fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg… more

now show­ing:

A film about the end of the coal mining era in the Ruhrgebiet area.
Vom Ende eines Zeitalters …
[Tickets & Termine]

The new film by Oscar-win­ning japa­ne­se direc­tor Ryūsuke Hamaguchi (Drive my Car):
Evil does not exist
[Tickets & Termine]

A bri­tish archaeo­lo­gist and some thie­ves of anci­ent gra­ve goods.
La Chimera
[Tickets & Termine]

Perfect Days The life of the mys­te­rious man who cle­ans public toi­lets in Tokyo. A new film by Wim Wenders.
[Tickets & Termine]