In many imperfect ways: Anker der Liebe

A film by Marques-Marcet. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Eva and Kat’s hum­ble, yet care­free, life in their London canal boat is tur­ned upsi­de down when Eva gives Kat an ulti­ma­tum: she wants a child. Kat resists, kno­wing that it will end the bohe­mi­an life­style she’s always envi­sa­ged with Eva. When Kat’s best fri­end from Barcelona, Roger, stops by to par­ty with them, the three toy around with the idea of crea­ting a baby tog­e­ther. Feeling backed into a cor­ner, Kat cons­ents. Surprisingly, the unu­su­al do-it-yours­elf donor inse­mi­na­ti­on is suc­cessful. As Eva enjoys her pregnan­cy and Roger fan­ta­sizes about his role in the new fami­ly, Kat beg­ins to feel like a third wheel and starts to distance hers­elf. When Eva has an unex­pec­ted mis­car­ria­ge, ever­yo­ne’s true fee­lings are laid bare, lea­ding Eva and Kat to break up while Roger pre­pa­res to go back to Barcelona. The three soon rea­li­ze, howe­ver, that they can’t sur­vi­ve wit­hout each other, and a new jour­ney beg­ins to build a family.


Anchor and Hope
GB 2017, 112 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Carlos Marques-Marcet
Darsteller: Oona Chaplin, Natalie Tena, Geraldine Chaplin, David Verdaguer
Filmlänge: 112 Minuten


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


ANKER DER LIEBE – Offizieller deut­scher Trailer