Alle die Du bist

A film by Michael Fetter Nathansky. In German with English subtitles.

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Single mother Nadine lea­ves her home in Brandenburg at the age of 24 to take a job near Cologne in a fac­to­ry ser­ving the coal indus­try. There, she meets the impul­si­ve Paul who­se per­so­na­li­ty seems so mul­ti­face­ted to her that she lite­ral­ly sees him in many dif­fe­rent gui­ses. After a long time, she final­ly feels like hers­elf again. The two beco­me a cou­ple and a deep love deve­lo­ps bet­ween them. But, seven years later, her life is dif­fe­rent. Nadine’s job is threa­ten­ed by struc­tu­ral chan­ges in the indus­try and her view of Paul has also alte­red. She now only sees him in his “own” exter­nal form which is beco­ming incre­asing­ly ali­en to her. Although Paul is a devo­ted fami­ly man, Nadine’s love for him beg­ins to dis­in­te­gra­te. She deci­des to fight this fee­ling and to relo­ca­te the dif­fe­rent lay­ers of his being that she was once able to see. Set against the back­drop of one of the lar­gest open-cast mining are­as in Europe, Alle die Du bist is a social-rea­list and, at the same time, magi­cal love film. Aenne Schwarz and Carlo Ljubek vivid­ly embo­dy the cou­ple at the cent­re of this pas­sio­na­te, playful plea for the loving gaze.


DE/ES 2024, 108 Min., Deutsch mit eng­li­schen UT
Regie: Michael Fetter Nathansky
Kamera: Jan Mayntz
Schnitt: Andrea Mertens
mit Aenne Schwarz, Carlo Ljubek, Youness Aabbaz, Sara Fazilat, Naila Schuberth

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