Varda par Agnès

A film by Agnès Varda. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Agnès Varda takes a seat on a theat­re stage. This pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­grapher, instal­la­ti­on artist and pio­neer of the Nouvelle Vague is an insti­tu­ti­on of French cine­ma but a fier­ce oppo­nent of any kind of insti­tu­tio­nal thin­king. In this film, she offers insights into her oeu­vre, using excerp­ts from her work to illus­tra­te – more asso­cia­tively than chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly – her artis­tic visi­ons and ide­as. Her lively, anec­do­te-rich and cle­ver talk is divi­ded into two sec­tions. Firstly, she elu­ci­da­tes her ‘ana­lo­gue peri­od’ from 1954 to 2000, in which the direc­tor is in the fore­ground. This was the young woman who set out to reinvent cine­ma, someone who was always open to chan­ce and to moments of docu­men­ta­ry, even in fic­tion; who, with every new film, chan­ged her nar­ra­ti­ve style. In the second part, Agnès Varda focu­ses on the years from 2000 to 2018, and shows how she uses digi­tal tech­no­lo­gy to look at the world in her own, uni­que way.
Whether in front of the came­ra or behind it, Agnès Varda is a visu­al sto­rytel­ler who eschews con­ven­ti­on and pre­scri­bed approa­ches to dra­ma. Together with some of her fel­low tra­vel­lers, she takes the audi­ence on a jour­ney through her world of unor­tho­dox images.


FR 2018, 119 Min., frz. OmU
Regie : Agnès Varda
Kamera: François Décréau, Claire Duguet, Julia Fabry
Schnitt: Agnès Varda, Nicolas Longinotti
Darsteller : Agnès Varda, Sandrine Bonnaire, Nurith Aviv

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