Das Vorspiel

A film by Ina Weisse. In German and french with ger­man subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Anna Bronsky works as a vio­lin tea­cher at a con­ser­va­to­ry. Against her colleague’s will, she agrees to teach a new stu­dent in whom she sees gre­at talent. With full dedi­ca­ti­on, she pre­pa­res Alexander for his mid­term exam –and, by doing so, not only negle­cts her own son Jonas but also drifts apart from her hus­band, the French vio­lin maker Philippe Bronsky. Her col­le­ague Christian, with whom she has an affair, talks her into play­ing the vio­lin hers­elf in a quin­tet. But when Anna loses it at a con­cert, her tea­ching of Alexander gets more and more aggres­si­ve. Then, on the day of the mid­terms, a fatal inci­dent occurs…


DE 2019, 90 Min.
Regie: Ina Weisse
Kamera: Judith Kaufmann
Schnitt: Hansjörg Weißbrich
mit: Nina Hoss, Simon Abkarian, Jens Albinus, Ilja Monti, Serafin Mishiev, Sophie Rois


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


DAS VORSPIEL – Trailer (Kinostart 23.01.2020)