
A film by Nicolas Wackerbarth. Q&A on 2.11. with Nicolas Wackerbarth .

For her first tele­vi­si­on film – a remake of Fassbinder’s Die bit­te­ren Tränen der Petra von Kant – direc­tor Vera wants the per­fect cast. But the first day of shoo­ting is fast approa­ching and the num­e­rous cas­ting ses­si­ons have yet to find a sui­ta­ble actress to play the lea­ding role. Although the pro­du­cer and crew are get­ting ever more exas­pe­ra­ted with Vera, Gerwin is hap­py about the extra work, as he ear­ns his money as an audi­tion rea­der, deli­ve­ring the lines of dia­lo­gue to the star­ry can­di­da­tes at the various cas­tings. When the male lead sud­den­ly has to back out, Gerwin thinks that this might just be his chance.
Director Nicolas Wackerbarth cap­tures the com­plex essence of Fassbinder’s film and simul­ta­neous­ly crea­tes a pro­found work of his own. Casting takes an unflin­ching look at the mur­ky depths of human rela­ti­onships dri­ven by power, pas­si­on and despe­ra­ti­on. Yet Wackerbarth also brings bit­ter truths to light about power rela­ti­ons and depen­den­ci­es in the German tele­vi­si­on indus­try almost in pas­sing. Casting is both intel­li­gent and enter­tai­ning, mark­ed by exci­ting tur­ning points, humour and the breath­ta­king acting per­for­man­ces by a tru­ly vir­tuo­so ensemble.


D 2017, 91 Min. 
Regie: Nicolas Wackerbarth 
Kamera: Jürgen Carle 
Schnitt: Saskia Metten 
Mit: Andreas Lust, Judith Engel, Ursina Lardi, Corinna Kirchhoff, Andrea Sawatzki, Milena Dreissig, Nicole Marischka, Stephan Grossmann, Marie-Lou Sellem

Casting (Offizieller Trailer)