A skin so soft

A film by Denis Côté. In French with German subtitles.

Jean-François, Ronald, Alexis, Cédric, Benoit and Maxim are the main cha­rac­ters in TA PEAU SI LISSE, an inti­ma­te por­tra­y­al of a group of “Supermen”. Despite the men fin­ding them­sel­ves at dif­fe­rent points in their lives and care­ers, they all share an obses­si­on with their bodies, meti­cu­lous­ly honed and in com­pe­ti­ti­on with each other. Their dai­ly lives are caught up in a maso­chi­stic and nar­cis­si­stic deli­ri­um, aided by extre­me die­ting and exhaus­ting work­outs. But what dri­ves the cha­rac­ters to push them­sel­ves to the limit?
Rather than tack­le the sub­ject head-on, Denis Côté shows us the absur­di­ty of com­ple­te­ly sur­ren­de­ring your body and soul to the pur­su­it of self-repre­sen­ta­ti­on, to the “super me”. But TA PEAU SI LISSE is not a film about seduc­ti­ve moments in the typi­cal sen­se of the word, despi­te clo­se-ups that are so extre­me it’s as though the direc­tor lite­ral­ly wants to get under the skin of the cha­rac­ters. Despite the lay­ers of mus­cle and fle­sh, what counts in this film is the sin­ce­ri­ty of the moment. The film is an ode to the fra­gi­li­ty of human exis­tence. (Muriel Del Don)



Kanada, Schweiz, Frankreich  2017, 94 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Denis Côté 
Kamera: François Messier-Rheault 
Schnitt: Nicolas Roy 
mit: Alexis Légaré , Benoit Lapierre , Cédric Doyon , Jean-François Bouchard , Ronald Yang , Maxim Lemire



  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


TA PEAU SI LISSE – Bande-annon­ce from Filmtage Tübingen on Vimeo.
