Category Archives: archiv

Lacci - Was uns hält

Was uns hält

A film by Daniele Luchetti. In Italian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Naples, ear­ly 1980s: Aldo and Vanda’s mar­ria­ge finds its­elf on the rocks when Aldo falls in love with the young Lidia. Thirty years later, Aldo and Vanda are still mar­ried. A thril­ler about emo­ti­ons, a sto­ry of loyal­ty and infi­de­li­ty, of ran­cor and shame. A betra­y­al, suf­fe­ring, a secret box, a devas­ta­ted home, a cat, the voice of the lovers and that of the estranged.


IT 2020, 100 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Daniele Luchetti
Kamera: Ivan Casalgrandi
Schnitt: Aël Dallier Vega · Daniele Luchetti
mit Alba Rohrwacher, Luigi Lo Cascio, Laura Morante, Silvio Orlando, Giovanna Mezzogiorno

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A film by Eva Trobisch. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Ivo works as a pal­lia­ti­ve home-care nur­se. Every day, she visits fami­lies, cou­ples and sin­gle peo­p­le. They live in small flats and lar­ge hou­ses. They all have dif­fe­rent lives and deaths. They all have dif­fe­rent ways of deal­ing with the time that remains. At home, Ivo’s teenage daugh­ter has long sin­ce beco­me inde­pen­dent. From mor­ning to night, Ivo dri­ves around in her old Skoda which she has made into her per­so­nal living space. Here, she eats her meals, works, sings, swears and dreams. One of her pati­ents, Solveigh, has beco­me a clo­se fri­end. Ivo has also for­med a rela­ti­onship with Solveigh’s hus­band, Franz. Day after day, the two work tog­e­ther to care for Solveigh. And they sleep with each other. Solveigh’s strength is dimi­nis­hing and she soon has to rely on sup­port for the simp­lest tasks. She wants the final decis­i­on to be her own: she wants Ivo to help her die.


DE 2024, 104 Min., deut­sche OmeU
Regie: Eva Trobisch
Kamera: Adrian Campean
Schnitt: Laura Lauzemis
mit Minna Wündrich, Pia Hierzegger, Lukas Turtur

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Ein Schweigen

Ein Schweigen

A film by Joachim Lafosse. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Astrid, the wife of a renow­ned lawy­er, has been silen­ced for 25 years. Her fami­ly’s equi­li­bri­um sud­den­ly col­lap­ses when her child­ren start loo­king for justice.


Un Silence
FR 2023, 99 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Joachim Lafosse
Kamera: Jean-Francois Hensgens
Schnitt: Damien Keyeux
mit Emmanuelle Devos, Daniel Auteuil, Matthieu Galloux

Ein Schweigen | OmdU
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Sleep With Your Eyes Open

A film by Nele Wohlatz. In Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, English with Geramn subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A coas­tal city in Brazil. Kai arri­ves on holi­day from Taiwan with a bro­ken heart. A mal­func­tio­ning air con­di­tio­ner leads her to end up in Fu Ang’s umbrel­la shop. He could beco­me a fri­end, but then the rai­ny sea­son fails to arri­ve and the shop clo­ses. While sear­ching for Fu Ang, Kai comes across Xiao Xin and a group of Chinese workers in a fan­cy high-rise buil­ding. Kai finds hers­elf stran­ge­ly mir­rored in Xiao Xin’s sto­ry.
This quiet come­dy of misun­derstan­dings does not fol­low a tra­di­tio­nal dra­ma­tur­gy. The prot­ago­nists, per­for­med by an ensem­ble of first-time actors and pro­fes­sio­nals, come and go unex­pec­ted­ly. From one unknown city to the next, they fol­low the demands of their work. But over the cour­se of a hot, slow sum­mer, deli­ca­te bonds grow bet­ween them like islands in a sea full of sharks.


Dormir de olhos aber­tos
Brazil / Taiwan / Argentina / Germany 2024, 97 Min., Mandarin, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Englisch OmU
Regie: Nele Wohlatz
Kamera: Roman Kasseroller
Schnitt: Yann-shan Tsai, Ana Godoy
mit Chen Xiao Xin, Wang Shin-Hong, Liao Kai Ro, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Lu Yang Zong

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Typhoon Club

Typhoon Club

A film by Shinji Sōmai. In Japanese with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Winner of the Grand Prix at the first Tokyo International Film Festival in 1985, Typhoon Club is wide­ly regard­ed as the semi­nal film of direc­tor Shinji Somai’s care­er. A work of raw, ele­men­tal power, it fol­lows an ensem­ble of juni­or high stu­dents in a pro­vin­cial town, beset by a summer‑y malai­se as a typho­on looms in the air. When the storm makes land­fall, the teens hole up in their school unsu­per­vi­sed, while ano­ther class­ma­te (Yuki Kudo) dis­ap­pears alo­ne on a har­ro­wing trek to the big city. Set adrift in a world sud­den­ly unmoo­red, the stu­dents let loo­se their pent-up angst and bur­geo­ning pas­si­ons in a series of pro­pul­si­ve, phan­tas­mic scenes—part apo­ca­lyp­se, part utopia—as the delu­ge rages on into the night.
Observed in dar­ing long takes, direc­tor Somai gives mate­ri­al form to the stu­dents’ tur­bu­lent inner lives. When day breaks and the rains let up, the youngs­ters open their eyes to a world in ruins—or a world rene­wed. The 10th best Japanese film of all time, accor­ding to Japan’s Kinema Junpo poll.


JP 1985, 115 Min., japan. OmU
Regie: Shinji Sōmai
Kamera: Akihiro Ito
Schnitt: Isao Tomita
mit: Yuichi Mikami, Yūki Kudō, Tomokazu Miura

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War and Justice

A film by Marcus Vetter and Michele Gentile. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

War and Justice is the first and only true-life docu­men­ta­ry about the International Criminal Court (ICC), thanks to unpre­ce­den­ted access to Ben Ferencz, Luis Moreno Ocampo (ICC’s first pro­se­cu­tor), and Karim Khan (its cur­rent pro­se­cu­tor). Film direc­tors Marcus Vetter and Michele Gentile fol­low Ocampo around the world as he enlists the sup­port of Academy Award-win­ning Angelina Jolie and as they join Ferencz in the uphill batt­le against wars in the Congo, Libya, Palestine, and Ukraine. In the cour­se of the film, the com­ple­xi­ties of inter­na­tio­nal law are given a face, and the view­er under­stands why tho­se who launch wars of aggres­si­on, the mother of all war cri­mes, can hard­ly be brought to jus­ti­ce while the world’s lar­gest mili­ta­ry powers — China, India, Russia, and the United States — remain unwil­ling to reco­gni­ze the ICC’s jurisdiction.Sadly, just as the film is about to debut, Ferencz dies at the age of 103. But Ocampo and Khan fight on in his honor, more deter­mi­ned than ever to put an end to all wars of aggres­si­on. Because war begets reven­ge; jus­ti­ce does not.


DE 2023 96 Min., engl. OmU
Regie +Schnitt: Marcus Vetter und Michele Gentile

Kamera: Christian Haardt, Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile

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A film by Daniel Kötter. In Armenian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Landshaft sket­ches the psy­cho­geo­gra­phy of a geo­po­li­ti­cal­ly char­ged land­scape and its inha­bi­tants bet­ween extra­c­ti­vism, war and dis­pla­ce­ment. In the form of a jour­ney in eas­tern Armenia, the film fol­lows human and non-human actors as they make their way through the land­scape, from Lake Sevan to the Sotk gold mine, occu­p­ied by Azerbaijan sin­ce the Karabakh War in 2020.


DE 2023 96 Min., arme­nisch mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln,
Regie, Buch, Kamera, Schnitt: Daniel Kötter 

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May December

A film by Todd Haynes. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

20 years ago, the love affair of Gracie Atherton-Yu (Julianne Moore) and her hus­band Joe (Charles Melton), 23 years her juni­or, was the talk of the nati­on. Today, the two actors are still mar­ried and their twins are about to gra­dua­te from high school. When Hollywood wants to make a film of her life, Elizabeth Berry (Natalie Portman) arri­ves to rese­arch her role as Gracie. But soon the fami­ly idyll threa­tens to fall apart: Joe has never real­ly dealt with the scan­dal and the gos­sip – and the lon­ger Elizabeth and Gracie stu­dy each other, the more the simi­la­ri­ties and dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the two women begin to blur.


US 2023, 113 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Todd Haynes
Kamera: Christopher Blauvelt
Schnitt: Affonso Gonçalves
mit Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, Charles Melton, Piper Curda, Elizabeth Yu, Gabriel Chung

MAY DECEMBER – Trailer OmU German | Deutsch
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Alle die Du bist

A film by Michael Fetter Nathansky. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Single mother Nadine lea­ves her home in Brandenburg at the age of 24 to take a job near Cologne in a fac­to­ry ser­ving the coal indus­try. There, she meets the impul­si­ve Paul who­se per­so­na­li­ty seems so mul­ti­face­ted to her that she lite­ral­ly sees him in many dif­fe­rent gui­ses. After a long time, she final­ly feels like hers­elf again. The two beco­me a cou­ple and a deep love deve­lo­ps bet­ween them. But, seven years later, her life is dif­fe­rent. Nadine’s job is threa­ten­ed by struc­tu­ral chan­ges in the indus­try and her view of Paul has also alte­red. She now only sees him in his “own” exter­nal form which is beco­ming incre­asing­ly ali­en to her. Although Paul is a devo­ted fami­ly man, Nadine’s love for him beg­ins to dis­in­te­gra­te. She deci­des to fight this fee­ling and to relo­ca­te the dif­fe­rent lay­ers of his being that she was once able to see. Set against the back­drop of one of the lar­gest open-cast mining are­as in Europe, Alle die Du bist is a social-rea­list and, at the same time, magi­cal love film. Aenne Schwarz and Carlo Ljubek vivid­ly embo­dy the cou­ple at the cent­re of this pas­sio­na­te, playful plea for the loving gaze.


DE/ES 2024, 108 Min., Deutsch mit eng­li­schen UT
Regie: Michael Fetter Nathansky
Kamera: Jan Mayntz
Schnitt: Andrea Mertens
mit Aenne Schwarz, Carlo Ljubek, Youness Aabbaz, Sara Fazilat, Naila Schuberth

ALLE DIE DU BIST (Trailer) | Ab 30. Mai im Kino
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Showing up

A film by Kelly Reichardt.In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Films about artists and the art life rare­ly grapp­le with the ever­y­day busi­ness of what artists do – or, in their pro­cras­ti­na­ti­on, don’t do. That’s why Kelly Reichardt’s SHOWING UP is such a reve­la­ti­on – and, as a wry depar­tu­re in this writer-director’s care­er, such an out­right plea­su­re.
Reichardt’s films have often been touch­ed with humour, but here she has made an out-and-out come­dy – alt­hough cha­rac­te­risti­cal­ly, a phi­lo­so­phi­cal, laid­back, melan­cho­lic one. It’s set in Portland, Oregon – an endu­ring bas­ti­on of US coun­ter­cul­tu­re – whe­re strugg­ling sculp­tor Lizzy (Michelle Williams) is plan­ning her own show. Committed though she is, she is easi­ly dis­trac­ted by life’s incon­ve­ni­en­ces: her trou­bled brot­her (John Magaro); her cran­ky father (Judd Hirsch) and his freel­oa­ding house guests (a deli­cious comic turn by Amanda Plummer and Matt Malloy); an ego­tis­ti­cal, negli­gent land­la­dy and fel­low artist (Hong Chau); and a pige­on which enters Lizzy’s life at the worst pos­si­ble moment. As taci­turn, tight-wound Lizzy, Reichardt regu­lar Williams shows a who­le new dead­pan comic side to her talent, as the director’s focus on the ordi­na­ry and the uneventful opens up a rich vein of comic nuan­ce and even, at times, joy­ous far­ce. (Jonathan Romney)


US 2022 | 108 Min., engl. OmU
Regie & Schnitt: Kelly Reichardt
Kamera: Christopher Blauvelt
mit: Michelle Williams, Hong Chau, Judd Hirsch, André Benjamin, Heather Lawless, Amanda Plummer

Showing Up | Official Trailer HDA24
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