Category Archives: bald

Köln 75

Köln 75

A film by Ido Fluk. Starts March 13th at the fsk. In German and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Köln 75 tells the true sto­ry behind one of the best-sel­ling jazz records of all time, Keith Jarrett’s “Köln Concert” from 1975. The event almost fai­led to hap­pen – befo­re a for­mi­da­ble German teen­ager, the 18-year-old Vera Brandes, pulls out all the stops and arran­ges the con­di­ti­ons for the crea­ti­on of a mas­ter­pie­ce. Vera, who is still at school when she starts pro­du­cing and pro­mo­ting con­certs in Cologne, puts ever­y­thing on the line to stage this show. It looks like all the odds are against her, but Vera belie­ves in the power of music and has never seen anyo­ne play in the way that Keith Jarrett plays.

Köln 75

DE/BE/PL 2024, 115 Min.,
Regie: Ido Fluk
Kamera: Jens Harant
Schnitt: Anja Siemens
mit Mala Emde, John Magaro, Michael Chernus, Alexander Scheer, Ulrich Tukur

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September & July

A film by Ariane Labed. Starts March 6th at the fsk. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Sisters July and September are very clo­se, but very dif­fe­rent: September is pro­tec­ti­ve and dis­trustful; July, open and curious. An inci­dent in school forces them to flee to an old holi­day home with their mum, whe­re a series of sur­re­al events cau­se their bond to shift in ways July can­not comprehend.


September Says
FR/GR/IE/DE/UK 2023, 96 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Ariane Labed

Kamera: Balthazar Lab
Schnitt: Bettina Böhler
mit: Mia Tharia, Pascale Kann, Rakhee Thakrar

September Says – Official Clip
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A film by Kurdwin Ayub. Starts March 27th at the fsk. In German, Arabic and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Kurdwin Ayub elec­trified with her wide­ly-lau­ded fea­ture debut SONNE (2022), depic­ting a Muslim girl’s expe­ri­en­ces gro­wing up in Vienna. She flips the per­spec­ti­ve in MOND, fol­lo­wing an Austrian woman on a work trip to Jordan. In an inspi­red cas­ting choice, cho­reo­grapher and per­for­mance artist Florentina Holzinger plays Sarah, a reti­red mixed mar­ti­al arts figh­ter hired as a per­so­nal trai­ner by a wealt­hy fami­ly in Amman. What initi­al­ly appears like a dream job—swanky hotel, pri­va­te driver—quickly turns troubling. The teenage sis­ters she is sup­po­sed to train show no inte­rest in the sport. Their pala­ti­al home is always deser­ted, apart from the clea­ning staff and seve­ral body­guards, who pat­rol the house as if it were a pri­son. The girls aren’t allo­wed to access the WiFi net­work and seem shut off from the out­side world. When Sarah enqui­res about the iden­ti­ty of her employ­ers at the hotel bar and men­ti­ons their fami­ly name, the pre­vious­ly fri­end­ly bar­man abrupt­ly ends the con­ver­sa­ti­on. While kee­ping the sto­ry in a rea­list regis­ter, Ayub bor­rows tro­pes from the thril­ler and hor­ror gen­res to gene­ra­te moun­ting sus­pen­se and upend the arche­ty­pe of the white saviour, thus for­cing view­ers to con­front their own pre­con­cep­ti­ons. (Giovanni Marchini Camia)


AU 2024, 93 Min, deutsch/arabisch/englische OmU
Regie: Kurdwin Ayub
Kamera: Klemens Hufnagl,
Roland Stöttinger,
mit: Florentina Holzinger, Andria Tayeh, Celina Antwan, Nagham Abu Baker, u.a.

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Die Unerwünschten

Die Unerwünschten

A film by Ladj Ly. Starts March 6th at the fsk. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

When the mayor of a Paris sub­urb dies, Pierre, a doc­tor, agrees to fill the posi­ti­on. He intends to con­ti­nue the xeno­pho­bic poli­ci­es of his pre­de­ces­sor, who aimed to rede­ve­lop the­se pover­ty-stri­cken immi­grant neigh­bor­hoods. But Haby, an acti­vist resi­dent of immi­grant heri­ta­ge, refu­ses to be dri­ven out and mounts an escala­ting batt­le for the office.


Bâtiment 5 / Les Indésirables
FR 2023, 106 Min., frz. OmU
Ladj Ly
Kamera: Julien Poupard
Schnitt: Flora Volpelière
mit: Anta Diaw, Alexis Manenti, Aristote Luyindula, Steve Tientcheu, Aurélia Petit

BÂTIMENT 5 (Official Trailer, OV/d)
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A film by Gints Zilbalodis. Starts March 6th at the fsk. Without dialogues.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The world seems to be coming to an end, tee­ming with the ves­ti­ges of a human pre­sence. Cat is a soli­ta­ry ani­mal, but as its home is devas­ta­ted by a gre­at flood, he finds refu­ge on a boat popu­la­ted by various spe­ci­es, and will have to team up with them despi­te their dif­fe­ren­ces. In the lone­so­me boat sai­ling through mys­ti­cal over­flowed land­scapes, they navi­ga­te the chal­lenges and dan­gers of adap­ting to this new world.


LV/FR/BE 2023, 84 Min., ohne Dialog
Regie: Gints Zilbalodis

Kamera: Léo Silly Pélissier
Schnitt: Gints Zilbalodis

FLOW l Kinotrailer
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Die Schattenjäger

Die Schattenjäger

A film by Jonathan Millet. Starts February 27th at the fsk. In Arabic and French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Hamid, is part of a secret group pur­suing the Syrian regime’s fugi­ti­ve lea­ders. His mis­si­on takes him to France, on the trail of his for­mer tor­tu­rer whom he must con­front. Based on true events.


Les Fantômes FR 2024, 106 Min., Arab., Frz. OmU
Regie: Jonathan Millet
Kamera: Olivier Boonjing
Schnitt: Laurent Sénéchal
mit: Adam Bessa, Tawfeek Barhom, Julia Franz Richter, Hala Rajab, Safiqa El Till 

Die Schattenjäger (Ghost Trail) Trailer Original mit dt. UT
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A film by Andrea Arnold. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

12 year old Bailey lives with her sin­gle dad Bug and brot­her Hunter in a squat in North Kent. Bug doesn’t have much time for his kids and Bailey who is approa­ching puber­ty seeks atten­ti­on and adven­ture elsewhere.


GB 2023, 119 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie: Andrea Arnold
Kamera: Robbie Ryan
Schnitt: Joe Bini
mit: Barry Keoghan, Franz Rogowski, Nykiya Adams, Jason Edward Buda, Jasmine Jobson, James Nelson-Joyce
Kayleigh Frankie Box

BIRD l Deutscher OmU Trailer
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Noch bin ich nicht, wer ich sein möchte

Noch bin ich nicht, wer ich sein möchte

A film by Klára Tasovská. Starts Febuary 27th at the fsk. In Czech with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Libuše Jarcovjáková docu­ments her life with ana­lo­gue pho­tos and dia­ry ent­ries. Her Czechoslovakian home­land is in the repres­si­ve pha­se of “nor­ma­li­sa­ti­on” after the sup­pres­si­on of the Prague Spring in 1968. The young pho­to­grapher sear­ches for islands of free­dom in Prague as well as her sexu­al iden­ti­ty; her came­ra is her con­stant com­pa­n­ion. One of the­se islands is the T‑Club, a mee­ting place for the que­er sce­ne. When a mur­der is com­mit­ted and the poli­ce beco­me inte­res­ted in Libuše’s pho­tos from the club, her per­so­nal jour­ney of eman­ci­pa­ti­on is abrupt­ly cut short. She enters into a mar­ria­ge of con­ve­ni­ence and moves to West Berlin. But this new world is also fil­led with obs­ta­cles. Using the last of her money, she flies to Tokyo and, for a short time, beco­mes a sought-after fashion pho­to­grapher the­re. Continuing to search for the life she wants to live, Libuše’s path leads her back to Prague via Berlin after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Using only pho­to­graphs and the dia­ry ent­ries she reads out hers­elf, the artist – tog­e­ther with the film­ma­ker – inti­m­ate­ly rela­tes her search for iden­ti­ty, ever­y­day strug­gles, phy­si­cal­i­ty, rela­ti­onships and emotions


Ještě nej­sem, kým chci být
CZ/SK/AU 2024, 90 Min., tsche­chi­sche Originalfassung mit deut­schen Untertiteln
Klára Tasovská
Schnitt: Alexander Kashcheev


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