The Gold Diggers (1983) + Performance: Confessions of am actress

A Film by Sally Potter fol­lo­wed by a Performance CONFESSIONS OF AN ACTRESS by Susanne Sachsse. On October 23rd at the fsk. In English.

The ground-brea­king first fea­ture from the direc­tor of ORLANDO and THE TANGO LESSON, THE GOLD DIGGERS is a key film of ear­ly Eighties femi­nist cine­ma. Made with an all-woman crew, fea­turing stun­ning pho­to­gra­phy by Babette Magolte and a score by Lindsay Cooper it embraces a radi­cal and expe­ri­men­tal nar­ra­ti­ve struc­tu­re. Celeste (Colette Laffont) is a com­pu­ter clerk in a bank who beco­mes fasci­na­ted by the rela­ti­onship bet­ween gold and power. Ruby (Julie Christie) is an enig­ma­tic film star in quest of her child­hood, her memo­ries and the truth about her own iden­ti­ty. As their paths cross they come to sen­se that the­re could be a link bet­ween the male strugg­le for eco­no­mic supre­ma­cy and the fema­le ide­al of mys­te­rious but impo­tent beauty.


GB 1983 82 Min. engl. OV • Regie: Sally Potter • Drehbuch: Lindsay Cooper, Rose English, Sally Potter • Kamera: Babette Mangolte • Kostüm: Rose English • Musik: Lindsay Cooper • Mit: Julie Christie, Collette Laffont


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