Die Familie mit dem umgekehrten Düsenantrieb

Die Familie mit dem umgekehrten Düsenantrieb

A film by Sogo Ishi. In Japanese with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The Kobayashi fami­ly final­ly are able to move out of their tiny, cram­ped Tokyo apart­ment to the sub­ur­ban house of their dreams. But things are not as per­fect as they seem: the house is infes­ted by ter­mi­tes and the fami­ly starts going cra­zy: Son Masaki is stu­dy­ing so obses­si­ve­ly for his exams that he’s losing his mind; daugh­ter Erika is obli­vious of all but her forth­co­ming record com­pa­ny audi­tion, grand­fa­ther Yasukuni starts get­ting World War II flash­backs and father Katsuhiko is so worried about his family’s “sick­ness” that he thinks can only be cured by group sui­ci­de. As the Kobayashis’ house beg­ins to crum­ble, so does the sani­ty of its inha­bi­tants. Katsuhiko takes it upon hims­elf to keep them from the asylum…at any cost.


Crazy Family
JP 1984, 106 Min., jap. OmU
Regie: Sogo Ishii
Kamera: Masaki Tamura
Schnitt: Junichi Kikuchi
mit: Katsuya Kobayashi, Mitsuko Baisho, Yoshiki Arizono, Youki Kudoh, Hitoshi Ueki u.a.

The Crazy Family (1984) Trailer
Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln
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