
A film by Christine Repond. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Amidst the pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for her 35th wed­ding anni­ver­sa­ry, Meredith is sur­pri­sed by the dis­co­very that she is HIV-posi­ti­ve. Only her hus­band André comes into ques­ti­on as the carrier.
Shaken, Meredith finds out that he has been unfaithful to her with pro­sti­tu­tes. She con­fronts André with the dia­gno­sis and throws him out of the house. Meredith, howe­ver, who has always built her life enti­re­ly around caring for her fami­ly, can hard­ly bear being alo­ne. Following an inten­se fight, she final­ly cons­ents to André’s return. He in the mean­ti­me knows that he is also HIV-posi­ti­ve. They deci­de to deal with the con­dem­na­ti­ons and the ill­ness together.
The clo­ser the anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on looms, the more fra­gi­le this mar­ria­ge to be cele­bra­ted appears to be. The deep con­nec­tion they once had with one ano­ther only flas­hes through in rare moments. Brave, enra­ged and hop­eful, Meredith sen­ses that the­re can only be a future tog­e­ther when she can for­gi­ve André uncon­di­tio­nal­ly. But how much inju­ry can love withstand?


Deutschland 2018, 80 Min.
Regie & Drehbuch: Christine Repond
Kamera: Aline László
Schnitt: Ulrike Tortora
mit: Barbara Auer, Robert Hunger-Bühler


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