Reise nach Jerusalem

A film by  Lucia Chiarla.  In German with eng­lish subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Reise nach Jerusalem” is a game based on luck: You have to be in the right place at the right time – or the­re won’t be any chair left for you.
Alice has been unem­ploy­ed for too long and she doesn’t win this stu­pid game any­mo­re. Her fri­ends got mar­ried, some had child­ren and built a care­er while she’s wri­ting job appli­ca­ti­ons sit­ting on her shaky chair and with her bro­ken notebook.

The employ­ment office con­ti­nuous­ly invi­tes her to some job appli­ca­ti­on coa­ching, whe­re she is forced to take per­sis­tent advices. Since some time alre­a­dy Alice has the fee­ling, that this has just the pur­po­se of making the unem­ploy­ment sta­tis­tics look nicer.

Eventually, she has no pati­ence any­mo­re and ends up refu­sing the arran­ge­ments of the jobcenter.
In spi­te of ever­y­thing, she still sur­vi­ves with petrol vou­ch­ers she gets from jobs in mar­ket rese­arch insti­tu­tes – to exch­an­ge them for money, cau­se she has no car, of cour­se. Her life beco­mes an absurd world of bar­ter trade. Family and fri­ends have no idea of how deep in trou­ble Alice is. Her per­sis­tent search for social accep­tance can­not save her from the incre­asing isolation.

Time runs on her Japanese for­tu­ne cat watch next to her lap­top: The rent remains unpaid, the bank is always cal­ling becau­se her account has a nega­ti­ve balan­ce and she has no way to pay the pho­ne bills. Alice keeps on fight­ing dai­ly against elec­tro­nic sounds that obs­truct her way. And the petrol vou­ch­ers remain vou­ch­ers. Even Sex has its pri­ce, as she has to rea­li­ze one night, as she tri­es to get rid of her isolation.

Therefore, she final­ly went to her neigh­bour Luca, who works as a strip­per. A very inten­se encoun­ter that will pull her out of her des­pair, just befo­re facing a radi­cal decis­i­on: Should she keep play­ing the game along or just let go?



DE 2018, 118 Min., Deutsch.m.engl.UT
Regie: Lucia Chiarla
Bildgestaltung: Ralf Noack 
Schnitt: Aletta von Vietinghoff 
mit: Eva Löbau, Beniamino Brogi, Veronika Nowag-Jones, Axel Werner


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


Reise nach Jerusalem (2018) Trailer, deutsch
