Category Archives: archiv


A film by Alexandra Balteanu. In roma­ni­an with ger­man subtitles.

Short moments and con­ver­sa­ti­ons pie­ce tog­e­ther the por­trait of three women’s working day. Lidia rai­ses pige­ons and lives a mun­da­ne exis­tence with a hus­band and two child­ren. Denisa, the feis­tier of the three, wants to buy her freel­oa­der boy­fri­end a new pair of snea­k­ers. Vanesa, the youn­gest, dreams of fin­ding the per­fect guy with green eyes. All three share a work­place as sex-workers under a bridge on the high­way con­nec­ting Bucharest to the next city. In spi­te of their rival­ry, the three women try to make their time wort­hwhile by sha­ring food or spaw­ning sto­ries about their hard­ships and their loves. Besides the con­stant com­pe­ti­ti­on, they are also pres­su­red by the thre­at from the local poli­ce. Most days are punc­tua­ted by visits from the dis­trict poli­ce­men, who come to coll­ect their ‚pocket money‘. The men enjoy play­ing a game of ‚cat and mou­se‘ with them and one day, such a visit takes an unex­pec­ted turn.

D 2016, 75. Min., rumän. OmU, 
Regie & Drehbuch: Alexandra Balteanu
Kamera: Matan Radin
Schnitt: Antonella Sarubbi
mit: Corina Moise, Iulia Lumânare, Iulia Ciochină, Sergiu Costache, Dragoş Olaru

Vanatoare – Trailer 1 – ro – UT Deutsch

Operation Duval – Das Geheimprotokoll

A film by Thomas Kruithof. In french with ger­man subtitles.

Two years after a burn out, Duval, unem­ploy­ed, is cont­ac­ted by a mys­te­rious employ­er to retran­scri­be tap­ped tele­pho­ne calls. Without ever won­de­ring about the orga­niza­ti­on employ­ing him, Duval, in despe­ra­te straits, accepts the job.

Although this simp­le work allows him to get back on his feet, it will nevert­hel­ess place him at the cen­ter of a poli­ti­cal con­spi­ra­cy, plun­ged, despi­te hims­elf, into the bru­ta­li­ty and stran­gen­ess of the under­ground world of the secret service.


La Mécanique de l’ombre
F 2016, 90 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Thomas Kruithof
Buch: Yann Gozlan, Thomas Kruithof
Kamera.: Alex Lamarque
Schnitt: Jean-Baptiste Beaudoin 
mit: François Cluzet, Denis Podalydès, Sami Bouajila, Alba Rohrwacher, Simon Abkarian

Operation Duval – Das Geheimprotokoll – Trailer 1 – Französisch – UT Deutsch

Clair Obscur

A film by Yesim Ustaoglu. In tur­ki­sh with ger­man subtitles.

Clair-Obscur is the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dance of two women who are depri­ved of and distanced from their natu­ral right to matu­re and dis­co­ver them­sel­ves, to love and be loved, and to sus­tain a real rela­ti­onship of their choo­sing. The social cost of the­se psy­cho­lo­gi­cal wounds rever­be­ra­tes from micro to macro levels throug­hout socie­ty, rot­ting it from within.

Deutschland, Frankreich, Polen, Türkei 2016, 105 Min., türk. OmU
Regie: Yesim Ustaoglu
Drehbuch: Yesim Ustaoglu
Kamera: Michael Hammon
Schnitt: Svetolik Zajc, Agnieszka Glinska

mit: Okan Yalabik, Mehmet Kurtulus, Funda Eryigit, Ecem Uzun

CLAIR OBSCUR – Offizieller Trailer

Straub / Huillet – Sagen Sie’s den Steinen

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Die Filme von Danièle Huillet und Jean-Marie Straub

Danièle Huillet (1936−2006) und Jean-Marie Straub (*1933) haben in 50 Jahren gemein­sa­mer Arbeit eines der ein­fluss­reichs­ten und kon­tro­ver­ses­ten Werke des moder­nen Kinos geschaf­fen. Ein Werk, das zunächst von den Widerständen her ver­stan­den wur­de, die es dem Üblichen und Gefälligen bot, das aber gleich­zei­tig eine Parteinahme ist für das, was da ist: für Körper und ihre Gesten, Stimmen und ihre Akzente, für Texte von Hölderlin, Pavese, Brecht u.a., für die Gemälde Cézannes, die Musik Bachs und Schönbergs, für den Wind und die Steine.
Der Programmzyklus Sagen Sie’s den Steinen ‒ Zur Gegenwart des Werks von Danièle Huillet und Jean-Marie Straub stif­tet zur Wiederentdeckung eines Werkes an, das lan­ge als her­me­tisch galt und sich nun als offen, ver­spielt und radi­kal zeit­ge­nös­sisch erweist.
Zum Programm gehört eine voll­stän­di­ge, chro­no­lo­gi­sche Retrospektive (ab 15.10.) an vier Spielstätten: Akademie der Künste, Zeughauskino, Brotfabrik und fsk-Kino. (Tobias Hering)

4.11.2017 | 16:30 Uhr | fsk Kino
Europa 2005 27 Octobre, R: Huillet/Straub, 2006, 12´, Joachim Gatti, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2009, 1´, Corneille-Brecht, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2009, 26´, O som­ma luce, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2009, 17´, Gast: Christophe Clavert

4.11.2017 | 18:00 Uhr | fsk Kino
Un héri­tier, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2010, 21´, L’Inconsolable, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2010, 15´, Schakale und Araber, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2011, 11´, La Madre, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2011, 20´ Gast: Christophe Clavert

4.11.2017 | 20:00 Uhr | fsk Kino
Un con­te de Michel de Montaigne, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2013, 35´, Dialogue d’Ombres, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2013, 28´, À pro­pos de Venise, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2013, 24´, Gast: Christophe Clavert

5.11.2017 | 16:00 Uhr | fsk Kino
Short Stay, R: Ted Fendt, 2016, 61´ Gast: Ted Fendt

5.11.2017 | 18:00 Uhr | fsk Kino
La guer­re d’Algérie!, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2014, 2´, Kommunisten, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2014, 70´, Gast: Christophe Clavert

5.11.2017 | 20:00 Uhr | fsk Kino
Machorka-Muff, R: Huillet/Straub, 1962, 17´, L’Aquarium et la Nation, R: Jean-Marie Straub, 2015, 31´, Gast: Christophe Clavert,
Moderation: Claudia Pummer

Teheran Tabu

A film by Ali Soozandeh.

Animation pro­ves a cun­ning tech­ni­cal choice in TEHRAN TABOO, a first fea­ture writ­ten and direc­ted by Ali Soozandeh. Like Marjane Satrapi’s 2007 PERSEPOLIS, it offers just enough distance to explo­re the high­ly char­ged the­me of sexu­al and per­so­nal free­dom in Iran wit­hout sala­cious­ness. Women are the main vic­tims here, whe­ther mar­ried, divorced or sin­gle, and their lives are depic­ted as pure tragedy.
Far from the usu­al vic­ti­mi­zed street­wal­ker, the pro­sti­tu­te Pari in the first epi­so­de embo­dies the truth that no repres­si­ve sys­tem can com­ple­te­ly quell the human spi­rit. There’s some­thing that recalls Anna Magnani’s eart­hi­ness and gre­at heart in Elmira Rafizadeh’s many-hued per­for­mance. Pari’s back­story is a fai­led mar­ria­ge to a drug addict who is now in pri­son. When she tri­es to get a judge in the Islamic Revolutionary Court to sign her divorce papers, he bar­ters his signa­tu­re for a con­cu­bi­ne arran­ge­ment. She moves into an apart­ment he owns with litt­le Elias, which is not such a bad deal. (Deborah Young)

Deutschland/ Österreich 2017, 96 Min., far­si OmU
Regie & Buch: Ali Soozandeh
Kamera: Martin Gschlacht
Schnitt: Frank Geiger,Andrea Mertens
Darsteller: Elmira Rafizadeh, Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Arash Marandi, Negar Nasseri, Bilal Yasar, Morteza Tavakoli, Alireza Bayram, Klaus Ofczarek

Animals – Stadt Land Tier

A film by Greg Zglinski. Starts 16.11. at the fsk. In ger­man and french with ger­man subtitles

Nick and Anna are off to Switzerland for six months. Nick wants to coll­ect recipes of local cui­sine, and Anna final­ly hopes to wri­te a new book. The time away might be good for their rela­ti­onship too, for Anna knows about Nick’s affair with their neigh­bour Andrea, who threw hers­elf out the win­dow. Mischa will be taking care of the fish and the phi­lo­den­dron in their Viennese apart­ment while they’re gone. On the dri­ve to Switzerland, they col­l­i­de with a sheep.
As the nar­ra­ti­ve pro­gres­ses, the more it under­mi­nes cer­tain­ties and sows doubts. At what point did the plot actual­ly begin? Are the cha­rac­ters real­ly them­sel­ves, or mere­ly fig­ments of someone else’s ima­gi­na­ti­on? First the time­frames beco­me con­fu­sed, befo­re spa­ti­al boun­da­ries are also sus­pen­ded. Disconcerting par­al­lels emer­ge bet­ween the Vienna apart­ment and the Swiss cha­let. And doesn’t the ice cream sel­ler in the neigh­bou­ring town look just like Mischa? Is Anna’s jea­lou­sy unfoun­ded, or should she lis­ten to the advice of the tal­king cat? Is Mischa actual­ly Andrea? Will every ques­ti­on be ans­we­red by the end? Wait and see, for the mind games that Tiere allows to play out bet­ween Vienna and the Swiss Alps are most sophisticated.

OT: Tiere
Schweiz / Österreich / Polen 2017, 95 Min., Farbe,  deutsch und frz mit dt. Ut.
Regie: Greg Zglinski

Buch: Jörg Kalt, Greg Zglinski
Kamera: Piotr Jaxa
Schnitt: Karina Ressler

Birgit Minichmayr (Anna)
Philipp Hochmair (Nick)
Mona Petri (Mischa/Andrea/Eisverkäuferin)
Mehdi Nebbou (Tarek)
Michael Ostrowski (Harald)

Animals – Stadt Land Tier – Trailer 1 – Deutsch


A film by Michael Glawogger and Monika Willi. In ger­man and eng­lish with ger­man subtitles

This film seeks to crea­te an image of the world that can only be made if you don’t fol­low a topic, try to judge or pur­sue a par­ti­cu­lar aim. It’s about allo­wing ones­elf to drift along, pro­pel­led by not­hing except your own curio­si­ty and intui­ti­on.’ These are the words of Michael Glawogger, who­se ear­lier films had often been about glo­bal explo­ita­ti­on. In 2014 the direc­tor died during his aim­less jour­ney through the Balkans, Italy, North and West Africa after con­trac­ting mala­ria just five months ear­lier. Two years after his death, his edi­tor Monika Willi took on the task of com­ple­ting his film. Combining hard cuts with a gent­ler, quie­ter style of editing she has shaped from Glawogger’s foo­ta­ge a fasci­na­ting, visual­ly stun­ning docu­ment accom­pa­nied by a strong but unob­tru­si­ve mix­tu­re of ori­gi­nal and com­po­sed sounds. Untitled is a rest­less film about move­ment and tra­vel­ling, about the unknown and the other. Above all howe­ver – and this is what turns the magic of the images and the act of obser­ving into a tru­ly exci­ting expe­ri­ence – this is a film about the poet­ry of the arbi­tra­ry. A trip across the world in order to obser­ve, lis­ten and expe­ri­ence. A jour­ney that is raw, cou­ra­ge­ous and honest.


Österreich / Deutschland 2017, engl. dt. OmU, 107 Min .
Regie: Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
Kamera: Attila Boa
Schnitt: Monika Willi

UNTITLED – Offizieller Trailer


A film by Nicolas Wackerbarth. Q&A on 2.11. with Nicolas Wackerbarth .

For her first tele­vi­si­on film – a remake of Fassbinder’s Die bit­te­ren Tränen der Petra von Kant – direc­tor Vera wants the per­fect cast. But the first day of shoo­ting is fast approa­ching and the num­e­rous cas­ting ses­si­ons have yet to find a sui­ta­ble actress to play the lea­ding role. Although the pro­du­cer and crew are get­ting ever more exas­pe­ra­ted with Vera, Gerwin is hap­py about the extra work, as he ear­ns his money as an audi­tion rea­der, deli­ve­ring the lines of dia­lo­gue to the star­ry can­di­da­tes at the various cas­tings. When the male lead sud­den­ly has to back out, Gerwin thinks that this might just be his chance.
Director Nicolas Wackerbarth cap­tures the com­plex essence of Fassbinder’s film and simul­ta­neous­ly crea­tes a pro­found work of his own. Casting takes an unflin­ching look at the mur­ky depths of human rela­ti­onships dri­ven by power, pas­si­on and despe­ra­ti­on. Yet Wackerbarth also brings bit­ter truths to light about power rela­ti­ons and depen­den­ci­es in the German tele­vi­si­on indus­try almost in pas­sing. Casting is both intel­li­gent and enter­tai­ning, mark­ed by exci­ting tur­ning points, humour and the breath­ta­king acting per­for­man­ces by a tru­ly vir­tuo­so ensemble.


D 2017, 91 Min. 
Regie: Nicolas Wackerbarth 
Kamera: Jürgen Carle 
Schnitt: Saskia Metten 
Mit: Andreas Lust, Judith Engel, Ursina Lardi, Corinna Kirchhoff, Andrea Sawatzki, Milena Dreissig, Nicole Marischka, Stephan Grossmann, Marie-Lou Sellem

Casting (Offizieller Trailer)

Die Welt sehen

A film by Muriel and Delphine Coulin. In frensh with ger­man subtitles.

At the end of their tour of duty in Afghanistan, two young military
women, Aurore and Marine, are given three days of »decom­pres­si­on
lea­ve« with their unit at a five-star resort in cyprus. Here, among tourists,
they are trai­ned to lea­ve their vio­lent memo­ries behind. But it’s not that
easy to for­get the war.

»What do you see when you go to war? Nothing. First of all, becau­se the
moments of inac­tion at the camp are num­e­rous. Secondly, becau­se when
the fight­ing actual­ly hap­pens you don’t see a thing – you fight for your life.
Finally becau­se ever­yo­ne sees what hap­pen­ed from their own perspective,
which is a par­ti­al view of rea­li­ty. During the decom­pres­si­on peri­od, Aurore
and Marine par­ti­ci­pa­te in debrie­fing ses­si­ons that are going to make them
think dif­fer­ent­ly about what they saw. The psy­cho­lo­gists use vir­tu­al reality
video tools to recrea­te images in real time that cor­re­spond to the soldiers’
nar­ra­ti­ve. The goal is for the sol­diers to distance them­sel­ves from their
pain­ful memo­ries through words and images. (…) It is impos­si­ble – and
per­haps not real­ly desi­ra­ble – to for­get war, the­se wars, whe­ther we have
par­ti­ci­pa­ted from near or afar. We are remin­ded of this every day. The
Stopover addres­ses this issue: How can we mana­ge to live despi­te having
expe­ri­en­ced such a vio­lent episode?«
Delphine and Muriel Coulin

Feature Film Award winner:
Dortmund|Cologne International Women’s Film Festival 2017

Voir du pays
Frankreich 2016, 102 Min., frz. OmU
Kamera: Jean-Louis Vialard, Benoît Dervaux
Schnitt: Laurence Briaud
Soko, Ariane Labed, Ginger Romàn, Karim Leklou, Andreas

Trailer „Die Welt sehen” OmU from Peripher Filmverleih on Vimeo.

Verleih mit Unterstützung des:



The Square

A film by Ruben Östlund. In swe­dish with ger­man subtitles.

The Square is a 2017 Swedish sati­ri­cal dra­ma film direc­ted by Ruben Östlund and star­ring Claes Bang, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, and Terry Notary. The film is about publi­ci­ty sur­roun­ding an art instal­la­ti­on, and was part­ly inspi­red by an instal­la­ti­on Östlund and pro­du­cer Kalle Boman had made. It was shot in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Berlin.

The film was ente­red into the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, whe­re it recei­ved posi­ti­ve reviews and won the Palme d’Or. It was sub­se­quent­ly sel­ec­ted for the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival.

In the after­math of the aboli­ti­on of the Monarchy of Sweden, the Stockholm Palace has been con­ver­ted into an art muse­um. Christian is a cura­tor at the muse­um, who finds his pro­gres­si­ve world view shaken when his mobi­le pho­ne is sto­len. While mana­ging a space set to show a new instal­la­ti­on pie­ce, he finds a public rela­ti­ons com­pa­ny to pro­mo­te the instal­la­ti­on, crea­ting a gre­at deal of cha­os. (wiki­pe­dia)

Schweden 2017, schw. OmU, 142 Min.
Regie & Buch: Ruben Östlund
Darsteller: Claes Bang, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, Terry Notary, Christopher Laesso, Jan Lindwall