A film by Hans-Erich Viet. In German
Hans-Erich Viet’s documentary tells the story of 97-year-old Holocaust survivor Leon Schwarzbaum. Born in Hamburg, he grew up in Poland and was the only member of his family to survive the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. He was an observer at the Lüneburg SS trial and was a co-plaintiff in the Auschwitz SS trials in Detmold and Hanau. A road movie through decades of German history and stories – with a man who sang as a teenager in a boy band known as the „Jolly Boys“, inspired by American swing music.
DE 2018 105 Min.
Regie: Hans-Erich Viet
Drehbuch: Hans-Erich Viet
Kamera: Thomas Keller, Nina Frey
Schnitt: Nina Caspers
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Der letzte Jolly Boy – Trailer from Cine Complete Postproduction on Vimeo.