Die Erbinnen

A film by Marcelo Martinessi. In Spanish with ger­man subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Chela and Chiquita have been a cou­ple for a very long time. Over the years they have beco­me adapt­ed to a fixed allo­ca­ti­on of roles. Extroverted Chiquita is respon­si­ble for mana­ging their life tog­e­ther. Chela on the other hand is reluc­tant to lea­ve the house, pre­fer­ring to spend the day at her easel. Financial dif­fi­cul­ties force them to sell some of their inhe­ri­ted fur­ni­tu­re, each part of which is a bel­oved pie­ce of memo­ra­bi­lia. When Chiquita is sent to pri­son for debt, Chela is sud­den­ly left on her own. She uses her old Daimler to pro­vi­de a taxi ser­vice to wealt­hy older ladies in the neigh­bour­hood. In her new role as chauf­feur, she meets one of the­se ladies’ daugh­ters – the young and life-affir­ming Angy. The encoun­ter lures the rather pas­si­ve Chela out of her reser­ve and helps her redis­co­ver her own desires.
Exploring the out­side world as ten­ta­tively and careful­ly as its heroi­ne, the film incre­asing­ly trains its gaze on a social stra­ta that is stran­ge­ly cut-off from rea­li­ty and lives wit­hout a thought for tomor­row. However, when Chela visits her girl­fri­end in pri­son, a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent pic­tu­re emer­ges of con­di­ti­ons in Paraguay.


Las here­de­ras
PY/UY/DE/BR/NO/FR 2018, 95 Min., span. OmU,
Regie: Marcelo Martinessi
Kamera: Luis Armando Arteaga
Schnitt: Fernando Epstein
mit: Ana Brun, Margarita Irún, Ana Ivanova


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