The fsk cinema is an independent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg
Berlins Best 2012: most ambitious cinema
Real, pure Arthouse – there is no place for mainstream-raffle at the fsk-cinema in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The abbreviation fsk stands for „Flugzeug Sessel Kino” (Airplane seat cinema),. that’s because in former times the cinema had out of service airplane seats.
The right place for people who seek unexpected discoveries of films from all over the world and usually in the original language with subtitles. Films that are most likely to be slightly unamenable or distant, to let the audience find their own associations.
One of the top‑3 Berlin Cinemas?
(…) The FSK am Oranienplatz. It’s in walking distance and I just choose from what’s on. That’s the opposite to home-cinema: I don’t plan, I discover. (…)
(Christian Petzold in a Tagesspiegel-Interview 2014)
Copyright: INDIEKINO BERLIN, Fotografin: Marei Wenzel