Die Welt sehen

A film by Muriel and Delphine Coulin. In frensh with ger­man subtitles.

At the end of their tour of duty in Afghanistan, two young military
women, Aurore and Marine, are given three days of »decom­pres­si­on
lea­ve« with their unit at a five-star resort in cyprus. Here, among tourists,
they are trai­ned to lea­ve their vio­lent memo­ries behind. But it’s not that
easy to for­get the war.

»What do you see when you go to war? Nothing. First of all, becau­se the
moments of inac­tion at the camp are num­e­rous. Secondly, becau­se when
the fight­ing actual­ly hap­pens you don’t see a thing – you fight for your life.
Finally becau­se ever­yo­ne sees what hap­pen­ed from their own perspective,
which is a par­ti­al view of rea­li­ty. During the decom­pres­si­on peri­od, Aurore
and Marine par­ti­ci­pa­te in debrie­fing ses­si­ons that are going to make them
think dif­fer­ent­ly about what they saw. The psy­cho­lo­gists use vir­tu­al reality
video tools to recrea­te images in real time that cor­re­spond to the soldiers’
nar­ra­ti­ve. The goal is for the sol­diers to distance them­sel­ves from their
pain­ful memo­ries through words and images. (…) It is impos­si­ble – and
per­haps not real­ly desi­ra­ble – to for­get war, the­se wars, whe­ther we have
par­ti­ci­pa­ted from near or afar. We are remin­ded of this every day. The
Stopover addres­ses this issue: How can we mana­ge to live despi­te having
expe­ri­en­ced such a vio­lent episode?«
Delphine and Muriel Coulin

Feature Film Award winner:
Dortmund|Cologne International Women’s Film Festival 2017

Voir du pays
Frankreich 2016, 102 Min., frz. OmU
Kamera: Jean-Louis Vialard, Benoît Dervaux
Schnitt: Laurence Briaud
Soko, Ariane Labed, Ginger Romàn, Karim Leklou, Andreas

Trailer „Die Welt sehen” OmU from Peripher Filmverleih on Vimeo.

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