
fsk KinoThe fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Ber­lin Kreuzberg



Berlins Best 2012: most ambi­tious cinema
Real, pure Arthouse – the­re is no place for main­stream-raff­le at the fsk-cine­ma in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The abbre­via­ti­on fsk stands for „Flugzeug Sessel Kino” (Airplane seat cine­ma),. that’s becau­se in for­mer times the cine­ma had out of ser­vice air­plane seats.
The right place for peo­p­le who seek  unex­pec­ted dis­co­veries of films from all over the world and usual­ly in the ori­gi­nal lan­guage with sub­tit­les. Films that are most likely to be slight­ly unamenable or distant, to let the audi­ence find their own associations.

One of the top‑3 Berlin Cinemas?
(…) The FSK am Oranienplatz. It’s in wal­king distance and I just choo­se from what’s on. That’s the oppo­si­te to home-cine­ma: I don’t plan, I discover. (…)
(Christian Petzold in a Tagesspiegel-Interview 2014)


Copyright: INDIEKINO BERLIN, Fotografin: Marei Wenzel