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First Reformed

A Film by Paul Schrader.  In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

A for­mer mili­ta­ry cha­p­lain, Toller is devas­ta­ted by the loss of his son, whom he hims­elf had encou­ra­ged to enrol in the army. His faith is fur­ther stres­sed when young Mary and her hus­band Michael, a radi­cal envi­ron­men­ta­list, ask him for his help. Consumed by the thought that the world is about to be des­troy­ed by lar­ge, ruthl­ess cor­po­ra­ti­ons, Toller deci­des to car­ry out a high­ly ris­ky deed, in the hope of mana­ging to redis­co­ver his faith. Ethan Hawke plays tor­men­ted Reverend Toller, reflec­ting the image of a man rea­dy for any­thing, in order to retrie­ve a spi­ri­tu­al dimen­si­on in a world mas­sacred by eco­no­mic interests.

USA 2018, 113 Min., engl. OmU
Regie : Paul Schrader 
Kamera : Alexander Dynan
Schnitt : Benjamin Rodriguez Jr.
Buch : Paul Schrader
Darsteller : Ethan Hawke, Amanda Seyfried, Cedric Kyles

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Die Austreibung des armenischen Volkes in die Wüste

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Der Lichtbilder-Vortrag von Armin T. Wegner. Der legen­dä­re Augenzeugenbericht von 1919! Gesprochen von Ulrich Noethen DE 2018, 57 Min. Regie: Ursula von Keitz (Am 19.3. um 17.00)

Als Sanitäter im Ersten Weltkrieg wird Armin T. Wegner Augenzeuge des arme­ni­schen Genozids. Er sieht den Flüchtlingsstrom der von den Türken in die syri­sche Wüste getrie­be­nen arme­ni­schen Bevölkerung: das Leiden, das Elend, die mör­de­ri­sche Gewalt. In den Jahren 1915 bis 1917 fan­den dort bis zu 1,5 Millionen Armenier den Tod.

Trotz des Verbots der tür­ki­schen Behörden mach­te Wegner mehr als 100 Fotos und schmug­gel­te die­se »unter der Leibbinde ver­steckt über die Grenze«. Unmittelbar nach Kriegsende fass­te Wegner sei­ne Erfahrungen als Augenzeuge in einem Vortrag zusam­men, den er am 19. März 1919 in der Berliner Urania erst­mals hielt.

Anlässlich die­ses 100. Jahrestages wird der von Ulrich Noethen neu gespro­che­ne Vortrag ver­öf­fent­licht, mit einer Laterna Magica Projektion von Karin Bienek. Erstmals kann der Vortrag – wie einst gehal­ten – wie­der erlebt werden.







A film by Jean Luc Godard.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Do you still remem­ber how long ago we trai­ned our thoughts? Most often we’d start from a dream…

We won­de­red how, in total dark­ness colours of such inten­si­ty could emer­ge within us.

In a soft low voice Saying gre­at things, Surprising, deep and accu­ra­te matters.

Like a bad dream writ­ten on a stor­my night

Under wes­tern eyes

The lost paradies

War is here


Schweiz 2018, 85 Min., franz. OmU-Fassung und deut­sche Fassung, DCP, Farbe, Dolby Surround 7.1 oder 5.1. FSK ab 12 Jahre. Regie: Jean-Luc Godard, Kamera: Fabrice Aragno, Schnitt: Jean-Luc Godard, Fabrice Aragno


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THE IMAGE BOOK | Official UK Trailer | MUBI

Another Day Of Life

A film by Raul de la Fuente and Damian Nenow .

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Another Day of Life“ reli­ves the dra­ma of the Angolan civil war in 1975 through the eyes of the legen­da­ry war repor­ter Ryszard Kapuściński. Via a mix of ani­ma­ted sequen­ces and docu­men­ta­ry inter­views with Kapuschinski’s con­tem­po­ra­ry com­pa­n­ions the film con­veys the ter­ror and absur­di­ties of the war. At the same time the audi­ence wit­nesses Kapuściński’s tran­si­ti­on from objec­ti­ve repor­ter to aut­hor who tri­es to approach the truths of the war through the means of literature.


Polen/Spanien/Belgien/Deutschland 2018 ∙ 86 Min., Englisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Spanische OmU
Regie: Raul de la Fuente, Damian Nenow
Buch: Raul de la Fuente, David Weber, Amaia Ram


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ANOTHER DAY OF LIFE (2018) – Trailer english

Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln.

Der letzte Jolly-Boy

A film by Hans-Erich Viet.  In German

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Hans-Erich Viet’s docu­men­ta­ry tells the sto­ry of 97-year-old Holocaust sur­vi­vor Leon Schwarzbaum. Born in Hamburg, he grew up in Poland and was the only mem­ber of his fami­ly to sur­vi­ve the con­cen­tra­ti­on camps of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. He was an obser­ver at the Lüneburg SS tri­al and was a co-plain­ti­ff in the Auschwitz SS tri­als in Detmold and Hanau. A road movie through deca­des of German histo­ry and sto­ries – with a man who sang as a teen­ager in a boy band known as the „Jolly Boys“, inspi­red by American swing music.


DE 2018 105 Min.
Regie: Hans-Erich Viet
Drehbuch: Hans-Erich Viet
Kamera: Thomas Keller, Nina Frey
Schnitt: Nina Caspers


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Der letz­te Jolly Boy – Trailer from Cine Complete Postproduction on Vimeo.

Spreeland – Fontane

A Film by  Bernhard Sallman.  On March 31st. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

The rivers used to run the way they run today. Sure, they car­ri­ed other water. But isn’t water always water? We see water in almost every take of this cine­ma­tic ram­ble through Brandenburg’s Spree are­as – moving, sta­g­nant, clear, mur­ky, over­flowing, dam­med up, liquid, fro­zen – in sta­tic takes, audio­vi­su­al crystal­liza­ti­ons of the onto­lo­gi­cal modes of water, always both his­to­ric tableau and view of the pre­sent day: the rivers that flow or stand still the way they always used to flow or stand still and the high­ways bey­ond their banks, the smo­king chim­neys of power plants in the back­ground, the motor boats, the jet­ties, the bridges, the ship­ping facilities.

After “Oderland. Fontane” and “Rhinland. Fontane”, Bernhard Sallmann is now pre­sen­ting “Spreeland Fontane”, his third film essay adapt­a­ti­on of the five-volu­me tra­ve­lo­gue “Ramblings through Brandenburg”. Offscreen, Judica Albrecht’s crys­tal clear, almost black and white voice reci­tes pas­sa­ges from the impres­si­ons the famous German wri­ter Theodor Fontane tur­ned into pro­se, while onscreen the places of influx whe­re histo­ry and the pre­sent age flow tog­e­ther are revealed.

Lukas Stern


DE 2018, 79 Min., Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Bernhard Sallmann


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Das Haus am Meer

A film by Robert Guédiguian. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Three grown child­ren gathe­red at the pic­tures­que vil­la of their dying father reflect on whe­re they are, who they have beco­me, and what they have inherited.


FR 2017, 107 Min., frz. OmU, Regie: Robert Guédiguian, mit: Ariane Ascaride, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Gérard Meylan, Jacques Boudet


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Das Haus am Meer – Trailer from Jürgen Lütz on Vimeo.

Talking Money

A film by Sebastian Winkels. Starts March 28th at the fsk. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Talking Money is an obser­va­tio­nal docu­men­ta­ry shot at bank con­sul­ta­ti­on tables all over the world. Weaving sto­ries from eight count­ries into one glo­bal money con­ver­sa­ti­on, it vir­tual­ly trans­forms the cine­ma into a bank. Purely experiential!

Who are we when we talk about money?

Intimate con­ver­sa­ti­ons in an imper­so­nal place: from Bolivia to Pakistan, Benin to Switzerland, men and women sit down across from their neigh­bor­hood ban­kers to dis­cuss the inti­maci­es of their finan­cial lives. Far from the gla­mour of distant Wall Street, this is the rea­li­ty of per­so­nal ban­king, whe­re one’s life pro­blems are a mat­ter of business.

In fif­teen spon­ta­neous­ly recor­ded encoun­ters, the bank table turns into a stage for con­fes­si­ons and mas­quer­ades, whe­re con­sul­tants and cli­ents try their best to look solid and trust­wor­t­hy. Filming enti­re­ly from the bank’s side of the table, Sebastian Winkels offers the audi­ence a place in a bizar­re power play, explo­ring a com­pli­ca­ted rela­ti­on cal­led ’money’.

A mul­ti-voi­ced com­ment on capi­ta­lism that reve­als how the invi­si­ble power of money works on all of us, no mat­ter who and whe­re we are.


CH/DE 2017, 83 Min.,
Buch/Regie/Kamera: Sebastian Winkels
Schnitt: Frederik Bösing


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Talking Money – Rendezvous bei der Bank (offi­zi­el­ler Trailer)


A film by Jonah Hill.  In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Stevie is 13, but looks a lot youn­ger. As always, it is sum­mer­ti­me in L.A. and Stevie is despe­ra­te to hang out with the big boys. At home his older brot­her tyran­ni­s­es him; his sin­gle mother is rare­ly the­re. When Stevie meets a group of cool dudes at the local skate­board shop, ever­y­thing chan­ges: the Ninja Turtles pos­ter is repla­ced by a pin-up girl, he beg­ins prac­ti­cing skate­boar­ding at night in front of the house and it is not long befo­re Stevie smo­kes his first cigarette.
Actor Jonah Hill (The Wolf of Wall Street) has paid gre­at atten­ti­on to detail in order to resur­rect the 1990s for his direc­to­ri­al debut. His sto­ry of a teenager’s dif­fi­cult search for reco­gni­ti­on and the right fri­ends unfolds with gre­at ease and ple­nty of music. Replete with mix­tapes, VHS cam­cor­ders, Nintendo PlayStations and a good dose of nost­al­gia, Hill’s 16mm film takes us into the world of a boy who is test­ing his limits and is in dan­ger of gro­wing up too quick­ly. And on the sound­track, in addi­ti­on to film music sup­pli­ed by Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) and Atticus Ross, we are trea­ted to the songs of Nirvana, The Mamas & the Papas, Cypress Hill, Souls of Mischief and Seal.


US 2018, 85 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Jonah Hill
Kamera: Christopher Blauvelt
Montage: Nick Houy
mit: Sunny Suljic, Katherine Waterston, Lucas Hedges, Na-Kel Smith, Olan Prenatt 


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Der Fall Sarah und Saleem

A film by Muayad Alayan.  In Arabic, Hebrew and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

An affair of the heart beco­mes an affair of sta­te: a Palestinian dra­ma that takes the uphe­avals bet­ween Arabs and Jews to ano­ther, unu­su­al level. Sex in the back of a truck – that just about sums up the affair bet­ween Sarah and Saleem. They meet seve­ral times a week, as soon as he’s finis­hed deli­ve­ring his pastries and she’s shut her café. Their affair is given added piquan­cy not just by the fact that they’­re both mar­ried, but becau­se Sarah is Israeli and Saleem Palestinian. When the pair are spot­ted tog­e­ther, the intel­li­gence ser­vices on both sides take an inte­rest in Saleem, becau­se Sarah’s hus­band is no ordi­na­ry Israeli, but a high-ran­king officer.



PS/NL/DE/MX 2018, 127 min., Farbe, Arab./Hebr./Engl. OmU
Regie: Muayad Alayan
Kamera: Sebastian Bock
Schnitt: Sameer Qumsiyeh
mit: Maisa Abd Elhadi, Adeeb Safadi, Sivane Kretchner, Ishai Golan


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Der Fall Sarah & Saleem (Trailer) | missingFILMs | Kinostart: 14.03.2019