
A film by Alexandra Balteanu. In roma­ni­an with ger­man subtitles.

Short moments and con­ver­sa­ti­ons pie­ce tog­e­ther the por­trait of three women’s working day. Lidia rai­ses pige­ons and lives a mun­da­ne exis­tence with a hus­band and two child­ren. Denisa, the feis­tier of the three, wants to buy her freel­oa­der boy­fri­end a new pair of snea­k­ers. Vanesa, the youn­gest, dreams of fin­ding the per­fect guy with green eyes. All three share a work­place as sex-workers under a bridge on the high­way con­nec­ting Bucharest to the next city. In spi­te of their rival­ry, the three women try to make their time wort­hwhile by sha­ring food or spaw­ning sto­ries about their hard­ships and their loves. Besides the con­stant com­pe­ti­ti­on, they are also pres­su­red by the thre­at from the local poli­ce. Most days are punc­tua­ted by visits from the dis­trict poli­ce­men, who come to coll­ect their ‚pocket money‘. The men enjoy play­ing a game of ‚cat and mou­se‘ with them and one day, such a visit takes an unex­pec­ted turn.

D 2016, 75. Min., rumän. OmU, 
Regie & Drehbuch: Alexandra Balteanu
Kamera: Matan Radin
Schnitt: Antonella Sarubbi
mit: Corina Moise, Iulia Lumânare, Iulia Ciochină, Sergiu Costache, Dragoş Olaru

Vanatoare – Trailer 1 – ro – UT Deutsch