cli­ma­te pro­test move­ment Fridays for Future grew lou­der. Against the back­drop of the­se media and socio-poli­ti­cal events, the film fol­lows five miners on their tra­gic, humo­rous and heart­warm­ing search for a new role in life.


DE 2023, 104 Min.,
Regie: Christian Johannes Koch & Jonas Matauschek
Kamera: Sebastian Klatt
Schnitt: Natali Barrey, Annette Brütsch, Jonas Matauschek

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Club Zero

A film by Jessica Hausner. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Miss Novak joins the staff of an inter­na­tio­nal boar­ding school to teach a con­scious eating class. She ins­tructs that eating less is healt­hy. The other tea­chers are slow to noti­ce what is hap­pe­ning and by the time the dis­trac­ted par­ents begin to rea­li­se, Club Zero has beco­me a reality.


AT, UK, DE, FR, DK 2023, 110 Min., eng­li­sche OmU
Regie: Jessica Hausner
Kamera: Martin Gschlacht
Schnitt: Karina Ressler
mit: Mia Wasikowska, Sidse Babette Knudsen, Elsa Zylberstein, Lukas Turtur, Mathieu Demy, Amir El-Masry, Ksenia Devriendt, Luke Barker

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A film by Marija Kavtaradze. In Lithuanian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

It would never have occur­red to the pas­sio­na­te dancer Elena to have a love affair wit­hout sex. But when she falls head over heels in love with sign lan­guage inter­pre­ter Dovydas, the­re is no way around it for the two of them. Because Dovydas is ase­xu­al. Is the emo­tio­nal con­nec­tion bet­ween them strong enough for a hap­py rela­ti­onship in which Dovydas is not sexu­al­ly attrac­ted to Elena? SLOW is a love sto­ry like you’­ve never seen befo­re. Marija Kavtaradze sen­si­tively and authen­ti­cal­ly tells the sto­ry of two peo­p­le who beco­me clo­se wit­hout slee­ping tog­e­ther. This roman­tic dra­ma is car­ri­ed by two cha­ris­ma­tic prot­ago­nists who cap­ti­va­te you from the very beginning.


LT/ES/SE 2023, 108 Min., litaui­sche OmU
Regie: Marija Kavtaradze
Kamera: Laurynas Bareiša
Schnitt: Silvija Vilkaitė
mit: Greta Grinevičiūtė, Kęstutis Cicėnas

SLOW Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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Die Unschuld

A film by Hirokazu Kore-eda. In Japanese with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A search for the truth on seve­ral levels, in which many things are not what they appear to be, recent­ly hono­red at Cannes.

Hirokazu Kore-eda’s cen­tral the­me, the fami­ly, is once again his start­ing point in this magni­fi­cent­ly orchestra­ted nar­ra­ti­ve. And once again the Japanese mas­ter direc­tor demons­tra­tes his keen power of obser­va­ti­on. In a nuan­ced way, he addres­ses such the­mes as arson, bul­ly­ing, ali­en­ati­on, and pre­ju­di­ce, approa­ching them from mul­ti­ple per­spec­ti­ves and get­ting the audi­ence to think about them. What makes a per­son a mons­ter? And who gets to deter­mi­ne that?


Kaibutsu (Monster)
Japan 2023, 127 Min., japan. OmU
Regie & Schnitt: Hirokazu Kore-eda
Kamera: Kondo Ryuto
mit: Eita Nagayama, Sakura Ando, Soya Kurokawa, Yuko Tanaka, Hinata Hiragi, Mugino Saori

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Julie – eine Frau gibt nicht auf

A film by Eric Gravel. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

After sepa­ra­ting from her hus­band, Julie has moved to a Paris sub­urb to rai­se their two child­ren on her own. Every day she takes them to an elder­ly nan­ny befo­re com­mu­ting to her stressful job in down­town Paris as a maid in a luxu­ry hotel. When a strike para­ly­zes the public trans­por­ta­ti­on sys­tem, com­mu­ting bet­ween home and work beco­mes much more dif­fi­cult. And when Julie final­ly gets an inter­view for a job she’d long been hoping for, she has no choice but to set off on a fran­tic race against time that will push her to her very limits as both her pro­fes­sio­nal and per­so­nal life hang in the balance.


À plein temps
FR 2022, 88 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Eric Gravel
Kamera: Victor Seguin
Schnitt: Mathilde Van de Moortel
mit: Laure Calamy, Anne Suarez, Geneviève Mnich, Nolan Arizmendi, Sasha Lemaitre Cremaschi, Cyril Gueï

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Kraft der Utopie – Leben mit Le Corbusier in Chandigarh

A film by Karin Bucher and Thomas Karrer. In English and German with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

With the con­s­truc­tion of the Indian plan­ned city of Chandigarh, the Swiss and French archi­tect Le Corbusier com­ple­ted his life’s work 70 years ago. Chandigarh is a con­tro­ver­si­al syn­the­sis of the arts, a bold uto­pia of moder­ni­ty. The film accom­pa­nies four cul­tu­ral workers who live in the plan­ned city and reflects on Le Corbusier’s lega­cy, uto­pian urban ide­as and the cul­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween East and West in an atmo­sphe­ri­cal­ly den­se narrative.


CH 2023, 84 Min., engl., deut­sche OmU
Regie & Kamera: Karin Bucher, Thomas Karrer
Schnitt: Fabian Kaiser, Thomas Karrer, Mirjam Krakenberger

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