Familie Brasch

A film by Annekatrin Hendel. In German.

Since the late 1940s, the Brasches have been the per­fect fami­ly of par­ty offi­ci­als, living the German dream of socia­lism in the Soviet zone of occu­pa­ti­on. Horst Brasch, a pas­sio­na­te anti-fascist, is hel­ping to build an East German sta­te which his wife, Gerda, won’t con­sider home. Their son Thomas is a bud­ding lite­ra­ry star. Like his father, he dreams of a more just world, but like youn­ger brot­hers Peter and Klaus, he is cri­ti­cal of the way in which socia­lism has been imple­men­ted. As they do ever­y­whe­re else, the gene­ra­ti­ons clash in East Germany in 1968. Horst turns Thomas over to the aut­ho­ri­ties — trig­ge­ring the end of his own care­er in the pro­cess. After 1989, socia­list dreams of any kind are no lon­ger of value. Director Annekatrin Hendel deli­vers a por­trait of three gene­ra­ti­ons of Brasches as a micro­c­osm of socie­tal ten­si­ons being car­ri­ed out on a lar­ge sca­le — bet­ween East and West, art and poli­tics, com­mu­nism and reli­gi­on, love and betra­y­al, uto­pia and self-destruction.

D 2018, 103 Min.,
Buch und Regie: Annekatrin Hendel
Kamera: Thomas Plenert, Martin Farkas
Buch und Montage: Jörg Hauschild

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Familie Brasch Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]


A skin so soft

A film by Denis Côté. In French with German subtitles.

Jean-François, Ronald, Alexis, Cédric, Benoit and Maxim are the main cha­rac­ters in TA PEAU SI LISSE, an inti­ma­te por­tra­y­al of a group of “Supermen”. Despite the men fin­ding them­sel­ves at dif­fe­rent points in their lives and care­ers, they all share an obses­si­on with their bodies, meti­cu­lous­ly honed and in com­pe­ti­ti­on with each other. Their dai­ly lives are caught up in a maso­chi­stic and nar­cis­si­stic deli­ri­um, aided by extre­me die­ting and exhaus­ting work­outs. But what dri­ves the cha­rac­ters to push them­sel­ves to the limit?
Rather than tack­le the sub­ject head-on, Denis Côté shows us the absur­di­ty of com­ple­te­ly sur­ren­de­ring your body and soul to the pur­su­it of self-repre­sen­ta­ti­on, to the “super me”. But TA PEAU SI LISSE is not a film about seduc­ti­ve moments in the typi­cal sen­se of the word, despi­te clo­se-ups that are so extre­me it’s as though the direc­tor lite­ral­ly wants to get under the skin of the cha­rac­ters. Despite the lay­ers of mus­cle and fle­sh, what counts in this film is the sin­ce­ri­ty of the moment. The film is an ode to the fra­gi­li­ty of human exis­tence. (Muriel Del Don)



Kanada, Schweiz, Frankreich  2017, 94 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Denis Côté 
Kamera: François Messier-Rheault 
Schnitt: Nicolas Roy 
mit: Alexis Légaré , Benoit Lapierre , Cédric Doyon , Jean-François Bouchard , Ronald Yang , Maxim Lemire



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TA PEAU SI LISSE – Bande-annon­ce from Filmtage Tübingen on Vimeo.


Don’t worry, weglaufen geht nicht

A film by Gus van Sant. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles

John has a pen­chant for off-colour jokes – and a drin­king pro­blem. And so, when some­bo­dy he met at a par­ty sug­gests they go on an all-night ben­der in L.A. he sim­ply can’t refu­se. But after fal­ling asleep in a drun­ken stu­por on his drin­king buddy’s pas­sen­ger seat, he wakes up the next mor­ning in hos­pi­tal, a quad­ri­ple­gic. Becoming a wheel­chair user for life at the age of 21, he now requi­res every last drop of his sen­se of humour to redis­co­ver mea­ning in his exis­tence. He is aided by Annu who brings back his lust for life, as well as Donny, a hip­pie who­se uncon­ven­tio­nal Alcoholics Anonymous mee­tings draw tog­e­ther peo­p­le from all walks of life and help them see things from a who­le new per­spec­ti­ve. John dis­co­vers beau­ty and humour in the depths of human expe­ri­ence and uses his artis­tic talent to turn the­se dis­co­veries into bril­li­ant­ly obser­ved cartoons.
Gus Van Sant’s bio­pic is based on the memoirs of car­too­nist John Callahan. This is a ten­der, melan­cho­ly yet hope-fil­led and life-affir­ming fic­tion­a­li­sed por­trait of a life of limi­ta­ti­ons. As in many of his films, here too Van Sant addres­ses the search for iden­ti­ty in the envi­rons of social sub­cul­tures and unu­su­al milieus.


Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot
USA 2018, 113 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Gus Van Sant
Kamera: Christopher Blauvelt
Schnitt: Gus Van Sant, David Marks
Joaquin Phoenix (John Callahan)
Jonah Hill (Donny)
Rooney Mara (Annu)
Jack Black (Dexter)
Mark Webber (Mike)
Udo Kier (Hans)
Carrie Brownstein (Suzanne)
Beth Ditto (Reba)
Kim Gordon (Corky)



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Aus nächster Distanz

A film by Eran Riklis.
In eng­lish and hebrew with ger­man subtitles.

Two women who beco­me the match ball of poli­ti­cal power inte­rests: the Lebanese infor­mer Mona and the Israeli Mossad agent Naomi who was sent to pro­tect Mona until she reco­vers from pla­s­tic sur­gery for her new iden­ti­ty. The two women, who have a lot more in com­mon than it at first may seem, spend two weeks tog­e­ther in a secret apart­ment in Hamburg. A safe­house. No one saw what was coming, no one knew that the­se two sup­po­sedly quiet weeks would turn into a night­ma­re. A vexa­tious game of tre­ason, loyal­ty and decis­i­ons which are made that are not their own, put the women’s rela­ti­onship of mutu­al curio­si­ty and sus­pi­ci­on to the test: what makes life worth living and who, in the end, can real­ly be trusted?

Deutschland/Frankreich/Israel 2017, 93 min., engl., hebr. OmU
Drehbuch und Regie: Eran Riklis
KAMERA – Sebastian Edschmid
SCHNITT – Richard Marizy
mit: Golshifteh Farahani, Neta Riskin, Yehuda Almagor, Doraid Liddawi, David Hamade, August Wittgenstein, Mark Waschke

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Gute Manieren

A film by Juliana Rojas & Marco Dutr. In Portuguese with German subtitles.

Clara, a lonely nur­se from the out­skirts of São Paulo, is hired by mys­te­rious and wealt­hy Ana as the nan­ny for her unborn child. The two women deve­lop a strong bond, but a fateful night chan­ges their plans.

As Boas Maneiras
Brasilien, Frankreich 2017, 135 Min., por­tu­gie­si­sche OmU 

Regie: Juliana Rojas , Marco Dutra 
Kamera: Rui Poças 
Schnitt: Caetano Gotardo 
mit: Isabél Zuaa , Marjorie Estiano , Miguel Lobo , Cida Moreira , Andrea Marquee
frei­ge­ge­ben ab 12 jahren

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Gute Manieren – Trailer für die offi­zi­el­le Website from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.


Fridas Sommer

A film by  Carla Simón. In Catalan with German subtitles.

Where are you going?’ · ‘I’m going back home.’ · ‘Why?’ · ‘Because no one loves me here.’ · ‘I love you.’ 

Six-year-old Frida looks on in silence as the last objects from her decea­sed mother’s apart­ment are pla­ced in boxes. In a send-off, her fri­ends fol­low her car on foot waving good­bye. Although her uncle’s fami­ly wel­co­mes her with open arms, it’s only very slow­ly that Frida beg­ins to get used to her new home in the coun­try­si­de, far away from her nati­ve Barcelona. Moments of youthful exu­berance give way to rumi­na­ti­ve detach­ment. At night, Frida prays for her mother, who she mis­ses hor­ri­bly, while during the day she attempts to find her place in this new life. In spi­te of its sum­me­ry hues, the serious under­to­nes of this coming of age dra­ma, who­se gent­le images attempt to come to terms with the con­se­quen­ces of an unpre­dic­ta­ble ill­ness, pro­ve to be extra­or­di­na­ri­ly moving.

OT: Estiu 1993, 
Spanien 2016, 96 Min., kata­la­ni­sche OmU
Buch & Regie: Carla Simón
Kamera: Santiago Racaj
Schnitt: Didac Palou, Ana Pfaff
mit: Laia Artigas, Paula Robles, Bruno Cusí, David Verdaguer, Fermi Reixacha



Auf der Suche nach Ingmar Bergman

A film by Margarethe von Trotta.

In honor of the filmmaker‘s 100th bir­th­day Margaretha von Trotta and her son Felix Moeller made a film about Bergmann‘s films and his influence on other directors.

D 2018, 98 Min., OmU

Regie: Margarethe von Trotta 
Co-Regie: Felix Moeller, Bettina Böhler
Kamera: Börres Weiffenbach, Florian Lampersberger
Schnitt: Bettina Böhler
mit: Liv Ullmann, Daniel Bergman, Ruben Östlund, Mia Hansen-Løve, Carlos Saura, Olivier Assayas


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Nico 1988

A film by  Susanna Nicchiarelli. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Set bet­ween Paris, Prague, Nuremberg, Manchester, the Polish coun­try­si­de and the Roman sea­si­de, NICO, 1988 is a road-movie dedi­ca­ted to the last years of Christa Päffgen, known by her stage name “Nico”. One of Warhol’s muses, sin­ger of The Velvet Underground and a woman of legen­da­ry beau­ty, Nico lived a second life after the sto­ry known to all, when she began her care­er as a solo artist. NICO, 1988 is the sto­ry of Nico’s last tours with the band that accom­pa­nied her around Europe in the 80s: years in which the “priest­ess of dark­ness”, as she was cal­led, found hers­elf again, shaking off the weight of her beau­ty and rebuil­ding the rela­ti­onship with her only for­got­ten son. It is the sto­ry of a rebirth, of an artist, of a mother, of the woman bey­ond the icon.


It. / Belgien 2017, 93 Min., engl. OmU 

Regie: Susanna Nicchiarelli 
Kamera: Crystel Fournier 
Schnitt: Stefano Cravero 
Dokumentarfilmmaterial von Jonas Mekas
mit: Trine Dyrholm, John Gordon Sinclair, Anamaria Marinca, Sandor Funtek


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Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda

A film by Stephen Nomura Schible. In English and Japanese with German subtitles.

Ryuichi Sakamoto was part of the Yellow Magic Orchestra in the 70s and later beca­me a Japanese pop super­star, an expe­ri­men­tal musi­ci­an, and a film com­po­ser (recei­ving an Oscar for THE LAST EMPEROR). He explains the motifs of his music with unpre­ten­tious charm.

Ryuichi Sakamoto was part of the Yellow Magic Orchestra in the 70s and later beca­me a Japanese pop super­star, an expe­ri­men­tal musi­ci­an, and a film com­po­ser (recei­ving an Oscar for THE LAST EMPEROR). He explains the motifs of his music with unpre­ten­tious charm.


Yorick Berta | Indiekino


USA/Japan 2017, 102 Min., japa­nisch-eng­li­sche OmU

Regie: Stephen Nomura Schible
Kamera: Neo S. Sora, Tom Richmond
Schnitt: Hisayo Kushida, Yuji Oshige

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Zentralflughafen T H F

A film by Karim Aïnouz. In ara­bic, ger­man, eng­lish, rus­si­an with ger­man subtitles.

Tempelhof Airport in Berlin is Europe’s lar­gest heri­ta­ge buil­ding. It beca­me a sym­bol of both National Socialist self-aggran­di­se­ment as well as of free­dom during the air­lift of 1948 – 49. Since autumn 2015 seve­ral han­gars have been pro­vi­ding tem­po­ra­ry shel­ter for refu­gees. Like the other 2,000 peo­p­le here who have fled their home­land, Ibrahim from Syria and Qutaiba from Iraq dream of being able to make a new start. Full of hope, they work with trans­la­tors, doc­tors, lan­guage tea­chers and job agents to prepa­re for life in their new German home. The lack of pri­va­te space and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve bar­riers are some of the chal­lenges they face while, on the near­by recrea­ti­on area of Tempelhofer Feld, Berliners and tou­rists escape their dai­ly rou­ti­ne. Chaos and harm­o­ny: two very dif­fe­rent worlds in one place.
Karim Aïnouz spent a year fol­lo­wing the­se men in search of a place they can call home. The film’s sen­si­ti­ve and well-com­po­sed images cap­tu­re their lives that are shaped by uncer­tain­ty, stress and angu­ish, but also jol­li­ty and aspi­ra­ti­ons. The building’s archi­tec­tu­re and the chan­ging sea­sons add a sur­re­al dimen­si­on. A por­trait of a city within a city that is also a snapshot of Europe caught bet­ween uto­pia and crisis.


Deutschland / Frankreich / Brasilien 2018, 97 Min.

Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch OmU
Regie: Karim Aïnouz
Kamera: Juan Sarmiento G.
Schnitt: Felix von Boehm



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Zentralflughafen THF (Offizieller Trailer)
