Blagas Lessons

Eine Frage der Würde – Blaga’s Lessons

A film by Stephan Komandarev. In Bulgarian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Blaga is a seven­ty-year-old recent­ly wido­wed for­mer tea­cher and a woman of firm morals. When tele­pho­ne scam­mers con her out of the money that she had saved for her husband’s gra­ve, her moral com­pass slow­ly beg­ins to lose its bea­rings… Stephan Komandarev’s past films have sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly cri­ti­ci­zed the inau­s­pi­cious social situa­ti­on in post-com­mu­nist Bulgaria, and Blaga’s Lessons is no dif­fe­rent. In this evo­ca­ti­ve dra­ma fea­turing a mas­terful per­for­mance from Eli Skorcheva as Blaga, Komandarev aims his lens at the lives of today’s seni­or citi­zens – a vul­nerable group whom poli­ti­ci­ans so often pro­mi­se the right to a digni­fied life… but rea­li­ty is much different.


BG/DE 2023, 119 Min., bul­ga­ri­sche OmU
Regie: Stephan Komandarev
Kamera: Vesselin Hristov
Schnitt: Nina Altaparmakova
mit Eli Skorcheva, Ivan Barnev, Gerasim Georgiev, Stefan Denolyubov, Rozalia Abgarian, Ivaylo Hristov

Eine Frage der Würde (Blaga’s Lessons )| offi­zi­el­ler Trailer mit dt. Untertitel
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