Die Vision der Claudia Andujar

Die Vision der Claudia Andujar

A film by Heidi Specogna. In Portugese and French with German subtitles.

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Claudia Andujar’s life has been shaped by num­e­rous dra­ma­tic events. From her escape from the Holocaust to her work in Brazil, whe­re she found her life’s mis­si­on: the pro­tec­tion of the Yanomami peo­p­le in the Amazon regi­on. In her docu­men­ta­ry „The Vision of Claudia Andujar”, German Film Award win­ner Heidi Specogna unfolds a mul­ti-face­ted por­trait of the renow­ned artist. Following in the foot­s­teps of her poli­ti­cal and poe­tic pho­to­graphs, we tra­vel to the high­ly end­an­ge­red rain­fo­rest regi­on – and dis­co­ver Andujar’s legacy.

The moving docu­men­ta­ry „The Vision of Claudia Andujar” covers the life and work of renow­ned pho­to­grapher, huma­nist and acti­vist Claudia Andujar. Since the 1950s, she has been pas­sio­na­te­ly com­mit­ted to the rights and pro­tec­tion of the indi­ge­nous Amazonian peo­p­les. With award-win­ning pho­to­graphs and a lifel­ong com­mit­ment, she fights against the bru­tal actions of gold dig­gers, militi­as, tim­ber com­pa­nies, catt­le ran­chers and their explo­ita­ti­on. Heidi Specogna’s film del­ves into Andujar’s life sto­ry, which is also shaped by her flight from the Holocaust and final­ly led her to her new home in Brazil. The film team visits the Amazon regi­on, which is now more threa­ten­ed than ever, and the Yanomami peo­p­le living the­re, to who­se pro­tec­tion Claudia Andujar has dedi­ca­ted her life. There we meet a young gene­ra­ti­on of indi­ge­nous peo­p­le who are informing the public about the acu­te thre­at to their habi­tat with films they have made them­sel­ves: Their docu­men­ta­ries report on the devas­ta­ting effects of slash-and-burn agri­cul­tu­re, loo­ting and envi­ron­men­tal des­truc­tion in the Amazon regi­on – and at the same time docu­ment the rich tra­di­ti­ons and uni­que habi­tat of their people.

»The open, undis­gu­i­sed gaze of the peo­p­le in the came­ra touch­ed me and arou­sed my curio­si­ty about Claudia Andujar.« Heidi Specogna


DE/CH 2024, 88 Min., por­tu­gie­sisch, fran­zö­si­sche OmU
Regie: Heidi Specogna
Kamera: Johann Feindt
Schnitt: Kaya Inan

Die Vision der Claudia Andujar [Offizieller Trailer DEUTSCH HD] – Ab 9. Mai im Kino
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