Animals – Stadt Land Tier

A film by Greg Zglinski. Starts 16.11. at the fsk. In ger­man and french with ger­man subtitles

Nick and Anna are off to Switzerland for six months. Nick wants to coll­ect recipes of local cui­sine, and Anna final­ly hopes to wri­te a new book. The time away might be good for their rela­ti­onship too, for Anna knows about Nick’s affair with their neigh­bour Andrea, who threw hers­elf out the win­dow. Mischa will be taking care of the fish and the phi­lo­den­dron in their Viennese apart­ment while they’re gone. On the dri­ve to Switzerland, they col­l­i­de with a sheep.
As the nar­ra­ti­ve pro­gres­ses, the more it under­mi­nes cer­tain­ties and sows doubts. At what point did the plot actual­ly begin? Are the cha­rac­ters real­ly them­sel­ves, or mere­ly fig­ments of someone else’s ima­gi­na­ti­on? First the time­frames beco­me con­fu­sed, befo­re spa­ti­al boun­da­ries are also sus­pen­ded. Disconcerting par­al­lels emer­ge bet­ween the Vienna apart­ment and the Swiss cha­let. And doesn’t the ice cream sel­ler in the neigh­bou­ring town look just like Mischa? Is Anna’s jea­lou­sy unfoun­ded, or should she lis­ten to the advice of the tal­king cat? Is Mischa actual­ly Andrea? Will every ques­ti­on be ans­we­red by the end? Wait and see, for the mind games that Tiere allows to play out bet­ween Vienna and the Swiss Alps are most sophisticated.

OT: Tiere
Schweiz / Österreich / Polen 2017, 95 Min., Farbe,  deutsch und frz mit dt. Ut.
Regie: Greg Zglinski

Buch: Jörg Kalt, Greg Zglinski
Kamera: Piotr Jaxa
Schnitt: Karina Ressler

Birgit Minichmayr (Anna)
Philipp Hochmair (Nick)
Mona Petri (Mischa/Andrea/Eisverkäuferin)
Mehdi Nebbou (Tarek)
Michael Ostrowski (Harald)

Animals – Stadt Land Tier – Trailer 1 – Deutsch