Author Archives: fsk

La Gomera

A film by Corneliu Porumboiu.  In Romanian, English and Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Not ever­y­thing is as it seems for Cristi, a poli­ce inspec­tor in Bucharest who plays both sides of the law. Embarked by the beau­tiful Gilda on a high-sta­kes heist, both will have to navi­ga­te the twists and turns of tre­a­chery and decep­ti­on. A secret whist­ling lan­guage spo­ken on the Spanish island of La Gomera might just be what they need to pull it off.


RO, FR, DE, ES 2019, 97 Min., eng­lisch, rumä­nisch, spa­ni­sche OmU
Buch & Regie:  Corneliu Porumboiu
Kamera: Tudor Mircea
Schnitt Roxana Szel
mit: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon, Rodica Lazar


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Tommaso und der Tanz der Geister

A film by Abel Ferrara.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Their rela­ti­onship is in turm­oil and Tommaso must come to terms with his wife’s desi­re to chan­ge the rules of their mar­ria­ge. This chan­ge bet­ween Tommaso and his wife is set against his simp­le day to day life in Rome; as a stu­dent taking Italian clas­ses, as a tea­cher working with young acting stu­dents, his dealings with the local mar­kets and bars, and most important­ly his rela­ti­onship and the pure love he feels for his young daugh­ter and she for him.

His artis­tic tem­per howe­ver brings ano­ther dyna­mic to the lm. There is the world and the world that exists in Tomasso’s ima­gi­na­ti­on, which espe­ci­al­ly con­cerns and impacts Nikki and the other women in his sphe­re of in uence. He is a bud­dhist with acti­ve visi­ons of the pas­si­on of the Christ as well as an ex-addict and alco­ho­lic in acti­ve reco­very, all in a city he calls home but is still for­eign with the lan­guage and his abili­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te a strugg­le. The dra­ma builds from this idea of rea­li­ty and ima­gi­na­ti­on, and resol­ves in the dis­co­very of what he and Nikki real­ly want, need from and are capa­ble of giving each other and their family.



US/IT/GB 2019, 119 Min., engl. OmU
Regie & Buch: Abel Ferrara
Kamera: Peter Zeitlinger
Schnitt: Fabio Nunziata 
mit: Willem Dafoe, Cristina Chiriac, Anna Ferrara, Kim Rossi Stewart


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Varda par Agnès

A film by Agnès Varda. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Agnès Varda takes a seat on a theat­re stage. This pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­grapher, instal­la­ti­on artist and pio­neer of the Nouvelle Vague is an insti­tu­ti­on of French cine­ma but a fier­ce oppo­nent of any kind of insti­tu­tio­nal thin­king. In this film, she offers insights into her oeu­vre, using excerp­ts from her work to illus­tra­te – more asso­cia­tively than chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly – her artis­tic visi­ons and ide­as. Her lively, anec­do­te-rich and cle­ver talk is divi­ded into two sec­tions. Firstly, she elu­ci­da­tes her ‘ana­lo­gue peri­od’ from 1954 to 2000, in which the direc­tor is in the fore­ground. This was the young woman who set out to reinvent cine­ma, someone who was always open to chan­ce and to moments of docu­men­ta­ry, even in fic­tion; who, with every new film, chan­ged her nar­ra­ti­ve style. In the second part, Agnès Varda focu­ses on the years from 2000 to 2018, and shows how she uses digi­tal tech­no­lo­gy to look at the world in her own, uni­que way.
Whether in front of the came­ra or behind it, Agnès Varda is a visu­al sto­rytel­ler who eschews con­ven­ti­on and pre­scri­bed approa­ches to dra­ma. Together with some of her fel­low tra­vel­lers, she takes the audi­ence on a jour­ney through her world of unor­tho­dox images.


FR 2018, 119 Min., frz. OmU
Regie : Agnès Varda
Kamera: François Décréau, Claire Duguet, Julia Fabry
Schnitt: Agnès Varda, Nicolas Longinotti
Darsteller : Agnès Varda, Sandrine Bonnaire, Nurith Aviv

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A film by Aysun Bademsoy. In German and tur­ki­sh with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets] [Trailer]

Between September 2000 and April 2007, nine immi­grant busi­ness­men and a German poli­ce­wo­man were mur­de­red. (…) I read the news about the mur­ders and thought: That could have been my father or my brot­her.” We’re tal­king about the mur­ders of the self-pro­clai­med National Socialist Underground (NSU) which came to light through the main per­pe­tra­tors’ sui­ci­de. After the end of the five-year NSU tri­al against their co-per­pe­tra­tors and sup­port­ers, film­ma­ker Aysun Bademsoy goes in search of the traces left by this crime series: in the vic­tims’ fami­lies and migrant com­mu­ni­ties, whe­re the inves­ti­ga­tors had first inves­ti­ga­ted exclu­si­ve­ly and sowed deep mis­trust with spe­cu­la­ti­ons of drug traf­fi­cking and the Mafia, not least with assi­gna­ti­ons like “Kebap Murders”. “The NSU mur­de­red my father. The inves­ti­ga­tors stained his honour. In doing so, they kil­led him a second time,” a sur­vi­ving daugh­ter says after the – to her dis­ap­poin­ting – jud­ge­ment was pro­no­un­ced. Confidence in the German sta­te was deep­ly shaken and the tri­al, a sobering expe­ri­ence for all fami­lies which left many things in the dark, des­troy­ed rather than res­to­red it. A film about sur­vi­ving – despi­te everything.

Frederik Lang



DE 2019, 81 Min., in deutsch und tür­kisch mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln 
Regie & Buch: Aysun Bademsoy
Kamera: Ute Freund, Isabelle Casez
Schnitt: Maja Tennstedt


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Spuren – Die Opfer des NSU Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]



A film by Francesco Rizzi. In Italian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Suter is a mys­te­rious, soli­ta­ry man, con­stant­ly on the move, esca­ping from hims­elf. By day he tra­vels across Switzerland in an unmark­ed white van. By night, he secret­ly obser­ves the life of Anna, a rebel­lious woman strugg­ling with the after­math of trau­ma. After dis­co­ve­ring Suter’s obses­si­on, Anna deve­lo­ps a stran­ge form of inti­ma­cy with him, which quick­ly ver­ges on a ten­der, yet dis­quie­ting rela­ti­onship. But even that fra­gi­le balan­ce is threa­ten­ed by a dark secret…


CH 2019, 93 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Francesco Rizzi 
Kamera: Simon Guy Fässler 
Schnitt: Giuseppe Trepiccione 
mit: Vinicio Marchioni , Sabine Timoteo , Leonardo Nigro , Giorgia Salari , Jasmin Mattei , Adele Raes , Joachim Aeschlimann


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Das freiwillige Jahr

A film by Ulrich Köhler and Henner Winckler. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Jette hat das Abitur in der Tasche und steht nun kurz davor, zu einem frei­wil­li­gen sozia­len Jahr nach Costa Rica auf­zu­bre­chen. Die Reise ist ein Wunsch ihres allein­er­zie­hen­den Vaters Urs. Er möch­te nicht, dass sei­ne Tochter – so wie er – in der west­deut­schen Provinz hän­gen bleibt. Urs selbst hat gera­de genug am Hals, er muss sich um sei­nen lebens­un­fä­hi­gen Bruder Falk küm­mern und die Affäre mit sei­ner Sprechstundenhilfe Nicole mana­gen. Jette jedoch ist zer­ris­sen zwi­schen ihrer Jugendliebe Mario und dem Wunsch, den Erwartungen ihres Vaters gerecht zu wer­den. Am Flughafen ent­schei­det Jette sich gegen die Reise, zusam­men mit Mario ver­steckt sie sich tage­lang vor ihrem Vater. Als Urs sie schließ­lich wie­der­fin­det, muss er erken­nen, dass er das Glück sei­ner Tochter nicht erzwin­gen kann…

Gehen oder blei­ben? Diese sen­si­ble fil­mi­sche Nahaufnahme von Ulrich Köhler (MONTAG KOMMEN DIE FENSTER, SCHLAFKRANKHEIT) und Henner Winckler (LUCY, KLASSENFAHRT) begeis­ter­te bereits das Festivalpublikum, sowohl inter­na­tio­nal wie auch im deut­schen Sprachraum. Ein genau beob­ach­te­ter, hin­ter­grün­dig humor­vol­ler Film über die Träume der Eltern und die Herausforderung, erwach­sen zu werden.


DE 2019, 86 Min., 
Regie und Drehbuch: Ulrich Köhler und Henner Winckler
Kamera: Patrick Orth
Schnitt: Laura Lauzemis
mit: Maj-Britt Klenke, Sebastian Rudolph, Thomas Schubert, Katrin Röver, Daniel Nocke, Stefan Stern, Margarita Breitkreiz,


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Trailer (Ausschnitt):



Sorry we missed you

A film by Ken Loach. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Zero hours con­tracts and neo-libe­ral serf­dom: Ken Loach’s new film tells of the social abyss crea­ted by a digi­tal ser­vice eco­no­my. Ricky, Abby and their two kids live in Newcastle. They’re a strong, loving fami­ly in which ever­yo­ne sticks up for ever­yo­ne else. While Ricky gets by with odd jobs, Abby is a care worker for the elder­ly. No mat­ter how hard they try, they know that they will never real­ly be inde­pen­dent or own their own home. But then it’s sud­den­ly now or never! Thanks to the digi­tal revo­lu­ti­on, a temp­ting oppor­tu­ni­ty comes Ricky’s way and he and Abby go all in: she sells her car so that Ricky can buy a deli­very truck and start afresh as a self-employ­ed cou­rier. The future seems rosy. But the pri­ce for Ricky’s inde­pen­dence pro­ves far hig­her than they ima­gi­ned. The fami­ly has to pull tog­e­ther and fight for survival.


GB 2019, 100 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Ken Loach
Kamera: Robbie Ryan
Schnitt: Jonathan Morris
Buch: Paul Laverty
mit: Kris Hitchen, Debbie Honeywood, Rhys Stone, Katie Proctor, Ross Brewster, Mark Birch


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SORRY WE MISSED YOU (Official Trailer English/deutsch, français)


Kamera: Robby Müller

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Anläßlich des Films Living the light – Die Bilderwelten des Robby Müller aber auch so, zei­gen wir 3 Filme, bei denen ROBBY MÜLLER Kameramann war.

LIVING THE LIGHT ist nicht nur eine inter­es­san­te Biographie und span­nen­der Lehrfilm in Sachen Kameraarbeit, Lichtsetzung etc., son­dern auch sehr anre­gend. Beim Schauen bekommt man gro­ße Lust auf „sei­ne” Filme.

BRD 1973/1974, 112 Min. Format: 16mm blow up 35mm schwarz-weiß, 4K Scan und 2K Restaurierung 2014, 2K DCP R.: Wim Wenders D.: Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer

Der Journalist Phillip Winter will eine Story über Amerika schrei­ben, bekommt aber außer einer Serie von Polaroids nichts auf die Reihe und tritt ent­täuscht die Heimreise nach Deutschland an. Dabei läßt er sich wider­wil­lig dar­auf ein, die klei­ne Alice (Yella Rottländer) für eine kur­ze Zeit in sei­ne Obhut zu neh­men. Die dann fol­gen­de unfrei­wil­li­ge gemein­sa­me Odyssee von New York über Amsterdam nach Wuppertal und durch das Ruhrgebiet gestal­tet sich zunächst schwie­rig, sind doch bei­de Reisende gleich lau­nisch und eigensinnig.

DOWN BY LAW von Jim Jarmusch
USA 1986 106 Min. engl. OmU
R., B.: Jim Jarmusch
D.: John Lurie, Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni
Drei sehr unter­schied­li­che Männer, Roberto Benigni auf der einen, Tom Waits (der übri­gens gera­de 70 wur­de) und John Lurie auf der ande­ren Seite, pral­len im rus­ti­ka­len Landgefängnis im Süden auf­ein­an­der. Obwohl sie sich nicht aus­ste­hen kön­nen, was Benigni wegen sei­ner stän­di­gen Quassellei nicht merkt, bre­chen sie gemein­sam aus und pad­deln durch die male­ri­sche Sumpflandschaft Louisianas in die Freiheit.

DANCER IN THE DARK von Lars von Trier
DK SE FIN 2000 139 Min. OmU (eng­li­sche OV mit dt. Untertiteln)
R., B.: Lars von Trier
D.: Björk (auch Musik), Catherine Deneuve, David Morse, Peter Stormare

Der letz­te Teil sei­ner Trologie über „tra­gi­sche Frauengestalten, die sich für ande­re auf­op­fern und deren Liebe nicht davon abhängt wie sie – vom Schicksal oder von den Menschen – behan­delt wer­den“ (von Trier) wur­de in Cannes mit der Goldenen Palme aus­ge­zeich­net, wor­an neben der Kamera die unge­wöhn­li­che Musical-Form und die eben­falls dort aus­ge­zeich­ne­te Hauptdarstellerin Björk sicher­lich einen gro­ßen Anteil hatten.


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Das Vorspiel

A film by Ina Weisse. In German and french with ger­man subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Anna Bronsky works as a vio­lin tea­cher at a con­ser­va­to­ry. Against her colleague’s will, she agrees to teach a new stu­dent in whom she sees gre­at talent. With full dedi­ca­ti­on, she pre­pa­res Alexander for his mid­term exam –and, by doing so, not only negle­cts her own son Jonas but also drifts apart from her hus­band, the French vio­lin maker Philippe Bronsky. Her col­le­ague Christian, with whom she has an affair, talks her into play­ing the vio­lin hers­elf in a quin­tet. But when Anna loses it at a con­cert, her tea­ching of Alexander gets more and more aggres­si­ve. Then, on the day of the mid­terms, a fatal inci­dent occurs…


DE 2019, 90 Min.
Regie: Ina Weisse
Kamera: Judith Kaufmann
Schnitt: Hansjörg Weißbrich
mit: Nina Hoss, Simon Abkarian, Jens Albinus, Ilja Monti, Serafin Mishiev, Sophie Rois


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DAS VORSPIEL – Trailer (Kinostart 23.01.2020)


Die Wütenden – Les Misérables

A film by Ladj Ly. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Stéphane (Damien Bonnard) has recent­ly joi­n­ed the Anti-Crime Squad in Montfermeil, in the sub­urbs of Paris, France, whe­re, Victor Hugo set his famed novel “Les Miserables”. Alongside his new col­le­agues Chris (Alexis Manenti) and Gwada (Djebril Zonga) – both expe­ri­en­ced mem­bers of the team – he quick­ly dis­co­vers ten­si­ons run­ning high bet­ween local gangs. When the trio finds them­sel­ves over­run during the cour­se of an arrest, a dro­ne cap­tures the encoun­ter, threa­tening to expo­se the rea­li­ty of ever­y­day life. Inspired by the 2005 Paris riots, and Ladj Ly’s short film of the same name, Les Misérables is a pro­vo­ca­ti­ve insight into the ten­si­ons bet­ween neigh­bor­hood resi­dents and police.


FR 2019, 103 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Ladj Ly
Kamera: Julien Poupard
Schnitt: Flora Volpière
mit: Damien Bonnard, Alexis Manenti, Djibril Zonga, Jeanne Balibar


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LES MISERABLES (Official Trailer, Französich/Deutsch)