Gott existiert, ihr Name ist Petrunya

A film by Teona Strugar Mitevska.  In Macedonian with German subtitles.

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Tell them you’re 24’, advi­ses Petrunya’s mother as her daugh­ter heads off to ano­ther inter­view. But Petrunya is 31; moreo­ver, she has stu­di­ed histo­ry, a sub­ject that no one in Macedonia seems to need. So the­re she sits in front of her poten­ti­al employ­er, a fac­to­ry owner, who looks down on her flo­ral dress and refu­ses to take her serious­ly. On her way home – natu­ral­ly, she did not get the job – Petrunya deci­des to take the plun­ge. It is Epiphany and, like every year, the young men of the city are diving for the holy cross that the priest has thrown into the icy river. This time, Petrunya is quicker than ever­yo­ne else and ends up hol­ding the tro­phy aloft for the TV came­ras. For one who­le day and one night, she will defend the cross, accom­pa­nied by much public com­mo­ti­on and against the clo­sed ranks of the male world.
Teona Strugar Mitevska deli­vers an angry yet melan­cho­lic sati­re that ques­ti­ons the sta­tus of demo­cra­tic chan­ge in Macedonian socie­ty and pas­ses scathing jud­ge­ment on repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the church, the judi­cia­ry and the media. The film’s sym­pa­thies are all with the deter­mi­ned woman who asserts hers­elf against archaic tra­di­ti­ons and para­ly­zing opportunism.


Gospod postoi, ime­to i’ e Petrunija
MK / BE / SI / HR / FR 2019,  100 Min., maze­do­ni­sche OmU

Regie: Teona Strugar Mitevska
Kamera: Virginie Saint Martin
Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Dozo
mit: Zorica Nusheva, Labina Mitevska, Simeon Moni Damevski, Suad Begovski, Violeta Shapkovska


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


Gott exis­tiert, ihr Name ist Petrunya from JIP Film und Verleih on Vimeo.