Die Maske

A Film by Małgorzata Szumowska. In Polish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Jacek loves hea­vy metal and his dog. He con­verts the coun­try lanes out­side his door into a racing track and bombs down them in his litt­le car. When he and his girl­fri­end Dagmara take to the dance­f­lo­or, ever­yo­ne runs for cover. He enjoys his exis­tance as a cool mis­fit in an other­wi­se stuffy envi­ron­ment, and keeps his mus­cles toned working on a buil­ding site clo­se to the Polish-German bor­der whe­re the world’s lar­gest sta­tue of Jesus is being con­s­truc­ted. But then his life is thrown bad­ly off cour­se by a ter­ri­ble acci­dent at work that com­ple­te­ly dis­fi­gu­res him. Eagerly fol­lo­wed by the Polish media, Jacek beco­mes the first per­son in the coun­try to recei­ve a face trans­plant. He may be cele­bra­ted as a natio­nal hero and mar­tyr, but he no lon­ger reco­g­ni­s­es hims­elf in the mir­ror. Meanwhile, the sta­tue of Jesus grows tal­ler and tal­ler. Whilst events around Jacek come thick and fast, the film never loses sight of the big­ger pic­tu­re and ins­tead brings things even more into focus. Twarz uses the for­mat of an acer­bic far­ce to con­sider con­di­ti­ons in modern-day Poland and explo­re life in the pro­vin­ces, reve­al­ing a coun­try that is busy set­ting its faith in stone.


Polen 2018, 91 Min., poln. OmU
Regie:Małgorzata Szumowska
Buch: Małgorzata Szumowska, Michał Englert
Kamera: Michał Englert
Montage: Jacek Drosio
mit: Mateusz Kościukiewicz
Agnieszka Podsiadlik
Małgorzata Gorol
Roman Gancarczyk
Dariusz Chojnacki
Robert Talarczyk
Anna Tomaszewska
Martyna Krzysztofik 


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