Zentralflughafen T H F

A film by Karim Aïnouz. In ara­bic, ger­man, eng­lish, rus­si­an with ger­man subtitles.

Tempelhof Airport in Berlin is Europe’s lar­gest heri­ta­ge buil­ding. It beca­me a sym­bol of both National Socialist self-aggran­di­se­ment as well as of free­dom during the air­lift of 1948 – 49. Since autumn 2015 seve­ral han­gars have been pro­vi­ding tem­po­ra­ry shel­ter for refu­gees. Like the other 2,000 peo­p­le here who have fled their home­land, Ibrahim from Syria and Qutaiba from Iraq dream of being able to make a new start. Full of hope, they work with trans­la­tors, doc­tors, lan­guage tea­chers and job agents to prepa­re for life in their new German home. The lack of pri­va­te space and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve bar­riers are some of the chal­lenges they face while, on the near­by recrea­ti­on area of Tempelhofer Feld, Berliners and tou­rists escape their dai­ly rou­ti­ne. Chaos and harm­o­ny: two very dif­fe­rent worlds in one place.
Karim Aïnouz spent a year fol­lo­wing the­se men in search of a place they can call home. The film’s sen­si­ti­ve and well-com­po­sed images cap­tu­re their lives that are shaped by uncer­tain­ty, stress and angu­ish, but also jol­li­ty and aspi­ra­ti­ons. The building’s archi­tec­tu­re and the chan­ging sea­sons add a sur­re­al dimen­si­on. A por­trait of a city within a city that is also a snapshot of Europe caught bet­ween uto­pia and crisis.


Deutschland / Frankreich / Brasilien 2018, 97 Min.

Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch OmU
Regie: Karim Aïnouz
Kamera: Juan Sarmiento G.
Schnitt: Felix von Boehm



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Zentralflughafen THF (Offizieller Trailer)
