
A film by Aysun Bademsoy. In German and tur­ki­sh with German subtitles.

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Between September 2000 and April 2007, nine immi­grant busi­ness­men and a German poli­ce­wo­man were mur­de­red. (…) I read the news about the mur­ders and thought: That could have been my father or my brot­her.” We’re tal­king about the mur­ders of the self-pro­clai­med National Socialist Underground (NSU) which came to light through the main per­pe­tra­tors’ sui­ci­de. After the end of the five-year NSU tri­al against their co-per­pe­tra­tors and sup­port­ers, film­ma­ker Aysun Bademsoy goes in search of the traces left by this crime series: in the vic­tims’ fami­lies and migrant com­mu­ni­ties, whe­re the inves­ti­ga­tors had first inves­ti­ga­ted exclu­si­ve­ly and sowed deep mis­trust with spe­cu­la­ti­ons of drug traf­fi­cking and the Mafia, not least with assi­gna­ti­ons like “Kebap Murders”. “The NSU mur­de­red my father. The inves­ti­ga­tors stained his honour. In doing so, they kil­led him a second time,” a sur­vi­ving daugh­ter says after the – to her dis­ap­poin­ting – jud­ge­ment was pro­no­un­ced. Confidence in the German sta­te was deep­ly shaken and the tri­al, a sobering expe­ri­ence for all fami­lies which left many things in the dark, des­troy­ed rather than res­to­red it. A film about sur­vi­ving – despi­te everything.

Frederik Lang



DE 2019, 81 Min., in deutsch und tür­kisch mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln 
Regie & Buch: Aysun Bademsoy
Kamera: Ute Freund, Isabelle Casez
Schnitt: Maja Tennstedt


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Spuren – Die Opfer des NSU Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]