Im toten Winkel

A film by Ayşe Polat. In German, Turkish, Kurdish, English with German subtitles.

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A German docu­men­ta­ry film pro­ject in north-eas­tern Turkey. Simone wants to learn more about Hatice, who­se son was abduc­ted a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry ago. Storytelling to pre­vent for­get­ting, ritu­als to con­test dis­ap­pearance. The lives of the Kurdish peo­p­le – lives lived in a blind spot – are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by vio­lence and resis­tance to an uncer­tain exis­tence. Strange inci­dents soon overs­ha­dow the film­ing as well: tur­ning up along­side inter­pre­ter Leyla and direct­ly in front of the came­ra is the neighbour’s litt­le daugh­ter Melek, with her pret­ty pur­ple dress and a mys­te­rious gaze that goes right through you. What fol­lows is a subt­ly framed, cold­ly bru­tal poli­ti­cal thril­ler told in three chap­ters and from mul­ti­ple per­spec­ti­ves. For it is not only the stra­te­gies of sinis­ter orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and the logic of para­noia that is the focus of this cle­ver and com­plex cine­ma­tic conundrum, but the act of see­ing its­elf – in all its dimen­si­ons, from obser­va­ti­on to pro­phe­cy. The blind spot is in fact trau­ma, of the trans­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal kind. German-Kurdish direc­tor, screen­wri­ter and pro­du­cer Ayşe Polat stages it to perfection.


DE 2023, 118 Min., Deutsch, Türkisch, Kurdisch, Englisch OmU
Regie: Ayşe Polat
Kamera: Patrick Orth
Schnitt: Serhad Mutlu, Jörg Volkmar
mit Katja Bürkle, Ahmet Varlı, Çağla Yurga, Aybi Era, Maximilian Hemmersdorfer, Nihan Okutucu, Tudan Ürper, Mutallip Müjdeci, Rıza Akın, Aziz Çapkurt

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