Im Land meiner Kinder

A film by Darío Aguirre.
In German and Spanish with Spanish and German subtitles.

[Credits] [Trailer]

Unexpectedly, the German aut­ho­ri­ties offer the Ecuadorian direc­tor Dario Aguirre German citi­zen­ship. In this ten­der­ly iro­nic road movie, he por­trays the com­pli­ca­ted path he took from the coun­try of his foref­a­thers to that of his children.
Aguirre actual­ly came to Germany becau­se of Stephanie from Ecuador, but the aut­ho­ri­ties have always been a part of their rela­ti­onship. In the ensuing 15 years, they issued a total of 10 visas. This long trail of docu­ments, stamps, per­mits and rest­ric­tions pro­vi­ded Aguirre with a con­nec­tion to Germany, while at the same time kee­ping him at arm’s length. And now this: the mayor of Hamburg invi­tes Dario to beco­me a German. The offer rai­ses many ques­ti­ons. Is this a decla­ra­ti­on of love for his adopted home? And: does he feel in a posi­ti­on to beco­me a German yet?



Deutschland, Schweiz 2018,  88 Min. 
Regie: Darío Aguirre
Drehbuch: Darío Aguirre
Protagonisten: César Aguirre, Mariuxi Guevara, Christa und Andreas Tonn, Stephanie Tonn
Produzent: Tobias Büchner, Franziska Reck
Kamera: Helena Wittmann, Darío Aguirre
Schnitt: Ulrike Tortora, Darío Aguirre

frei­ge­ge­ben ab 0 Jahren (FSK Prüfkarte pdf)

Gefördert von der Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig Holstein GmbH


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