Yours in Sisterhood

A film by Irene Lusztig. In English with German subtitles:

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

A petrol sta­ti­on at an Atlanta inter­sec­tion. A pri­va­te estate in Bowling Green, Kentucky, com­ple­te with a per­fect lawn. The front yard of a fami­ly home in Connecticut. At first glan­ce, the places Irene Lusztig cho­se to visit on her two-year jour­ney through the United States seem unre­mar­kab­le. At each stop, Lusztig had local women read out and com­ment on let­ters from the archi­ve of libe­ral femi­nist maga­zi­ne “Ms.”. These let­ters were ori­gi­nal­ly sent around 40 years ago in respon­se to artic­les in the maga­zi­ne, ser­ving also as out­lets for their wri­ters, main­ly women, to share their per­so­nal sto­ries – with inti­ma­cy and can­dour, at times full of reli­ef, at other rage. The let­ters recount expe­ri­en­ces of abor­ti­ons or les­bi­an affairs with mar­ried women and rail against the magazine’s igno­rance of what real life meant for black women.
Irene Lusztig’s docu­men­ta­ry set-up suc­ceeds in brin­ging a wealth of expe­ri­en­ces from an ear­lier gene­ra­ti­on of the femi­nist move­ment into a com­plex dia­lo­gue with the pre­sent. The writ­ten word only appears to be at the fore, bey­ond it, the­re lies a who­le uni­ver­se of femi­nism for the view­er to dis­co­ver, which Yours in Sisterhood makes acces­si­ble on many levels.


USA 2018, 101 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Irene Lusztig



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YOURS IN SISTERHOOD | Women Make Movies | Trailer