Die Unsichtbaren

A film by Matthias Freier. In German

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

DOCU-FICTION Marianne Atzeroth-Freier once brought the »acid-bar­rel mur­de­rer« to jus­ti­ce. In a mix of archi­ve mate­ri­al and re-enac­ted sce­nes, the film recon­s­tructs the dif­fi­cult inves­ti­ga­ti­on Atzeroth-Freier had to pur­sue in a male-domi­na­ted envi­ron­ment. In the 1990s, as one of the first women in the Hamburg Police’s homic­i­de divi­si­on, Atzeroth-Freier sol­ved one of the most grue­so­me mur­ders in German histo­ry. If any­thing, by chan­ce. When approa­ched by a mother who­se daugh­ter has dis­ap­peared, she deci­des to get invol­ved. On the search for the miss­ing per­son, she repea­ted­ly comes across incon­sis­ten­ci­es within the police’s inves­ti­ga­ti­on. But she keeps going – until she achie­ves the breakthrough


DE 2023, 97 Min.
Regie: Matthias Freier
Kamera: Kay Madsen
Schnitt: Marielle Pohlmann

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