Mein Ende. Dein Anfang.

A film by Mariko Minoguchi. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

For Nora and Aron it is love at first sight when they encoun­ter each other on a rai­ny day whilst taking the under­ground. It was a com­ple­te coin­ci­dence, Nora says. Aron dis­agrees: it was pre­de­ter­mi­ned. But the young cou­ple then get caught up in a vio­lent bank rob­be­ry. Aron is shot by the mas­ked gun­man and dies in Nora’s arms. For Nora, time stands still. She numbs her pain, spen­ding the night with a stran­ger – Natan. He pro­vi­des Nora with sta­bi­li­ty. She has the stran­ge fee­ling that she knows him alre­a­dy, but does not yet know what real­ly con­nects them…


DE 2019, 111 Min., OmeU
Regie: Mariko Minoguchi
Kamera: Julian Krubasik
Schnitt: Andreas Menn,
mit: Saskia Rosendahl, Julius Feldmeier, Edin Hasanovic, Jeanette Hain, Lilly Forgach


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MEIN ENDE. DEIN ANFANG. | Trailer | deutsch/german


Eine eiserne Kassette

Ein Film von Nils Olger. .

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Von sei­ner Großmutter erhält Nils Olger nach dem Tod des Großvaters eine Kassette. In ihr lie­gen Rollen mit Fotonegativen. »Da hast du nun alle unse­re Geheimnisse«, sagt sie. Die Bilder las­sen ahnen, wor­an der Großvater als SS-Angehöriger im zwei­ten Weltkrieg betei­ligt war. Olger folgt der Spur der Negative und begibt sich an ihre Entstehungsorte. Nach Österreich, Ungarn und Italien. Es ist der Versuch des Nachgeborenen, sei­ne Erinnerungen an den Großvater um die von ihm ver­schwie­ge­nen Elemente zu ergän­zen und mit­hil­fe der Negative ein voll­stän­di­ge­res Bild ent­ste­hen zu lassen.


AU/DE 2018, 102 Min., Deutsch, Italienisch, Ungarisch, Rumänisch OmU
Regie: Nils Olger
Drehbuch: Nils Olger
Kamera: Nils Olger, Juri Schaden, Thomas Marschall
Schnitt: Nils Olger



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Eine eiser­ne Kassette – offi­zi­el­ler Trailer from bit­ters­weet GmbH on Vimeo.


The Gold Diggers (1983) + Performance: Confessions of am actress

A Film by Sally Potter fol­lo­wed by a Performance CONFESSIONS OF AN ACTRESS by Susanne Sachsse. On October 23rd at the fsk. In English.

The ground-brea­king first fea­ture from the direc­tor of ORLANDO and THE TANGO LESSON, THE GOLD DIGGERS is a key film of ear­ly Eighties femi­nist cine­ma. Made with an all-woman crew, fea­turing stun­ning pho­to­gra­phy by Babette Magolte and a score by Lindsay Cooper it embraces a radi­cal and expe­ri­men­tal nar­ra­ti­ve struc­tu­re. Celeste (Colette Laffont) is a com­pu­ter clerk in a bank who beco­mes fasci­na­ted by the rela­ti­onship bet­ween gold and power. Ruby (Julie Christie) is an enig­ma­tic film star in quest of her child­hood, her memo­ries and the truth about her own iden­ti­ty. As their paths cross they come to sen­se that the­re could be a link bet­ween the male strugg­le for eco­no­mic supre­ma­cy and the fema­le ide­al of mys­te­rious but impo­tent beauty.


GB 1983 82 Min. engl. OV • Regie: Sally Potter • Drehbuch: Lindsay Cooper, Rose English, Sally Potter • Kamera: Babette Mangolte • Kostüm: Rose English • Musik: Lindsay Cooper • Mit: Julie Christie, Collette Laffont


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PJ Harvey – A Dog called Money

A film by Seamus Murphy. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

A child curious­ly pres­ses its face against the win­dow of a car in which British musi­ci­an PJ Harvey and pho­to­jour­na­list and film­ma­ker Seamus Murphy are sit­ting. They are in Kabul, Afghanistan, one of three desti­na­ti­ons to which they are tra­vel­ling; the others are Kosovo and Washington, D.C. Harvey is sear­ching for inspi­ra­ti­on; coll­ec­ting impres­si­ons and words, obser­ving, lis­tening and absor­bing. Her thoughts can be heard in voice-over. Hers is the chro­nic­le of a stran­ger who­se atten­ti­ve gaze is direc­ted towards the rea­li­ty of ever­y­day life in the places she visits. Inspiration turns into poet­ry, which gives rise to songs for her album ‘The Hope Six Demolition Project’. Back in London, Harvey records the­se songs with her band in a pur­po­se-built stu­dio which ser­ves as a kind of peep­show, its one-way win­dow allo­wing inte­res­ted audi­en­ces to obser­ve the process.
Seamus Murphy trans­po­ses Harvey’s search for inspi­ra­tio­nal mate­ri­al and her inti­ma­te crea­ti­ve pro­cess into an impres­si­ve­ly poe­tic mon­ta­ge that never once dive­sts the musi­ci­an of her enig­ma­tic aura. A Dog Called Money mer­ges the filmmaker’s and the musician’s visi­ons in an extra­or­di­na­ry symbiosis.


IR/GB 2019, 90 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Seamus Murphy
Kamera: Seamus Murphy
Montage: Sebastian Gollek
mit: PJ. Harvey


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A film by Bong Joon Ho. In Korean with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Ki-taek’s fami­ly of four is clo­se, but ful­ly unem­ploy­ed, with a bleak future ahead of them. The son Ki-woo is recom­men­ded by his fri­end, a stu­dent at a pres­ti­gious uni­ver­si­ty, for a well-paid tuto­ring job, spaw­ning hopes of a regu­lar inco­me. Carrying the expec­ta­ti­ons of all his fami­ly, Ki-woo heads to the Park fami­ly home for an inter­view. Arriving at the house of Mr. Park, the owner of a glo­bal IT firm, Ki-woo meets Yeon-kyo, the beau­tiful young lady of the house. But fol­lo­wing this first mee­ting bet­ween the two fami­lies, an unstoppable string of mis­haps lies in wait.

Cannes 2019: Goldene Palme


Gisaengchung (기생충)
KR 2019, 131 Min., korea­ni­sche OmU

Regie: Bong Joon Ho
Buch: Bong Joon Ho & Han Jin Won
Kamera: Hong Kyung-pyo
Schnitt: Yang Jin-mo
mit: Song Kang Ho, Lee Sun Kyun, Cho Yeo Jeong, Choi Woo Shik, Park So Dam, Lee Jung Eun, Chang Hya Jin


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Find me on the surface – Kurzfilmprogramm

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

LUNAR prä­sen­tiert:

aus­ge­such­te Kurzfilme von Miriam Gossing und Lina Sieckmann im Dialog mit einer Videoarbeit und einer Lesung von Vika Kirchenbauer 

Souvenir •  One Hour Real •  Desert Miracles • China Light  von Miriam Gossing & Lina Sieckmann

Please Relax Now •  Feeling Difference von Vika Kirchenbauer

26.10. 16–18 Uhr



Gott existiert, ihr Name ist Petrunya

A film by Teona Strugar Mitevska.  In Macedonian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Stream] [Trailer]

Tell them you’re 24’, advi­ses Petrunya’s mother as her daugh­ter heads off to ano­ther inter­view. But Petrunya is 31; moreo­ver, she has stu­di­ed histo­ry, a sub­ject that no one in Macedonia seems to need. So the­re she sits in front of her poten­ti­al employ­er, a fac­to­ry owner, who looks down on her flo­ral dress and refu­ses to take her serious­ly. On her way home – natu­ral­ly, she did not get the job – Petrunya deci­des to take the plun­ge. It is Epiphany and, like every year, the young men of the city are diving for the holy cross that the priest has thrown into the icy river. This time, Petrunya is quicker than ever­yo­ne else and ends up hol­ding the tro­phy aloft for the TV came­ras. For one who­le day and one night, she will defend the cross, accom­pa­nied by much public com­mo­ti­on and against the clo­sed ranks of the male world.
Teona Strugar Mitevska deli­vers an angry yet melan­cho­lic sati­re that ques­ti­ons the sta­tus of demo­cra­tic chan­ge in Macedonian socie­ty and pas­ses scathing jud­ge­ment on repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the church, the judi­cia­ry and the media. The film’s sym­pa­thies are all with the deter­mi­ned woman who asserts hers­elf against archaic tra­di­ti­ons and para­ly­zing opportunism.


Gospod postoi, ime­to i’ e Petrunija
MK / BE / SI / HR / FR 2019,  100 Min., maze­do­ni­sche OmU

Regie: Teona Strugar Mitevska
Kamera: Virginie Saint Martin
Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Dozo
mit: Zorica Nusheva, Labina Mitevska, Simeon Moni Damevski, Suad Begovski, Violeta Shapkovska


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Gott exis­tiert, ihr Name ist Petrunya from JIP Film und Verleih on Vimeo.


A film by Jan-Ole Gerster. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

It’s Lara’s 60th bir­th­day, and she has every reason to cele­bra­te: this evening, her son Viktor will be giving the most important pia­no con­cert of his care­er. Lara was, after all, the one who’d map­ped out and dri­ven his musi­cal care­er. Yet Viktor has been unre­acha­ble for weeks and not­hing indi­ca­tes that Lara will be wel­co­me at his debut per­for­mance. Without fur­ther ado, she buys up all the remai­ning tickets and hands them out to ever­yo­ne she meets. The more Lara stri­ves to make the evening suc­cessful, howe­ver, the more events get out of control.


DE 2019, 100 Min., dt. Of mit engl. Ut.
Regie: Jan-Ole Gerster
Kamera: Frank Griebe
Schnitt: Isabel Meier
mit: Corinna Harfouch, Tom Schilling, André Jung, Volkmar Kleinert, Rainer Bock, Gudrun Ritter


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LARA Trailer Deutsch | Ab 9. April Digital erhält­lich & ab 23. April als DVD & Blu-ray

Shaun das Schaf – UFO-Alarm

A film by Richard Phelan and Will Becher.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

When Lu-La, an impish and ado­rable ali­en with ama­zing powers crash lands near the farm, Shaun soon sees an oppor­tu­ni­ty for ali­en powered fun and adven­ture, set­ting off on a mis­si­on to send the inter­ga­lac­tic visi­tor home befo­re a sinis­ter Men in black style orga­niza­ti­on can cap­tu­re her. Can Shaun, Bitzer and the flock avert Farmageddon on Mossy Bottom Farm befo­re it’s too late?


OT: A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon
GB 2019, 85 Min., 

Regie: Richard Phelan, Will Becher
Drehbuch: Jon Brown, Mark Burton


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SHAUN DAS SCHAF 2: Ufo-Alarm Teaser Trailer German Deutsch (2019)

Barstow, California

A film by Rainer Komers. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Barstow, California’ is the third film in the tri­lo­gy ‘The American West’ (the other two films are: ‘Nome Road System’ and ‘Milltown, Montana’) about places in the rela­tively spar­se­ly popu­la­ted are­as of the American West. It is an artis­tic docu­men­ta­ry recor­ding life & land­scape in the California sou­thwes­tern desert. The trilogy’s style of ‘land­scape lis­tening’ (ambi­ent audio only) will be alte­red some­what with Barstow to add the voice of Stanley ‘Spoon’ Jackson (an inter­na­tio­nal­ly-acclai­med, Barstow-born prisoner/poet) to the sound­track rea­ding pas­sa­ges from his auto­bio­gra­phy deal­ing with his youth & life in the area.


DE/US 2018, 76 Min., engl. OmU
Regie & Kamera: Rainer Komers
Editor: Gregor Bartsch


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