Category Archives: archiv


A film by Christine Repond. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Amidst the pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for her 35th wed­ding anni­ver­sa­ry, Meredith is sur­pri­sed by the dis­co­very that she is HIV-posi­ti­ve. Only her hus­band André comes into ques­ti­on as the carrier.
Shaken, Meredith finds out that he has been unfaithful to her with pro­sti­tu­tes. She con­fronts André with the dia­gno­sis and throws him out of the house. Meredith, howe­ver, who has always built her life enti­re­ly around caring for her fami­ly, can hard­ly bear being alo­ne. Following an inten­se fight, she final­ly cons­ents to André’s return. He in the mean­ti­me knows that he is also HIV-posi­ti­ve. They deci­de to deal with the con­dem­na­ti­ons and the ill­ness together.
The clo­ser the anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on looms, the more fra­gi­le this mar­ria­ge to be cele­bra­ted appears to be. The deep con­nec­tion they once had with one ano­ther only flas­hes through in rare moments. Brave, enra­ged and hop­eful, Meredith sen­ses that the­re can only be a future tog­e­ther when she can for­gi­ve André uncon­di­tio­nal­ly. But how much inju­ry can love withstand?


Deutschland 2018, 80 Min.
Regie & Drehbuch: Christine Repond
Kamera: Aline László
Schnitt: Ulrike Tortora
mit: Barbara Auer, Robert Hunger-Bühler


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A film by Frauke Lodders.

 [Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

How does living with a serious­ly sick or dis­ab­led child influence the fami­ly struc­tu­re? What spe­ci­fic role do the healt­hy siblings have? The docu­men­ta­ry UNZERTRENNLICH accom­pa­nies child­ren and young adults from five com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent fami­lies and seeks to find ans­wers to the­se ques­ti­ons in their ever­y­day lives.
Over three quar­ters of the popu­la­ti­on in Germany have at least one brot­her or sis­ter. These siblings are play­mates, con­fidan­tes and often best fri­ends for life. But with a sibling the­re also emer­ges rival­ry in the com­pe­ti­ti­on for affec­tion, atten­ti­on, free­dom and respect. Conflicts are part of every healt­hy rela­ti­onship bet­ween siblings. They are important to estab­lish a las­ting balan­ce and to sup­port the healt­hy deve­lo­p­ment of a child. But what hap­pens, if that is not pos­si­ble becau­se one child has a spe­cial, shiel­ded sta­tus in the fami­ly, due to a sick­ness or disa­bi­li­ty and is in need of con­stant care?



DE 2018 91 Min.
Regie: Frauke Lodders
Kamera: Timo Schwarz, Fabian Schmalenbach
Schnitt: Kirsten Ottersdorf 


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Im Land meiner Kinder

A film by Darío Aguirre.
In German and Spanish with Spanish and German subtitles.

[Credits] [Trailer]

Unexpectedly, the German aut­ho­ri­ties offer the Ecuadorian direc­tor Dario Aguirre German citi­zen­ship. In this ten­der­ly iro­nic road movie, he por­trays the com­pli­ca­ted path he took from the coun­try of his foref­a­thers to that of his children.
Aguirre actual­ly came to Germany becau­se of Stephanie from Ecuador, but the aut­ho­ri­ties have always been a part of their rela­ti­onship. In the ensuing 15 years, they issued a total of 10 visas. This long trail of docu­ments, stamps, per­mits and rest­ric­tions pro­vi­ded Aguirre with a con­nec­tion to Germany, while at the same time kee­ping him at arm’s length. And now this: the mayor of Hamburg invi­tes Dario to beco­me a German. The offer rai­ses many ques­ti­ons. Is this a decla­ra­ti­on of love for his adopted home? And: does he feel in a posi­ti­on to beco­me a German yet?



Deutschland, Schweiz 2018,  88 Min. 
Regie: Darío Aguirre
Drehbuch: Darío Aguirre
Protagonisten: César Aguirre, Mariuxi Guevara, Christa und Andreas Tonn, Stephanie Tonn
Produzent: Tobias Büchner, Franziska Reck
Kamera: Helena Wittmann, Darío Aguirre
Schnitt: Ulrike Tortora, Darío Aguirre

frei­ge­ge­ben ab 0 Jahren (FSK Prüfkarte pdf)

Gefördert von der Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig Holstein GmbH


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Die Maske

A Film by Małgorzata Szumowska. In Polish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Jacek loves hea­vy metal and his dog. He con­verts the coun­try lanes out­side his door into a racing track and bombs down them in his litt­le car. When he and his girl­fri­end Dagmara take to the dance­f­lo­or, ever­yo­ne runs for cover. He enjoys his exis­tance as a cool mis­fit in an other­wi­se stuffy envi­ron­ment, and keeps his mus­cles toned working on a buil­ding site clo­se to the Polish-German bor­der whe­re the world’s lar­gest sta­tue of Jesus is being con­s­truc­ted. But then his life is thrown bad­ly off cour­se by a ter­ri­ble acci­dent at work that com­ple­te­ly dis­fi­gu­res him. Eagerly fol­lo­wed by the Polish media, Jacek beco­mes the first per­son in the coun­try to recei­ve a face trans­plant. He may be cele­bra­ted as a natio­nal hero and mar­tyr, but he no lon­ger reco­g­ni­s­es hims­elf in the mir­ror. Meanwhile, the sta­tue of Jesus grows tal­ler and tal­ler. Whilst events around Jacek come thick and fast, the film never loses sight of the big­ger pic­tu­re and ins­tead brings things even more into focus. Twarz uses the for­mat of an acer­bic far­ce to con­sider con­di­ti­ons in modern-day Poland and explo­re life in the pro­vin­ces, reve­al­ing a coun­try that is busy set­ting its faith in stone.


Polen 2018, 91 Min., poln. OmU
Regie:Małgorzata Szumowska
Buch: Małgorzata Szumowska, Michał Englert
Kamera: Michał Englert
Montage: Jacek Drosio
mit: Mateusz Kościukiewicz
Agnieszka Podsiadlik
Małgorzata Gorol
Roman Gancarczyk
Dariusz Chojnacki
Robert Talarczyk
Anna Tomaszewska
Martyna Krzysztofik 


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Of Fathers and Sons

A film by Talal Derki. In Arabic with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Talal Derki, a Syrian direc­tor, returns to his home­land loo­king for ans­wers; he wants to under­stand what makes peo­p­le radi­cal­i­ze, dri­ving them into the hands of the so-cal­led “Islamic State”. Talal gains the trust of a radi­cal Islamist fami­ly and obser­ves the dai­ly life of its mem­bers for more than two years. His came­ra main­ly focu­ses on the child­ren, pro­vi­ding an extre­me­ly rare insight into what it means to grow up with a father who is a mem­ber of a jiha­dist orga­ni­sa­ti­on. Osama and his brot­her Ayman both love and admi­re their father and obey his orders. However, while Osama plans to fol­low the path of radi­cal­i­sa­ti­on, Ayman pre­fers to go back to school.


Deutschland 2018, 98 Min., arab. OmU
Regie: Talal Derki
Kamera: Kahtan Hassoun
Schnitt: Anne Fabini


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A film by Alfonso Cuaron.  In Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Alfonso Cuarón pro­ces­ses his own memo­ries of the Tlatelolco Massacre of 1971 in this drama.





MX/US 2018, 135 Min., span. OmU
Regie: Alfonso Cuaron
Drehbuch: Alfonso Cuaron
Kamera: Alfonso Cuarón, Galo Olivares
Schnitt: Alfonso Cuarón, Adam Gough
Darsteller: Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Diego Cortina Autrey


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Ein königlicher Tausch

Ein Film von Marc Dugain.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In sei­nem Historienfilm nimmt sich Marc Dugain eine skur­ri­le Fußnote der Geschichte vor. Wir sind in Frankreich, das Jahr ist 1721, der Glanz des Sonnenkönigs ist ver­blasst, und über die Marmorböden von Versailles weht das Herbstlaub. Philipp von Orléans ist Interimsregent in Frankreich und Vormund von Ludwig XV., der als Kind sei­ne gan­ze Familie in der Pockenepidemie ver­lo­ren hat, und der nun, mit elf Jahren, ein bedäch­ti­ger Junge mit gro­ßen Augen ist, der Entscheidungen ger­ne aus dem Weg geht, und den die bevor­ste­hen­de Krönung mit Schrecken erfüllt. Um den kipp­li­gen Frieden in Europa zu sichern, haben von Orléans und der spa­ni­sche König Phillipp V. einen Plan aus­ge­tüf­telt: Der jun­ge Ludwig soll die spa­ni­sche Infantin Maria Anna Victoria ehe­li­chen, die gera­de mal vier Jahre alt ist. Im Gegenzug hei­ra­tet Orléons zwölf­jäh­ri­ge Tochter Louise Elisabeth den vier­zehn­jäh­ri­gen spa­ni­schen Thronfolger Don Luis. Die bei­den Mädchen wer­den also über den euro­päi­schen Kontinent kut­schiert und in einem fei­er­li­chen Zeremoniell ausgetauscht.

In Ein könig­li­cher Tausch ver­mi­schen sich auf fas­zi­nie­ren­de Weise ein Gespür fürs Absurde, ein Interesse an his­to­ri­schen Verhältnissen und ech­te Anteilnahme am Schicksal der Königskinder. Dugain schwelgt in eben­so prunk­vol­len wie lako­ni­schen Cinemascope-Bildern, in denen der Verfall hin­ter dem pom­pö­sen Ritual zu spü­ren ist. Erzählerisch bleibt der Regisseur aber immer dicht bei den Kindern, die wie Schachfiguren durch die höfi­sche Szenerie gescho­ben wer­den und sehr ver­lo­ren wir­ken. Ludwig der XV. scheint immer leicht abwe­send, die jun­ge Louise Elisabeth ist trot­zig und schlecht gelaunt, dabei aber auch sehr allein, und Don Luis flüch­tet vor sei­nem fana­tisch katho­li­schen Vater und der neu­en schwie­ri­gen Frau auf die Jagd. Nur die ent­zü­cken­de win­zi­ge Infantin begeg­net ihrem Schicksal mit Esprit und Neugier. (Hendrike Bake | indiekino)



L’échange des princesses
Frankreich/Belgien 2017, 100 min., frz. OmU
Regie: Marc Dugain
Kamera: Gilles Porte
Schnitt: Monica Coleman
Buch: Chantal Thomas & Marc Dugain, nach dem Roman von Chantal Thomas
mit: Lambert Wilson, Anamaria Vartolomei, Olivier Gourmet, Catherine Mouchet, Kacey Mottet Klein, Juliane Lepoureau



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Can you ever forgive me?

A film by Marielle Heller. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Following the cri­ti­cal and com­mer­cial fail­ure of her bio­gra­phy of Estée Lauder, aut­hor Lee Israel strug­gles with finan­cial trou­bles, wri­ter’s block and alco­ho­lism. With her agent unable to secu­re her an advan­ce for a new bio­gra­phy, Israel is forced to sell her pos­ses­si­ons to cover her expen­ses; she sells a per­so­nal let­ter she recei­ved from Katharine Hepburn to Anna, a local book dealer.
While con­duc­ting rese­arch for a novel about Fanny Brice, Israel hap­pens upon a let­ter from Brice fold­ed in a book, which she takes and offers to sell to Anna. She offers Israel a low pri­ce due to the let­ter’s lack of inte­res­t­ing con­tent. Israel beg­ins to for­ge and sell let­ters by decea­sed wri­ters, play­w­rights, and actors, lacing them with inti­ma­te details to com­mand a hig­her pri­ce. Anna, who is a fan of Israel’s own wri­ting, attempts to initia­te a roman­tic rela­ti­onship with her, but is rebuffed.
When one of Israel’s let­ters writ­ten by Noël Coward rai­ses sus­pi­ci­on for its unguard­ed dis­cus­sion of his sexua­li­ty, she is black­lis­ted by her buy­ers. Unable to sell the for­ge­ries hers­elf, she has her fri­end Jack Hock sell the let­ters for her, and later ste­als authen­tic let­ters from libra­ry archi­ves to sell. After her cat dies under Jack’s care during one such theft, Israel ends their fri­end­ship, but con­ti­nues their part­ner­ship out of necessity.
Jack is caught by the FBI during a sale who, with Jack’s coope­ra­ti­on, ser­ve Israel with a court sum­mons for for­gery. She reta­ins a lawy­er, who advi­ses her to show con­tri­ti­on by get­ting a job, doing com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, and joi­ning Alcoholics Anonymous. In court, Israel con­fes­ses that she enjoy­ed making the for­ge­ries and does not reg­ret her actions, but that her cri­mes were not worth it becau­se the let­ters do not show her true self as a wri­ter. She is sen­ten­ced to five years of pro­ba­ti­on and six months of house arrest.
Sometime later, Israel recon­ci­les with Jack – who is now dying of AIDS – and asks his per­mis­si­on to wri­te a memoir about their for­ge­ries, to which he agrees. She pas­ses a store win­dow and sees a let­ter she for­ged by Dorothy Parker on sale for $1,900. Disgusted, she wri­tes the store owner a sar­ca­stic let­ter from the decea­sed „Dorothy Parker”. Realizing the let­ter is a fake, the owner goes to remo­ve it, but places it back whe­re it was after rea­ding it.


US 2018, 107 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie: Marielle Heller,
Buch Nicole Holofcener, Jeff Witty basie­rend auf der Autobiografie von Lee Israel
Kamera: Brandon Trost
Schnitt: Anne McCabe
mit: Melissa McCarthy, Richard E. Grant, Ben Falcone [nbsp]


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Asche ist reines Weiß

A film by Jia Zhang-Ke. Starts Febuary 28st at the fsk. In Chinese with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Set in 2001, Ash Is Purest White is a fusi­on of inno­va­ti­on, enter­tain­ment, and social cri­tique. Qiao (Zhao Tao) lives in a town tumb­ling into eco­no­mic decli­ne. She con­cerns hers­elf litt­le with such mat­ters becau­se her boy­fri­end, Bin (Liao Fan), is a dashing gangs­ter who works for a cor­rupt pro­per­ty deve­lo­per. After his boss is mur­de­red, Bin ascends in rank and finds hims­elf vul­nerable to rival hosti­li­ties. When Bin and Qiao are arres­ted, she makes a fateful decis­i­on: she takes the heat. After five years in pri­son, she emer­ges to find her world has trans­for­med. Her for­mer mafia asso­cia­tes have moved into legi­ti­ma­te busi­nesses, while Bin has found ano­ther moll. Qiao seeks reven­ge, but, more important­ly, she sear­ches for a new iden­ti­ty in a chan­ging China — a search that will take her to Three Gorges Dam and toward a powerful revelation.


CN/FR 2018, 141 Min., chin. OmU
Regie: Jia Zhang-Ke
Kamera: Eric Gautier
mit: Tao Zhao, Fan Liao, Zheng Xu, Casper Liang


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Carré 35

A film by Eric Caravaca. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Der Schauspieler Eric Caravaca (Philipp Garrels Lover for a Day) spürt dem Schicksal sei­ner ihm unbe­kann­ten, früh ver­stor­be­nen Schwester nach. Dabei trifft er auf selt­sa­me Ungereimtheiten. In den Erzählungen sei­ner Familie kommt sie nicht oder nur wenig vor, selbst alle Bilder von ihr wur­den ver­nich­tet und Erinnerungen schei­nen wie aus­ge­löscht. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Mutter, die nur wider­wil­lig ihre Version der Ereignisse zum Tod sei­ner Schwester preis­gibt. Schnell wird klar, dass sich Erinnerung und Realität nicht decken. Bei sei­nen beharr­li­chen Nachforschungen ent­deckt und öff­net er ver­bor­ge­ne Türen, Gespenster der Vergangenheit, die auch ihn in sei­nem bis­he­ri­gen Leben unbe­wusst beglei­te­ten. Nicht nur an die­ser Stelle stellt der Film ein wun­der­ba­res Lehrstück über die Tradierung von Schuld und Scham dar.
Bei der Suche nach den wah­ren Vorkommnissen wird, aus­ge­hend von der Familiengeschichte und ihren kom­ple­xen Lebensumständen jener Zeit, zugleich die fran­zö­si­sche Kolonialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts beleuch­tet. Dabei kris­tal­li­siert sich eine Spiegelung inner­halb der fami­liä­ren Geschehnisse und der poli­ti­schen Zustände her­aus. Weder sei­ne Mutter, die Sicherheit und Schutz in der für Außenstehende kaum zu glau­ben­den Verweigerung fin­det, ihre Vergangenheit zu betrach­ten, noch scheint Frankreich in der Lage zu sein, sich der Schuld sei­ner kolo­nia­len Zeit zu stel­len. – Im Grunde erzählt Eric Caravaca eine Geschichte über die extre­me Verdrängung von Vergangenheit, die dem Protagonisten ein­zig durch das Durchstoßen eine mini­ma­le Chance eröff­net, sich und sei­ne Biographie anzu­neh­men. Wenn es zum Schluss Anzeichen gibt, dass die Mutter, schein­bar ange­regt durch die Mitwirkung im Film, ihre Vergangenheit annimmt, ist auch das nur ein fra­gi­les Ereignis, denn sie, so der Filmemacher nach der Vorführung auf dem Filmfestival in München, ver­wei­ge­re stand­haft, sich den Film anzuschauen.
(Michael Schmitz |



DE/FR 2017, 67 Min. frz. OmU,
Regie: Eric Caravaca
Kamera: Jerzy Palacz
Schnitt: Simon Jacquet


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Plot 35 / Carré 35 (2017) – Trailer (English Subs)

Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln