Fridas Sommer

A film by  Carla Simón. In Catalan with German subtitles.

Where are you going?’ · ‘I’m going back home.’ · ‘Why?’ · ‘Because no one loves me here.’ · ‘I love you.’ 

Six-year-old Frida looks on in silence as the last objects from her decea­sed mother’s apart­ment are pla­ced in boxes. In a send-off, her fri­ends fol­low her car on foot waving good­bye. Although her uncle’s fami­ly wel­co­mes her with open arms, it’s only very slow­ly that Frida beg­ins to get used to her new home in the coun­try­si­de, far away from her nati­ve Barcelona. Moments of youthful exu­berance give way to rumi­na­ti­ve detach­ment. At night, Frida prays for her mother, who she mis­ses hor­ri­bly, while during the day she attempts to find her place in this new life. In spi­te of its sum­me­ry hues, the serious under­to­nes of this coming of age dra­ma, who­se gent­le images attempt to come to terms with the con­se­quen­ces of an unpre­dic­ta­ble ill­ness, pro­ve to be extra­or­di­na­ri­ly moving.

OT: Estiu 1993, 
Spanien 2016, 96 Min., kata­la­ni­sche OmU
Buch & Regie: Carla Simón
Kamera: Santiago Racaj
Schnitt: Didac Palou, Ana Pfaff
mit: Laia Artigas, Paula Robles, Bruno Cusí, David Verdaguer, Fermi Reixacha

