Perfect Days

Perfect Days

A film by Wim Wenders. In Japanses with German subtitles.

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Wim Wenders’ first films were cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the the­me of move­ment, and so it is no coin­ci­dence that the German filmmaker’s latest fic­tion fea­ture is remi­nis­cent of that lumi­nous peri­od in his fil­mo­gra­phy. The life of the mys­te­rious man who cle­ans public toi­lets in Tokyo (play­ed by Yakusho Koji) is defi­ned by quo­ti­di­an move­ment and obser­va­ti­on. The pro­di­gious secret of PERFECT DAYS lies in how it heigh­tens our per­cep­ti­on of all the tran­si­tio­nal acts that deter­mi­ne his working rou­ti­ne; dis­trac­tion is for­bidden here. Everything indi­ca­tes that clea­ning toi­lets and uri­nals is an unde­si­ra­ble task, but in Japan this task appears like an appro­pria­te pro­ce­du­re for a veri­ta­ble sci­ence of cle­an­li­ne­ss. And while it seems theo­re­ti­cal­ly implau­si­ble that a man with such a job reads Faulkner at night, is a music lover and pays atten­ti­on to the trees in order to pho­to­graph them with the sharp­ness of a pro­fes­sio­nal, such qua­li­ties and pas­si­ons can be seen as legi­ti­ma­te based on the other cha­rac­ters that appear in the film who duly reve­al some­thing of his past. Beauty and won­der are in equi­li­bri­um in all the sequen­ces, and sub­li­me­ly so when the dreams of this man who cle­ans bath­rooms are depic­ted. (Roger Koza)


JP 2023, 124 Min., japan. OmU
Regie: Wim Wenders
Kamera: Franz Lustig
Schnitt: Toni Froschhammer
mit: Koji Yakusho, Tokio Emoto, Arisa Nakano, Aoi Yamada, Yumi Aso, Sayuri Ishikawa, Tomokazu Miura as Tomoyama

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