Don’t worry, weglaufen geht nicht

A film by Gus van Sant. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles

John has a pen­chant for off-colour jokes – and a drin­king pro­blem. And so, when some­bo­dy he met at a par­ty sug­gests they go on an all-night ben­der in L.A. he sim­ply can’t refu­se. But after fal­ling asleep in a drun­ken stu­por on his drin­king buddy’s pas­sen­ger seat, he wakes up the next mor­ning in hos­pi­tal, a quad­ri­ple­gic. Becoming a wheel­chair user for life at the age of 21, he now requi­res every last drop of his sen­se of humour to redis­co­ver mea­ning in his exis­tence. He is aided by Annu who brings back his lust for life, as well as Donny, a hip­pie who­se uncon­ven­tio­nal Alcoholics Anonymous mee­tings draw tog­e­ther peo­p­le from all walks of life and help them see things from a who­le new per­spec­ti­ve. John dis­co­vers beau­ty and humour in the depths of human expe­ri­ence and uses his artis­tic talent to turn the­se dis­co­veries into bril­li­ant­ly obser­ved cartoons.
Gus Van Sant’s bio­pic is based on the memoirs of car­too­nist John Callahan. This is a ten­der, melan­cho­ly yet hope-fil­led and life-affir­ming fic­tion­a­li­sed por­trait of a life of limi­ta­ti­ons. As in many of his films, here too Van Sant addres­ses the search for iden­ti­ty in the envi­rons of social sub­cul­tures and unu­su­al milieus.


Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot
USA 2018, 113 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Gus Van Sant
Kamera: Christopher Blauvelt
Schnitt: Gus Van Sant, David Marks
Joaquin Phoenix (John Callahan)
Jonah Hill (Donny)
Rooney Mara (Annu)
Jack Black (Dexter)
Mark Webber (Mike)
Udo Kier (Hans)
Carrie Brownstein (Suzanne)
Beth Ditto (Reba)
Kim Gordon (Corky)



  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 
