
A film by Michael Glawogger and Monika Willi. In ger­man and eng­lish with ger­man subtitles

This film seeks to crea­te an image of the world that can only be made if you don’t fol­low a topic, try to judge or pur­sue a par­ti­cu­lar aim. It’s about allo­wing ones­elf to drift along, pro­pel­led by not­hing except your own curio­si­ty and intui­ti­on.’ These are the words of Michael Glawogger, who­se ear­lier films had often been about glo­bal explo­ita­ti­on. In 2014 the direc­tor died during his aim­less jour­ney through the Balkans, Italy, North and West Africa after con­trac­ting mala­ria just five months ear­lier. Two years after his death, his edi­tor Monika Willi took on the task of com­ple­ting his film. Combining hard cuts with a gent­ler, quie­ter style of editing she has shaped from Glawogger’s foo­ta­ge a fasci­na­ting, visual­ly stun­ning docu­ment accom­pa­nied by a strong but unob­tru­si­ve mix­tu­re of ori­gi­nal and com­po­sed sounds. Untitled is a rest­less film about move­ment and tra­vel­ling, about the unknown and the other. Above all howe­ver – and this is what turns the magic of the images and the act of obser­ving into a tru­ly exci­ting expe­ri­ence – this is a film about the poet­ry of the arbi­tra­ry. A trip across the world in order to obser­ve, lis­ten and expe­ri­ence. A jour­ney that is raw, cou­ra­ge­ous and honest.


Österreich / Deutschland 2017, engl. dt. OmU, 107 Min .
Regie: Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
Kamera: Attila Boa
Schnitt: Monika Willi

UNTITLED – Offizieller Trailer